Pro-life Emilio Estevez: Not afraid to give voice to the preborn in new movie
We give voice to the unborn, and again, that is another thing Hollywood doesn’t necesssarily celebrate.
~ Actor/director Emilio Estevez describing his latest film, The Way, featuring his father, actor Martin Sheen, as quoted by Big Hollywood, October 15

This looks good!!
I have always liked Emilio. :)
PS His dad is Martin Sheen not the messed up bro Charlie Sheen.
Thanks for pointing that out! Updated.
What a hero.
Watched the trailer and liked it. Looks like an interesting story!
I saw this movie last year at the FOCUS retreat in D.C. and was honored with the presence of both of these gentlemen for a Q&A session after the movie ended.
The Way is an inspiring movie with great message. Everyone should watch this movie.
I didn’t know they were pro-life. That’s pretty cool.
I disagree with him on abortion, but I admire Martin Sheen’s consistency. I think he’s one of the relatively few people who really deserves to be called “pro-life”, unlike most (evangelical) Christian conservatives who are obsessed with abortion but indifferent to or supportive of capital punishment, unnecessary wars, environmentally hazardous business practices, and other things that directly impact the human life that they claim to cherish so.
Joan, once again, not everyone in the prolife movement is conservative, evangelical, or even Christian!
I can’t speak for Evangelical Christians but I can tell you that Catholic social doctrine and teaching is consistent and coherent on the dignity of human life. First and foremost, that means that the child in the womb cannot be killed — it is no one’s right. It is gravely evil and always will be. The mistake people like Joan always make is in believing that abortion and capital punishment are equally grave acts, when they are not.
Abortion always takes the life of an innocent, defenseless child. It’s done under the perverted guise of “choice” and “rights.” But no one has the right to kill a child. Ever.
Capital punishment, though mostly unnecessary in our modern society, is designed for the safety and protection of innocent people from a person who represents a serious threat and has committed a serious crime. Capital punishment is the penalty for a heinous crime. The child in the womb commits no crime. While the Church pleads for civil authorities to use other methods of punishment and deterrent, out of respect for human life (even the guilty), the Church understands that governments may exercise the right to enforce capital punishment and it is NOT equivalent to abortion.
The Church is also an outspoken advocate for proper care of the environment, but the Church does not elevate environmentalism to a religion the way our society does.
Catholic teaching is also clear on the concept of a just war, and is strongly opposed to military conflicts that do not meet the criteria of a just war. Whether our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq meet that criteria or not is open to much debate and disagreement among Catholics.
But I doubt very much that Joan has any interest in what the Church actually teaches. She prefers to believe whatever she wants about the Catholic Church, and then about Christians in general. But if it’s truly coherent consistency she’s looking for, she needs to look no further than Rome.
Jen, exactly right. Thing is, joan is a Catholic (supposedly).
So, joan, if you admire consistency so much, why are you so inconsistent in your support for the Church’s social teachings? I presume you are against war, capital punishment, for the environment, etc. Why are you so inconsistent in regard to abortion? You hate killing in war, but are gung-ho for abortion.
Or do these things matter at all to you, except as debate points?
Ooooh. Joan?
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I think this film has the possibility of opening the door for many fallen away Catholics to come home.
Wonder how Charlie became so messed up?
I always thought Emilio was the best looking Sheen! Great job! So many wonderful God fearing movies out there lately.
Apparently it runs in the family Amber.
Sad to think Martin and Emilio have lost a family member to abortion. Kacey Jordan the porn star had apparently aborted Charlie’s baby.
Sydney M. says:
October 17, 2011 at 8:53 pm
Sad to think Martin and Emilio have lost a family member to abortion. Kacey Jordan the porn star had apparently aborted Charlie’s baby.
(Denise) She said she wasn’t sure who impregnated her. It might have been Charlie but was more likely to be “another A-list celebrity.” She had 5 abortions and a 2nd the same year. Finally, she had an IUD implanted. I know some of you don’t think that’s an improvement but I sure do — and sure hope it works.
Martin Sheen on Obama: ‘I Adore Him’ – ‘He’s Doing a Great Job’
Amber Currie says:
October 17, 2011 at 6:39 pm
Wonder how Charlie became so messed up?
(Denise) Martin Sheen may be an admirable man in many respects. That doesn’t mean he was a good or even adequate Dad to Charlie. Even if he was a good Dad, there were other things going on in Charlie’s life, both as a child and as an adult.
Denise, an IUD is a personal abortion device. Not only did she have her own babies killed, she is also someone’s baby herself. It’s a sad situation. I hope she finds peace and healing.
ninek says:
October 18, 2011 at 10:44 am
Denise, an IUD is a personal abortion device. Not only did she have her own babies killed, she is also someone’s baby herself. It’s a sad situation. I hope she finds peace and healing.
(Denise) My understanding is that most of the time, the IUD works to PREVENT FERTILIZATION. In the rare instance that fertilization occurs, it may prevent the pregnancy by making it impossible for the fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. So it usually prevents fertilization, thus, preventing pregnancies that may end negatively. In rare instances, an egg is fertilized but prevented from implanting. I know you believe that a fertilized egg is a human being so you believe that, in rare instances, the IUD acts as an abortificient. I don’t accept that a fertilized egg — that can split into twins — is a person so I don’t see its failure to implant as a tragedy. I do see the ripping apart of arms and legs and a head and the stopping of a beating heart as a tragedy. Thus, to me, the implantation of the IUD is likely to prevent tragedies.
I fully support research into other means to prevent problem pregnancies through contraception. I also fully support societal changes making abstinence more popular.
Wow, you know that when an egg is fertilized, immediately there is a new entity: a zygote. A “fertilized egg” is a phrase that abortionists love because it dehumanizes the new human being.
An IUD does nothing at all to prevent the sperm from swimming up the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg. Basically, an IUD is like a snow plow, and as it moves around it scrapes any unfortunate developing human beings that might be trying to “implant” in their mother’s uterus. Some IUD’s have a hormonal component, but as we see with women who become pregnant while on the pill, hormones don’t solve but in fact create problems.
Not only that, but the complications from IUD’s can be devestating to women, and sometimes makes them permanently infertile. But hey, as long as it helps make the fertility clinics and doctors richer, who cares, right? What are women except ATM’s for the pharmacuetical companies, the abortionists, and the fertility industry that is growing as women’s health is being destroyed. It all paints a real pretty picture, doesn’t it? Who cares about healthy reproductive organs when there’s money to be made.
It’s good some of you abortion advocates don’t believe in the afterlife. How awkward might it be to meet your aborted child on the other side and say, “Hey, you weren’t anyone yet so it was ok to kill you. No hard feelings, huh Junior?”
I fully support societal changes where we inform people that sex is how babies are made.
ninek says:
October 18, 2011 at 2:34 pm
I fully support societal changes where we inform people that sex is how babies are made.
(Denise) How do we make abstinence from sex more common? It seems to me that one way might be to reduce the necessity for face-to-face — which can lead to body-to-body — contact. More education at home and more working from home may lead to less of this type of contact.
When there is personal contact, we need to encourage people to relate to each other on intellectual, rather than sexual, bases.
If a zygote is a person, does that person die when the zygote twins?
If so, do we need to find ways to prevent twinning since a human being is killed in this process?
Are you deliberately obtuse? We need to find ways to prevent obtuseness. If a zygote twins, and the first twin was obtuse, does that mean the second twin will also be obtuse?
Yes, we definitely need to stop spending time with other people since we’re wild animals who can’t control our sexuality. I mean, when I was in line at the bank, two people just started having sex right there in front of the teller!! And yesterday, at the grocery store, I needed tomatoes but the clerk was too busy having sex in the freezer case to restock the produce. Wow, crazy world isn’t it? I’d drive home, but I’m out of gas and the gas station attendant is too busy having sex with his customers to take my money.
ninek says:
October 18, 2011 at 3:43 pm
Are you deliberately obtuse? We need to find ways to prevent obtuseness. If a zygote twins, and the first twin was obtuse, does that mean the second twin will also be obtuse?
Yes, we definitely need to stop spending time with other people since we’re wild animals who can’t control our sexuality. I mean, when I was in line at the bank, two people just started having sex right there in front of the teller!! And yesterday, at the grocery store, I needed tomatoes but the clerk was too busy having sex in the freezer case to restock the produce. Wow, crazy world isn’t it? I’d drive home, but I’m out of gas and the gas station attendant is too busy having sex with his customers to take my money.
(Denise) Why do you treat me like I’m the enemy, ninek? Abortion, in which arms and legs are ripped off and a heart stops beating, is repulsive to me. I want to decrease this abhorrent practice.
Limiting personal contact — not eliminating it but decreasing it — is an important way to decrease sexual activity and with it problem pregnancies and STDs.
Well, you want to decrease, but not eliminate completely, the brutal practice of chopping helpless children to bits. My heart is just all warm and fuzzy.
Anyone who supports the legal murder of children is the enemy, Denise, but as the Lord told us, we must love our enemy. And if I love you, shall I join you in your folly, or shall I show you the error of your ways? You are as pro-choice as they come, Denise, yes, your allies are people like Cecile Richards and Margaret Sanger. This idea that nobody can control their sexual urges so we must legally kill preborn children is as pro-abort an idea as can be. What’s also interesting, on a tangent, is that pro-lifers sometimes get compared to the Taliban. Now, who thinks humans are so uncontrollable in the sight of an attractive person that women must veil themselves from head to toe? Who? And today, who is saying that we should avoid physical contact with each other? Who? If you pitch your tent among abortion advocates, don’t be suprised if I consider you an adversary. You can change sides any time you like, Denise. Any time.
ninek says:
October 18, 2011 at 4:28 pm
Well, you want to decrease, but not eliminate completely, the brutal practice of chopping helpless children to bits. My heart is just all warm and fuzzy.
(Denise) I recognize the unfortunate reality that it may not be possible to completely eliminate this practice. Most people who believe in criminalizing abortion — although not all — believe it should be legal if the pregnant woman is in serious danger of losing her life if she carries to term. That reason was usually accepted in the 1950s and before. The abortion was still abhorrent — arms and legs were pulled off and a heart stopped beating — but it was legally allowed. Although the amount is disputed, no one disputes that illegal abortions OCCURRED.
It simply isn’t possible to completely eliminate abortion. I believe it can be drastically reduced.
One person who believes abortion should be illegal posted, “Problem pregnancies are inevitable.” That doesn’t mean the person wants problem pregnancies to occur.
You may call a pregnancy a problem, but you know what? There’s a person, or sometimes more than one, who is alive and developing during that pregnancy. Children deserve better than abortion. A person should not be labelled a “problem” and sentenced to death before he or she can even take their first breath.
You repeat the same rhetoric that even the most cold-hearted abortion advocates use. Look what side you are on, what you defend. Look who your allies are, Denise. Is this really the legacy you want to leave behind? Is that how you want to be remembered by the world, as someone who thought it was just too darn hard to protect pre-born children so lets keep their murders legal??
Remember, it’s never to late to change sides.
Denise – haha it was kind of a rhetorical joke :P but yes, I agree. Hollywood messes people up in many ways, despite who they were raised by.
I have to agree with ninek , Denise, your anti-abortion view seems a little skewed. It’s great that you are against abortion – but you do not seem very firm in your beliefs.
Denise Noe – how about just trying to end abortion being legal, and leave it at that. people steal – even when they should not. But making abortion legal gave women and society a ‘pass’ on doing the right thing. It allowed men to abuse women, and older men to cover up their rapes/incest/pedophilia by getting rid of the evidence.
It also ended the lives of MILLIONS of children and some of their mothers.
Don’t worry about defending what happened before – because arguing the point is muddying the waters. Just concentrate on saving lives and helping women and families who need your help. You can even help families with your time, food, diapers, clothing, transportation and everything else. But first – they have to have life.
We can not eradicate all the world’s ills, but we can make it a more just and safe place for the unborn and their families if we allow mom’s bodies to continue naturally with their pregnancies.
Help all. Help all to live.
ninek says:
October 18, 2011 at 6:38 pm
You may call a pregnancy a problem, but you know what? There’s a person, or sometimes more than one, who is alive and developing during that pregnancy. Children deserve better than abortion. A person should not be labelled a “problem” and sentenced to death before he or she can even take their first breath.
(Denise) It is hard NOT to consider some pregnancies a “problem.” There is an old joke:
The doctor says, “Mrs. Jones, I have good news for you.”
Patient says, “It’s MISS Jones.”
The doctor says, “Miss Jones, I have bad news for you.”
As a teenager, I was helping my mother do the dishes. She said, “Tilla’s pregnant. Amparo wishes she’d never taken her in, she’s been such a disappointment.”
Another time my Mom saw a headline and exclaimed, “Help for pregnant girls? Tell ’em not to screw around!”
I can’t forget other people making very similar remarks indicating pregnancy was a “problem.” I remember reading about women committing suicide because they were pregnant.
I believe there is A LOT that can be done to diminish — even if it doesn’t eliminate — the pregnancies that bring frowns instead of joy. The latter don’t end in abortion or suicide. The happily pregnant woman is likely to get proper medical care and take good care of herself until the “blessed event.”
Unhappily pregnant women should be forced to know what they are seeking if they seek abortions. I believe it should be mandatory — not elective — for them to see accurate pictures of the unborn at their stage of pregnancy and be told facts about what an abortion would do to the embryo or fetus. Even though abortion would be legal after this information is received, I believe many, many would avoid it because of sheer revulsion. Those who avoided it would be motivated to take proper care of themselves until they gave birth.
I’m afraid that an across-the-board ban would end up making MARTYRS out of abortionists and female injured or killed in illegal abortions.
Just because a few people look at pregnant girls with disdain isn’t a lost hope for everyone – the girls who get abortions aren’t looked at like that, because they can keep it a secret, but what they’ve done is much worse
We need to help society to take care of pregnant mothers AND fathers – not to baby them, but to help them to be responsible parents.
Amber Currie says:
October 19, 2011 at 10:59 am
Just because a few people look at pregnant girls with disdain isn’t a lost hope for everyone – the girls who get abortions aren’t looked at like that, because they can keep it a secret, but what they’ve done is much worse
(Denise) My point is that there IS such a thing as a “problem pregnancy.” Not all pregnancies are greeted with joy. It is not just a tiny minority of people who look at pregnancies under certain circumstances “with disdain.” Hearing these remarks caused me to grow up with a terror of pregnancy.
I know that pregnancies CAN be greeted with joy and believe that much can be done to ensure that a much larger percentage of pregnancies fall into this category. I believe that will go a long way to reducing the horror of abortion.
Denise, I’m sorry that youw up with a “terror” of pregnancy – but maybe you can talk to someone at a pro-life clinic about that. They are trained to counsel people through things like that.
Yes, there are bad things and bad people in the world – but does that mean we shouldn’t give our all to make it as little as possible?
I’ve heard decades of emotional appeals that women are so upset at being pregnant they want to hurt themselves and sometimes do hurt themselves. That itself is a condition that needs to be addressed. You do not kill innocent children to solve the problems of their parents. And besides, there are too many women having ‘convenience abortions’ such as to destroy a female in favor of a future male, or to reduce twins, or even the stories we read on pro-choice blogs about women who get pregnant on purpose, then abort and tell their families that they’ve miscarried. Abortion has gotten way out of hand, and it’s horrific and brutal to keep it legal. I’m tired of pro-choicers using emotional rhetoric to try and make me feel sorry for pregnant women. I do feel bad when a woman is in a bad spot, but I feel much worse about a baby being killed, especially since it does not solve the problem that the woman faced in the first place.
Brilliantly put, ninek!
Amber Currie says:
October 18, 2011 at 7:06 pm
Denise – haha it was kind of a rhetorical joke but yes, I agree. Hollywood messes people up in many ways, despite who they were raised by.
(Denise) I’m an old movie buff. I often look up actors and actresses I’ve seen in old movies. It frequently saddens me to see how many self-destructed at relatively young ages.
One thing I should add is that I believe it might have been better had abortion never been legalized. The reason it was legalized is the people failed to do what needed to be done both to keep problem pregnancies at a minimum — and by that I mean not necessarily “unplanned” but unplanned that trigger panic and anguish — and to support girls and women having problem pregnancies. If the right work had been done, abortion would not have been legalized.
But that work was not done and abortion was legalized. The best way to reduce it, IMO, without manufacturing martyrs, is the forced information route.
Yet again, I have an opportunity to recommend Bernard Nathanson’s books Aborting America and The Hand of God. Abortion was legalized because people wanted to make money. Money!!
For example, in 1910, there was a maternity home built that housed up to 150 pregnant mothers. In 2010, there were only 8 mothers, who by now had been housed elsewhere and the home turned into another thing. There was help. Help was available, it was free, it was confidential. But it didn’t market itself as rigorously as Planned Parenthood.
Marketing. Money. Very simple.
The only place I see martyrs being manufactured are in abortion mills, and the body count is somewhere over 60 million in the US alone.
Ninek: Abortion was legalized because people wanted to make money.
No, abortion was again made generally legal because the Supreme Court ruled that the state did not have a good enough reason to restrict the pregnant woman’s freedom, to viability for the fetus.
ninek says:
October 20, 2011 at 6:28 pm
Yet again, I have an opportunity to recommend Bernard Nathanson’s books Aborting America and The Hand of God. Abortion was legalized because people wanted to make money. Money!!
(Denise) You’ve made me want to read “Aborting America.” However, it seems like money would work against legalization because illegal abortionists would be able to charge more simply because it was illegal.
I had the pleasure of seeing this movie at FOCUS conference in Baltimore earlier this year, and it was wonderful. I don’t recall there being any extensive discussion about supporting the pre-born, but it definitely was a great portrayal of pilgrims on their journey. The Q&A session with both of them afterwards was especially cool – to think that they took the time to come out and speak with a bunch of college Catholics was great!
Abortion is now allowed past viability – and as we have seen, many get around the ‘regulations’ on that. One can abort up to the hour of birth…. see the right doctor, have the right money and voila!
As a person born at 24 weeks – if find that unbelievable – and am still wondering: is that the best a ‘civilized society’ can do? I think not.