Gun rights the “new abortion” for judicial nominees?
Halligan’s defeat is part of a pattern that confirms our prediction that gun rights would become the “new abortion” in judicial confirmation battles…
And unlike the abortion issue, there’s no comparable countervailing force on the pro-gun control side of judicial confirmation fights.
~ Curt Levey analyzing the influence of second amendment issues on the eventual defeat of D.C. Circuit nominee Caitlin Halligan by the Senate, Committee for Justice, December 6
Nice… the American Constitution being held down by a German firearm… anyway lol
I think private citizens should be restricted to revolvers, shotguns, and bolt action rifles only. There is no need for a private citizen to have any firepower greater than that. All hunting can and should be done with a shotgun or a bolt action rifle. There is no home intruder that cannot be handled by a revolver or a shotgun. Semi-automatics should all be banned and full auto’s kind of go without saying.
Can anyone think of a problem or activity that cannot be handled by a revolver, shotgun, or bolt action rifle?
The constitution says we have a right to own guns not a right to stock pile weaponry just in case of a mythical government revolt… that’s just not going to happen and even if it did we would lose very badly… lol
I agree Biggz. I love guns and I own two, but I believe in sensible gun control laws.
Come get my AR 15 from me, boys. I dare you.
See, that’s the type of ignorant redneck logic you apply to everything X. Why do you think you need an AR-15? What possible use do you have for such fire power? Just name one practical use for your AR-15…
Target shooting. I have really tight grouping.
And that’s the kind of arrogant, condescending logic you apply to everyone, Biggz. Why do you care if I have an AR-15? I like to practice for maintaining accuracy over several successful shots. And plenty of people enjoy hunting with ARs. I think it’s a lot better for the animals, personally, because oftentimes, the first shot misses in such a way that it prolongs the suffering of the animal, and getting a quick second shot off means the difference between a quick, painless death and tracking your quarry through the brush for hours while they bleed to death slowly.
I can tell you haven’t given this the amount of thought it deserves. Maybe you should leave this to the “redneck” philosophers? (by the way, as I’ve stated previously, I was born and raised most of my life around Richmond, CA. Hardly “redneck” territory. Is “Biggz” a nickname play on words for “Bigot”?)
I have two revolvers, both S&W. Good guns, I have the .38 Special caliber for my wife, if I am not around she can protect herself, and the .44 Magnum for me when I go shooting. I don’t hunt and I prefer not to target shoot with rifles…
Pretty sure I could never get your AR from you with my revolvers lol.
I know you’d have enough respect for me in the first place not to try. ;)
I’ve never been too adept with pistols, unfortunately. I know if I practiced more, I’d improve, but I just don’t have access right now, as it stands. One of the first rifles I ever fired was my dad’s mini-14 (if you don’t count the bb gun I had from the time I was about 6 or 7), and I’ve always been a dead shot with them. The AR was just a natural progression, really. ^_^
Eh, respect for/terror of, same diff. Lol! ;P
I am a bad Floridian because I don’t like rifles and semi-autos lol. I swear, everyone here, especially in the more rural parts has like three. I just always found that shooting with revolvers was more challenging and a hell of a lot more fun. And I waste less ammo.
Though you would probably fair much better in the zombie apocalypse than I would. :)
So you need an AR-15 because you are a bad shot? I guess that is almost a good reason…
However it is not you and your AR-15 that is the problem. You see if you have access to assault rifles then so does everyone else including crazy people. Just because you can own a AR-15 without killing people doesn’t mean the next guy can and as you cannot give me a reason that you actually need an AR-15 is it not a fair question to ask why we should keep a completely unnecessary weapon on the shelves when other can use it to kill mass amounts of people?
You cannot come up with a single reason for owning a AR-15 that out weights the danger of crazy people also having access to the same weapons.
Lastly, I don’t care where you were born that was a redneck moron response… “come and take it from me….” Like I couldn’t lol Obviously you need more than one shot to kill… I do not. That is one of the benefits of bolt action rifles, you actually have to be good with them to use them effectively, not just any moron with a trigger finger… Take your ego down a few notches sweetie your not that tough little girl…
Lastly, I don’t care where you were born that was a redneck moron response…
And then you go on to say, essentially, “And I could totally get you before you got me, my aim’s better and I only need one shot…”
Because that is NOT a “redneck moron response”. XD
Just because I like having to reload less and fire more quickly doesn’t mean my aim is bad. You wanted me to submit a situation in which semi-auto capability would be warranted and advantageous. I did. That doesn’t necessarily mean it would pertain to me. ;)
I could go through any number of news stories in which a “crazy person” killed or otherwise harmed another human being with a weapon that was not a firearm, or even objects that aren’t weapons at all.
Um no I have been trained as a sniper and we use bolt action rifles not assault rifles. You see it takes more skill that way… and I never dared anyone to come take my guns… you did. Like a redneck…
Back on topic though, how would you feel if your neighbors kid broke into your house while you were gone and used your AR-15 to kill a bunch of people at their school and when the cops showed up he killed a few of them as well because the weapon was an assault rifle with a 50 round drum mag and went right through their vests. How would you justify owning a assault rifle over a bolt action rifle that not only shoots one bullet at a time but also requires some real training to shoot proficiently?
There is just no practical reason for private citizens to own any gun that is semi-or fully automatic. They pose a much bigger threat to public safety than any single action weapon could. So far the only reason anyone can give me is “because I want one” well I want a bangle tiger as a house cat but it is not very practical or safe is it? and when it eats the neighbors child I don’t think my reason of “because I wanted one” is going to console them.
Back on topic though, how would you feel if your neighbors kid broke into your house while you were gone and used your AR-15 to kill a bunch of people at their school and when the cops showed up he killed a few of them as well because the weapon was an assault rifle with a 50 round drum mag and went right through their vests. How would you justify owning a assault rifle over a bolt action rifle that not only shoots one bullet at a time but also requires some real training to shoot proficiently?
Probably the same way you’d feel if someone broke into your home, stole your bolt action rifle, took out everyone in a group home while they slept, left the building, and took out an off-duty police officer that tried to stop him.
You’re trained to be a sniper? You prefer bolt action? What guns should be legal? Why, the ones Biggz prefers, of course! XD
For the record, you’re the one who began getting into specifics about who could best whom. I just suggested that any initial aggression towards me as a gun owner would be unwise. You sell yourself short, sir. Your redneckedness far surpasses my own.
Do you mean a bengal tiger? I’d be more worried about dogs. Roughly 26 people every year are killed by dogs in the US alone. That doesn’t mean we should start passing laws against keeping dogs as pets.
No, because dogs can be trained, guns cannot. It is not a matter of what guns I prefer it about the level of danger they pose to the public.
Ask Gabby Gifford if she wishes that madman only had access to a 6 shot revolver instead of a semi-automatic glock with a extended 30 round clip in it? He shot 10 people which would be very hard to do with only 6 bullets…
You still have not given me one practical reason for a private citizen to own an assault rifle? By owning an AR-15 you are endangering the public and your family.
I live in Southern Appalachia, Biggz. Proudly. We eat elitist smarty-pants like you for snacks. Come on down. I dare ya.
Why is everyone threatening everyone? This conversation is nuts. :)
Let’s arm all schoolchildren. “An armed society is a polite society.”
But I’m a REDNECK, boys. This is how we roll.
Jack and Biggz, gun rights are not about hunting. Its about keeping the government in fear of an armed people. Read what our founding fathers wrote. And a history book.
Shotguns will not prevent tyranny. The first thing dictators do is disarm their people.
I think there needs to be a balance between having a well-armed militia, and having psychos having access to semi-automatic and automatic weapons.
Best give up your car. Somebody might steal it and run over a kid. Wait, I thought we were worried about overpopulation?
I think it’s really interesting that the folks who are anti-2nd Ammendment are also the people who have no problem using violence to kill the unborn.
If they used a gun, would that get your attention?
Biggz, I’ll give you a good reason why the private citizen needs aggressive firepower, THE CONSITUTION! I know, I know, that silly ‘ole thing, but yes, I actually believe it to be a good and true rule for the country. See, 2nd amendment rights aren’t for hunting purposes, and they aren’t even for self-defense against the common thug (although both are great side-effects), it’s so that citizens can, in times of need, form a well-ordered militia. Any well-ordered fighting force must be equipped with equal or near equal firepower to stand against another force. If the solider seeking to attack you is carrying a AK-47 or an M-16, then your militia better be able to meet that firepower.
Without the ability to form a militia for self defense of country and rights, the 2nd amendment, in fact the entirety of the Consitution, is pointless. It is as unenforceable as any other piece of paper without the real threat of citizen force to keep it from being abused.
The Founding Fathers made it very clear, when a ruler tries to repress the right of the people it is the DUTY of that people to take up arms against the government and protect their rights. A hunting rifle is better than nothing, but the day when a corrupt government sends soliders to quell the rights of the people, if there isn’t something more substantial left in the armories of those people, the corrupt government wins.
Brava, Jespren! Well said! *standing ovation!*
Tigers can be trained too, you dolt.
Thank you Xalisae, I’m a native Oregonian, we take gun rights seriously over there. Oregon has the largest (legally owned) unregistered gun collection in the U.S. there are privately owned tanks and rpgs in Oregon. And, while it is illegal to buy and sell certain weapons in Oregon (darn liberals getting their foot in the door) it’s legal to own any type of gun. I’ve actually fired an M-16 before, although my family has never owned one. My family has a lovely gun collection although, unfortunately, my husband and I do not currently own any guns. (Anyone attempting to burgal our house will be looking at 3 or 4 feet of steel, depending upon which sword we grabbed. But for ‘militia’ isues we’d be going to stay with friends or family)
On a completely unrelated note, how do you pronouce your name? Is it zay-lee-say, X-ally-say, zay-lee-sa or something I haven’t thought of? Where did you get the screenname from?
Za (“a” like “apple”)
li (“i” like “is”)
Thanks for giving me the chance to clarify! And, I’m a terrible nerd, so I actually got the name from a Random Drow Name Generator many many years ago. :P
My fiance is a kendo instructor during his off time. We’re down with the swords as well. ;)
Xalisae, hehe, cuz a random drow name generator is *way* cooler than just a regular name renerator (who doesn’t like Dritzz?) I’m nerdy like that too, Jespren, pronounced Jez-preen is a name I made up for one of my book characters. If you’ve ever hoped over to my blog (sometimes I link sometimes I don’t) it’s a ‘Cochainian’ name. ;)
Yep, I have shanis (sp?) as well, and Amtgard foam-padded weapons, used to carry one in the back window of my car in case I ever needed some intimidation to help back down some road rage moron or something. Only thing I ever used it for was imprompt-to sword play with some of my friends when I happened to have the extra in there as well. But we used them because their blade length and balance is similiar to an English long sword and the bamboo was less likely to do real damage then a rattan practice sword or the live-steel (unsharpened) we used for exhibitions in college, I only had one friend actually familiar with Kendo.
Xalisae: Come get my AR 15 from me, boys. I dare you.
:) Ha! :)
It’s fun to “rock and roll.” My first rifle was a Mini-14.
Xalisae: (by the way, as I’ve stated previously, I was born and raised most of my life around Richmond, CA. Hardly “redneck” territory.
I bet there’s a little extra pigment that has crept in, though, now. ;)