Religious and secular providers alike often talk about their work as a calling, echoing the language that ministers’ use to describe their work in service to the holy. Both ministers and abortion-care providers are compelled to do the good works of compassion, justice, and mercy.

Saturday March 10th was Abortion Provider Appreciation Day. And all of us who have been blessed by the good works of abortion-care providers are encouraged to take a few moments to express their gratitude and appreciation….

In those times when you face an unplanned pregnancy, you will have somewhere to turn, a place that will allow you to choose what is best out of a hard situation, a place with people that will help you navigate the confusion, fear, and vulnerability. Life is hard. Things get messy….

To be a person of deep faith has never been easy. Our faiths call us to challenge the status-quo of injustice, no matter how unpopular our stances may be. Our faiths call us to take risks for compassion, justice, and mercy. This week, in your church, synagogue, temple, or mosque, consider how you can answer this call.

How will you let them know that in a harsh world devastated by coercion and violence, you understand that radical acts of compassion and justice, like providing abortion-care, are exactly what we need more of?

~ RH Reality Check, cross-posting at Daily Kos, March 12

[Photo via Daily Kos]

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