New Stanek poll: Which GOP presidential candidate will be the next to drop?
I have a new poll question up:
You picked right on Bachmann and Huntsman. Now, who do you think will be the next GOP presidential candidate to drop from the race?
Yes, Jon Huntsman, as you predicted, dropped from the race yesterday. So who do you predict next will be winnowed out?
Vote on the lower right side of the home page.
Here were the results of my previous poll, all the more interesting given last night’s results…
If you voted, find your own brightly colored flag on either the U.S. or International map…
As always, make comments to either the previous or current poll here, not on the Vizu website.

Def. gonna be Perry
I don’t think Paul is ready to drop out of the race altogether, but I think he’s almost ready to pull out of looking for the RNC nom. He’ll end up running as an independent in the end. Last night was a disaster for him.
I wish it was Romney, but alas, it’ll be Perry. The sooner Paul goes independent, the better.
Each of the non-Romney candidates need to explain why they are best choice for America. The have to state their positive positions and forget about contrasting themselves against Romney but being contrasting themselves against the other non-Romney candidates and most importantly they must continually show/remind us how they are different than Obama.
I think the pro-Family message has legs.
Santorum should win if this campaign turns positive and if he gets to share/show how integrated his plan is, how complete it is, and how comprehensive it is. He has a plan to restore the economy and social values. It is not the economy, it is the morals deficit.
Santorum recognizes that people who are unemployed due to a personal choice, and use their economic resources, to support their family, and to learn and follow their values/faith, and to educate their own family are not a drain on economy. Families that support one another is a good thing for the society, and usually less draining on government resources.
LOLing at the term “non-Romney” like he’s a party instead of a candidate.
He is his own brand!!!
I’m with Andrew – Romney’s gotta go.
It’s gotta be perry. He’s just not doing well enough. then it’ll be a toss up between gingrich and paul.
At this stage I think santorum might just become a contender to be romney’s running mate.
Reality, what did you think of the Texas Ultrasound Law?
In total agreement with Reality (shiver). :)
Andrew, it would be a disaster if Paul ran third-party. It would be Perot Part Deux. Just because the choice is not a thrilling one, “None-of-the Above” just courts disaster.
Would you like a rug, or some alcohol or drugs, Hans? :-)
I’m a life-long teetotaler, Reality. I’m okay now. :)
Glad to hear that you’ve regained your composure Hans.
Hans, my point about Ron Paul is that he is taking attention (and votes) away from candidates who can win right now. I seriously doubt he’ll get many votes if we have a true conservative running against Obama on the Republican ticket.
Who do you consider a “true conservative” – the rest of the flip flop depending on who they are talking to! hah.
Santorum, Gingrich, and Perry have been consistently pro-life, and they haven’t changed their stance for this election. That is what I mean by “true conservative.”
Can you show me proof of that? And that Ron Paul has changed his view? And can you show me other things that prove them to be “true conservatives?”
Because at every turn I am hearing worse and worse things about them.
Amber, I have neither the time, nor the inclination to do your research for you. Try checking out voting record profiles on prolife political sites. I didn’t say Ron Paul changed his views. I maintain that Paul is as “pro-choice” as anybody because he believes abortion should be left up to the states. Why? We don’t do that for murder. Why doesn’t he think this federal law should apply to abortion as well?:
His is a cowardly neutral position.
LOL I’m not asking you to do “my” research for me – I’m asking you to prove your opinion as more than just that.
Amber, if you really don’t believe me, look it up. It’s all out there and completely verifiable. I don’t have the time to compile that info for you. You should have been paying attention when it was happening.
Oh Andrew – and here I am thinking the same about you!
But at least we can agree about Romney!
I think Ron Paul could damage any Republican candidate. But yes, Romney most of all. I just dread him going kamikaze on whoever it is.
Amber, True, at least we have that :-)
Hans, I think Ron Paul is hurting the potential Romney rivals more than anyone. It’s basically Romney against everyone at this point (which I hate to admit), so any other person in that “against Romney” field is only taking votes and attention away from the others. Ron Paul is un-electable as a Republican. If he were to actually get the nomination, he’d lose to Obama by a landslide. He needs to let the electable candidates continue the fight and support one of them.
From your mouth to God’s Ear. And I hope Rand or someone can convince Ron Paul not to go rogue on us. :)