Moderator Carder has been chronicling at the Quote of the Day (here and here) an abortion proponent’s idea to donate $10 to a pro-abortion organization whenever pro-life Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow makes a touchdown and/or famously bends his knee in thanks to God when his team scores.

Now her #10forTebow effort has gone viral. She bragged to the New York Observer, “I do know just the news of this #10ForTebow has led to some folks generously giving what they can. I don’t have a solid figure at this time, but it appears to have garnered 150-200 dollars since the blog went up.”

Suddenly I’m reminded of NARAL’s “Blog for Choice” day this past January, when pro-lifers completely took over the #BlogforChoiceDay hashtag.

There’s no sense in letting an opportunity for a competition with pro-aborts go by that would also fund pregnancy care centers and pro-life groups.

So pro-lifers unite! Let’s take over the #10forTebow hashtag – beginning today! Use that hashtag for all your tweets. And watch the Broncos/Patriots tomorrow, December 18, at 4:15p EST and note your $10 donation at #10forTebow!

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