Employee on trial alongside abortionist charged with murder vows death over jail time
“They can kill me, I’m not going back to jail.”
~ Elizabeth Hampton, mug shot right, a former employee of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who a judge has ruled must stand trial with him, although she is only charged with perjury.
Gosnell, his wife, and three employees are charged with murdering a patient and seven abortion-surviving newborns. Four other employees, including Hampton, are charged with lesser crimes.
But the judge has ruled “the daughter of a 41-yr-old immigrant who died and other witnesses should not have to testify repeatedly,” quoting CBS News, September 30.
chain gonsell and the other demons from hell in solitary for one hundred years. the death penalty is the easy way out.
Where did this woman have to go in her heart to do this again and again and again? She says she is not going back to jail….was she there previously?
She along with Gosnell et al. have fofeited their humanity.
Well, lucky for her, PA doesn’t give the death penalty to those convicted of perjury. I pray she’ll take responsibility for her actions.
Yeah, I too wondered if she has a record, from her statement.
Good for the judge to spare the victim by providing her the opportunity to testify only the once. I just watched a video by Henry Rollins about the shooting death of his best friend.
The part that teared me up is when he says that HE is living with a death sentence because of his friend’s death (Right around 1:50).
This young woman lost her mother, I have yet to work up any sympathy for Gosnell and his crew.
God IS watching !! Jesus IS coming with his rewards for Evil and good !! SOON !!!
Do not repeat the mistake of the abortionists: no one loses his humanity or has to earn it somehow. Ever.
We may lose rights and privileges due to our crimes, but our humanity is always intact, even when we act like beasts.
And where are the usual pro-abort trolls to defend these monstrous human beings? Or is Gosnell just too embarrassing, and they won’t talk about him in hopes the story will just go away?
I don’t understand…we(women) are taught that Roe vs. Wade was fought on behalf of the “safety” of a woman. Not only is a woman dead, as well as multiple babies, but it is obvious by reading Hampton’s comment that she has a past criminal history.Why would Gosnell hire someone with a criminal history? Did he even care to background check any of his employees? I know it’s minuet in comparison to the “services” Gosnell was preforming on women/babies…but I think it goes to show how truly UNsafe the pro-abortion culture and clinics have become. Gosnell,Hampton, and all those involved have a right to a fair trial (which is far more than the murdered human beings were given) Therefor, I won’t comment further…I do however hope that this might cause some light bulbs to go off in peoples heads.
Okay you go into the clinic and you are greeted by a worker that looks like an escapee from the doom video game and nothing in your head says maybe I am in the wrong place???
Desperate women do desperate things while staring evil in the face.
Remember, too, that Gosnell treated refugee women, many of whom came from countries where paying someone to murder your child was illegal so they wouldn’t expect anything different than the seedy establishment and shifty-eyed staff. Of course, as heart-rending and disgusting as the Grand Jury report is, remember that had all this taken place in a ritzy building with trim, manicured, beautiful nurses attending, the children (and women) would be no less dead.
@Opening My Eyes: Carhart has a history of employing people with criminal records, some even with drug convictions. When several of them left his employ and were swearing affidavits against him (claiming practices like non-medical personnel administering medication, IVs, etc), he came out with their checkered pasts to tarnish them, claiming they were liars. Funny, that was considered a qualification when hired to “counsel” at his abortuary. It’s called leverage, and I suspect Gosnell employed simliar tactics. My two cents.