NARAL not exactly fans of Bachmann and Cain
Bachmann and Cain: two candidates who should make any pro-choice voter say, “Nein, nein, nein!”
~ Thomas, NARAL’s Blog for Choice, October 17

Bachmann and Cain: two candidates who should make any pro-choice voter say, “Nein, nein, nein!”
~ Thomas, NARAL’s Blog for Choice, October 17
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I know Thomas thinks he’s being funny with the German play on words (9-9-9), but how ironic is it that he describes 2 advocates for Life with words that invoke Hitler, and more appropriately, his American eugenics counterpart, Margaret Sanger.
Courtnay, I was just thinking the same thing. Cutesy attempt at a play on words intended or not, didn’t this person think about what this would actually sound like and invoke?
No, Jespren, because Thomas and his ilk don’t think all that much.
And I will take my queue from Inglorious Bastards and say “Oh yes, yes, yes!”
Yes, this was a rather poor choice of words.
Did anyone watch the debates? Bachmann is so petite. Cain isn’t really good at defending his viewpoints. I didn’t watch much of it because it was kind of boring.
“I know Thomas thinks he’s being funny with the German play on words (9-9-9), but how ironic is it that he describes 2 advocates for Life with words that invoke Hitler, and more appropriately, his American eugenics counterpart, Margaret Sanger.”
Great point. Hitler did, in fact, invent the German word for “no”; prior to that, Germans could only answer questions in the affirmative with “ja”, which made them a very agreeable bunch of people as you can imagine.
I see joan is not familiar with modern cinema. XD
OMG! What some people know about German would fit in tattooed Barbie’s teeny tiny thimble. Joan, really, I didn’t have to have studied German in college to want to send you to Berlin for an immersion course. For goodness sake, woman, get off Wikipedia and do some real reading and travelling!
And remember, ein Berliner is a donut, not a person, lol!
Ok, now I’m hungry…
Now I want a beignet. THANKS, NINEK. Pbblltth.
ninek, I think joan was being sarcastic.
Xalisae: ninek, I think joan was being sarcastic.
She shoots… She scores! :)
Joan has dropped some pretty far out comments in the past: I wouldn’t assume.. lol!
For freaking real…am I the only one here who’s seen Inglorious Bastards? Really? Because it actually is a very, very good movie. I loved it.
X, me too, I liked it a lot. But, I would have liked a little more screen time of Inglorious adventures and maybe trim a few moments off some of the other scenes.
Well, one other Presidential Candidates has flipped Cain’s 9-9-9 plan upside down and said ‘The Devil is in the Details’…
Actually, X-G, I thought it was pretty funny.
I love Herman Cain’s philosophy on life: Just go out there and bust it.
A word that Germans use every day and is used as a parody of nine-nine-nine and you invoke hitler! Incredible.
It was a very good movie.
my husband is jewish and just couldnt believe there were jewish abortionists. he asked me “how could they do that after the holocaust? i informed him about bernard nathanson and the guy in canada. i also remember when jewish abortionist barnett slepian was killed by a sniper while he was in his living room.
jewish or not any abortionist is in it for greed and money
lol. I didn’t think my comment would stay up long on NARAL’s site, but this was pretty quick. XD
Not necessarily so heather. Some see it as doing something worthwhile, helping women in trouble and carrying out procedures commensurate with society’s functioning.
Ah, yes. Just your friendly neighborhood abortionist. I’m sure the day isn’t far off when they’re invited into schools on Career Day. Mmm. Maybe I shouldn’t give them any ideas.
You know what’s REALLY incredible?? We have to actually still explain to people in this day and age that human beings are all EQUAL. That’s what I find incredible.
@ x lol i could have saved you the time:) ive tried to post at pandagon feministing im not sorry….they arent going to put any pro life facts up! i think jenn put it best “no toleance for the truth.” and lol @ pandagon their will be no abusive comments posted. well last time i checked isnt a post with every other word a curse word abusive. wishing death on gianna jensen and trig palin not abusive either? i guess not. but a factual pro life comment is not allowed. hmmmmmmmm.
no reality. youve just proven to me that abortionists have outsmarted you. trust me would you have died if you had remained pregnant? most pregnancy related illnesses are 100% treatable today. anyway abortion isnt healthcare and the abortionists are in it for money. after your abortion you can go kick mud as far as they care.
Inglorious Basterds is an amazing movie!
“You know, fightin’ in a basement offers a lot of difficulties. Number one being, you’re fightin’ in a basement!”
Abortionists’ compassion for women ends when the credit card scanner reads “approved.”
Eh. I’m not too worried, heather. Honestly, ignoring me and removing my comment rather than addressing what was written is to their detriment. I only posted there to point out to them that I am a woman. Most of the other pro-lifers that I associate with on a daily basis are also women. I tried to tell them that their attempt to frame abortion as a women’s rights issue is destined for failure, especially as more and more women and women’s organizations rise to prominence within the pro-life movement. I tried to tell them that the reason we women fight against legalized abortion is not because we loathe or despise our own rights-which is an absurd notion on its face. You can just look at Michelle Bachmann exercising her right to occupy public office and thousands of women exercising their rights to vote for her to see their folly. I notified them that we fight against abortion because it is a human rights violation. I mentioned that no parent has a right to kill a child of whom they currently have custody, and now more than ever we know due to medical technological advancements like ultrasound and DNA testing that the gestating human being is a living human being who is the biological child of his or her mother (the pregnant woman) and her partner.
If they don’t want to hear that, and can’t address it, then they are destined for failure, because it is the plain and simple, truth. And I’m glad they must ignore it, because it shows their time is drawing near.
x i figured you werent too upset:/ i have also placed phone calls to susan komen naral and now to try to explain the wrongs of the things they do. they do not care. they think they are right. btw egglands best is raising money for komen. dont buy!!!!!
look for the pink komen or koman ribbon when youb grocery shop and boycott it! i love lays potatoe chips and i refused to buy. also many yogurts. goodb thing i dont like yogurt that much. they are giving your money to planned parenthood.
Xalisae: I only posted there to point out to them that I am a woman. Most of the other pro-lifers that I associate with on a daily basis are also women. I tried to tell them that their attempt to frame abortion as a women’s rights issue is destined for failure, especially as more and more women and women’s organizations rise to prominence within the pro-life movement.
If they remove your posts, X, then that’s too bad. I’m sure I’m not the only pro-choicer that enjoys your “fired-up” mode. However, while I agree that a good tack for pro-lifers to pursue is treating the abortion issue as a “human rights” deal, I think for pro-choicers the “women’s rights” approach is by far the best.
I tried to tell them that the reason we women fight against legalized abortion is not because we loathe or despise our own rights-which is an absurd notion on its face.
Agreed. Of course.
You can just look at Michelle Bachmann exercising her right to occupy public office and thousands of women exercising their rights to vote for her to see their folly. I notified them that we fight against abortion because it is a human rights violation. I mentioned that no parent has a right to kill a child of whom they currently have custody, and now more than ever we know due to medical technological advancements like ultrasound and DNA testing that the gestating human being is a living human being who is the biological child of his or her mother (the pregnant woman) and her partner. If they don’t want to hear that, and can’t address it, then they are destined for failure, because it is the plain and simple, truth.
I think “not wanting to hear it” is lame. Seems to me that your assertions are easy to address, but maybe they don’t want a “spirited discussion,” and more’s the pity if so.
Is Cain Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? I didn’t see the breakdown of his recent interviews on this site – did I miss it? That seems like huge pro-life news to debate.
agreed, Ex-GOP. He seems to think the woman should make the decision. Sure, the decision should be not to abort, but her decision nonetheless.
Sources of mine, say Cain, is more prolife then the majority of POTUS candidates in the Republican field as of 10/21/11….2:33 a.m. The field is about to be a few shorter…Watch this next three weeks…….
John -
What was with the Morgan interview then? Was Cain just old and confused or something?
Cain, is more prolife then the majority of POTUS candidates
This statement is true…………
Cain is much more experienced then you and I.
With/in time, He will show the voters of our nation, that he will protect life.