Mom who refused abortion has successful heart transplant
I felt like God didn’t bless me with a baby to abort her.
~ Miracle McIntosh, who was diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyopathy while pregnant with daughter Zoei (now age 3 and pictured above, with her mother) and was advised to abort, as quoted by Times Free Press, January 3.
The article states postpartum cardiomyopathy is “a rare disorder in which a weakened heart is diagnosed within the final month of pregnancy or within five months after delivery.”
[HT: Susie Allen]

it reminds me of a woman who was fighting cancer. she refused abortion. the baby was born and she died 3 weeks later. all life is in Gods hands and even if you die then time was just up. i was reading another article about a woman who aborted due to a heart condition. it was in people mag. several years ago. i remember reading the comments and most of them where asking why she would be having sex if she knew she could get pregnant and would probably have to abort. ever hear of a condom or a tubal lady? she was married so perhaps her husband could have tried to control his sexual urges.
This quote is as clear and simple as you can say it.
Heather, I think you’re talking about Jenni Lake. She was just 17 years old and getting treated for cancer, when she found out she was pregnant. She refused to stay on chemo so she could have her son. She gave birth to him just 12 days before she passed away, a month before her 18th birthday.
Bless this woman and her child. I am glad they are both doing well!
hi clarice i can tell you that this was an older married lady with other kids so probably not the same person. the husband is now caring for his children.
I’m confused. If this condition is diagnosed in the last month of pregnancy, why would they advise abortion? Wouldn’t induction of labor be the same basic procedure at that point–just without killing the full-term baby?
That’s exactly what I was thinking Kate.
Great point Kate! *sigh* People are so blind and so quick to jump to the conclusion that abortion is the only “option.”
What a cutie. Best wishes to them!
Notice the young woman’s name is Miracle, so HER mother must have thought that SHE was pretty special, too! ;)
Pamela, I did notice her name! Her and her daughter are miracles! What a beautiful photo! :)