New shocking Planned Parenthood video exposé released
On February 13 I wrote about a shocking video exposé produced by American Life League that used Planned Parenthood’s own graphics, websites, photos, and video to show its massive and perverted campaign to hook our kids – beginning in Kindergarten – on sex.
As ALL narrator Michael Hichborn said about one of PP’s materials, “If a dirty old man showed this book to kids in a park, he’d be arrested.”
But you and I unwillingly pay Planned Parenthood with our taxes to show them the same soft porn.
No surprise, ALL’s video went viral. After only four days on YouTube Hooking Kids on Sex got over 200,000 views.
Then came a complaint about one of the photos in the video. No doubt at the behest of Planned Parenthood, a former intern complained that ALL had used a photo of her without her permission. And YouTube removed the video.
I’ll show the disputed photo in my next post. ALL would likely have beaten the complaint by reminding YouTube of the Fair Use exception to copyright laws, but that would have taken too much time and may have reached a dead end.
So ALL reworked the video to hopefully preclude any copyright complaints. ALL has also retained a legal firm to do battle if there is another complaint.
The first couple minutes of ALL’s new video are the same. Then ALL has inserted new images/video from PP to show PP’s strategy to, in its words, “encourage increased homosexuality” and ”restructure the family.” WARNING: graphic….
If YouTube again removes ALL’s video, you can view it on an embeddable permalink on ALL’s private video server.
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wow talk about kiddie porn. we didnt even talk sex in our home until high school. i didnt even have sex until i was 19. its not even appropriate to bring up sex to children this young. its disgusting.
Absolutely horrifying!!!!! I am speechless.
Jill, do you know where we can find that 1969 PP document they quoted from about restructuring the family?
Our country is going to hell and Planned Parenthood is driving.
PP of Memphis promoted this on their Facebook page.
Does anyone else find it interesting that PP of Greater Memphis enjoys their reputation of tolerance so much that they promote high risk behavior among minors. Then they take tax $$ to test for STD’s. This was spotted on the Facebook page and check out some of these recommended videos.
See any connection? Check out the video on Hooking Up……this one even promotes incest!!
You can find the document here:
Thanks for the link, mk. That document is revolting. And it seems Obama’s been reading it… ”Payments to encourage contraception.” ”Abortion and sterilization on demand.” ”Allow certain contraceptives to be distributed non-medically.” ”Make contraception truly available and accessible to all.”
A cursory Googling of the document provided above would indicate that it’s simply part of a literature review of proposed family planning strategies. The full article that it belongs to can be found on JSTOR:
In other words, they surveyed as much of the existing literature on family planning as they could, and compiled a list of strategies that other authors had proposed. This does not (by any means!) indicate that PP was attempting any of these strategies. All it means is that at some time, some other authors wrote a paper on x or y strategy and had it published.
(If you can’t access JSTOR, I’d be more than happy to email any interested person the PDF of the full article.)
As for the video, a lot of the more “shocking” footage– the vulgar cakes and fruit and the dancing vulva– those come from college VOX organizations. PP doesn’t plan their programming–the college groups do.
(Also, what’s wrong with teaching kids how to masturbate? If you want them to have a safe sexual outlet until they’re married, masturbation is the way to go. Gateway drug indeed!)
Gah. The stable JSTOR url isn’t working for some reason, so here’s the full citation:
U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature
Robin Elliott, Lynn C. Landman, Richard Lincoln and Theodore Tsuoroka
Family Planning Perspectives , Vol. 2, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), pp. i-xvi
Published by: Guttmacher Institute
Article Stable URL:
Why bother compiling the list of “family planning strategies” if you’re not interested in implementing them? What’s the point of including them in your company’s report if they aren’t part of your philosophy or future goals? The ideas listed on that page absolutely conform with PP’s goals and their bottom line.
A literature review has nothing to do with implementation. It’s simply the first step in conducting any new research: before you embark upon a research project, you want to make sure that someone else hasn’t already done what you plan on doing. Doing a literature review as a piece of research that stands on its own can also show how statistics or attitudes or something of that nature have changed over time. For example, historiographers write literature reviews of the ways that history has been presented over time. If your topic of choice is something like slavery or interracial marriage, you’re bound to come across evidence of attitudes that are wildly offensive nowadays, but that doesn’t mean that you espouse them. It just means that at some point in time, x person believed y thing.
Obama’s quote, reworded to reflect Planned Parenthood’s supporters’ perspective:
“So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to the idea of free birth control or no moral authority or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-fetus sentiment or anti-free market sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Remember Pavlofs dog?? What you do not experience, you will not miss. That is why chastity was classified a virtue as opposed to lust. Lust begins with a thought and given enough time leads to action. Humans are supposed to have the ability to control their thinking after the brain is fully developed. So tell me what have we done to our children?
Christine, what has Planned Parenthood done to its policy that demonstrates a departure from that Jaffe memo?
No surprise here. Banned Parenthood or Planned Barrenhood makes lots of money off teens and young people being addicted to sex. What did Carol Everett the ex-abortuary owner say (I am paraphasing here) in the movie “Blood Money” ”we worked hard to breakdown teens innocence and inhibitions, sold them contraceptives knowing they were going to fail, because we knew if we could get young teens hooked on sex we could count on each of these girls having at least 5 abortions.” Also an excellent book “Hooked” by Dr. Joe McAlhaney and Dr. Freda Bush, if you haven’t read it, it explains what happens to teens brains when they are bombarded with sex and start having sex at an early age before the brain is developed and how it rewires the chemistry of the brain.
prolifer L. i agree with that. some of these 14 year olds have already had more sex partners than i have in 42 years. i was told about a site where girls and women were having sex with horses. my jaw hit the floor and i went ” nooooo way.” i went to the site and it was sick gross and disgusting. i immediatly clicked off grossed out to the hilt.
Christine J. said: “(Also, what’s wrong with teaching kids how to masturbate? If you want them to have a safe sexual outlet until they’re married, masturbation is the way to go. Gateway drug indeed!)”
Christine I disagree with you.
First of all, the goal of any good educator (parents or other) is to teach at the right time the true meaning of human sexual acts, which is “relational” per se.
Since it requires the involvement of the whole person (body, mind, emotions) it is really integral part of a loving relationship. Teaching and promoting masturbation does not reach that goal. If anything, it teaches to detach sex from love and therefore depletes the relational meaning. It’s true that masturbation is part of the human experience, most often of the growing up, but what is wrong with Planned Parenthood so obsessively encouraging masturbation, as the ALL video explains, is that it becomes the first step to sex addiction (which in turn may lead to more revenue for PP). I hope you don’t think that sex addiction is a “safe” and “good” thing!
Furthermore, as a father of four, I don’t want anybody to teach my children to masturbate (supposedly because is safe, cheap, and pleasurable, as I heard a psychologist say once), consume pornography, and maybe “consume” others as sex objects. As the ALL video says, if a dirty old man (i.e. grandpa’) were to show these publications or websites to children in the park, he would be arrested!
I’m sorry, but really. Who here needed to be TAUGHT how to masturbate?????
courtnay…nobody needs to teach kids to masterbate! let kids be kids. let them ride bikes and play with their toys. let them enjoy the zoo and having fun. why DO KIDS need to learn about sex? what is the purpose?
heather, I agree with you 100%
Kids need to be kids and be protected from these PP “non-values”.
PP does it with kids 10 yrs old because in this way they embed a certain behavior, which in turn will cause actions that will increase their revenue (abortion, promiscuity, STD, etc).
PP would say “who cares if in the process we create sex addicts, felons, broken families, broken lives, empty souls?”, “it’s business”!
Actually, PP LOVEs that!
right richard. this is a huge concern. i used to think that PP was a good and helpful organization to help low income women. i never realized how evil they were and it seems they keep pushing the envelope.
heather, I am so glad you have turned around and opened your eyes.
Please, share your change of heart as much as possible, especially with our pro-abortion friends on this blog. Maybe, a few others will open their eyes about PP!
Thank you.