#10forTebow goes viral
A pro-choice group called the Abortion Gang (that label is sure not to ruffle any feathers), has made a proposition to fans of the Denver Broncos. Every time quarterback Tim Tebow scores a touchdown and takes a knee to pray–which has become so ubiquitous as to have been given its own meme, Tebowing– the Abortion Gang has asked for donations to their cause….
Blogger Sophia Brugato… began the hashtag #10forTebow, referring to the amount of money she plans to donate to pro-choice groups.
[W]e are pessimistic that sports fans would put money against a cause that Godlike player advocates, but then again, maybe there are some really anti-Tebow fans that would love to give money towards #10forTebow as a way of spiting the quarterback for every one of those 18 touchdowns he’s scored this season.
Update: Ms. Brugato writes to us… “[H]is advocacy for anti choice groups, the most well known being the commercial he did during the super bowl two years back, means he is beyond just “believing” women should Not have reproductive freedom, he’s actively working to end choice. Fans of the Broncos and Tebow that I know personally have been 100% supportive, and perusing some blogs that have mentioned #10ForTebow , it appears many fans seem cool with the idea.
~ New York Observer, December 16
Jill here: This pro-lifer has become “cool with the idea” of donating to a pregnancy care center or pro-life organization whenever Tebow makes a touchdown or bends his knee. Pro-lifers unite! Watch the Broncos/Patriots tomorrow, December 18, at 4:15p EST and note your $10 donation at #10forTebow!
Love Tim. Love his witness. Love that all these abortion pushers are bringing attention to him.
Will be watching!! (After the Pack takes care of the Chiefs, that is!!)
You mean the pro-aborts are shocked Tim Tebow wouldn’t advocate for THEM when they are the types who wanted him aborted? Of course he is pro-life. Doctors recommended his mother abort him! And she was pro-life and protected him. That would be extremely ungrateful to turn around and support abortion when his life was spared. EGADS. These pro-aborts are so dense!
I wonder if
A) Tebow is aware of what’s going on and
B) what he thinks about it.
hey guys, please go here:
http://clickrain.com/gives and vote for The Alpha Center! Also, if you tweet, RT me or make a tweet to your followers to vote for them as part of #10forTebow please. :D
Has anyone tried to get Tebow in on this donating to CPCs thing? I mean, the guy is a pro football player these days. What’s he making, anyway? It’s got to be at least a few million bucks. He could probably set up a couple new CPCs with ultrasound machines or something.
I find it funny that I tried to leave a response that was both charitable and respectful. I questioned how abortion was helpful for the hopes and dreams of women when some attempt suicide or are severely depressed after an abortion. How abortion brings families closer together when couples usually split within a year or sooner after an abortion. Basically I was questioning how these things were improved through abortion. It went through the moderator and was not allowed to be posted. My point is, that a moderator could stop my polite questions, how were they not able to stop the posts from the day before yesterday? I think something is a bit fishy.