Paranoid Planned Parenthood passes on $500,000 donation, thanks to us
Planned Parenthoods in the State of Texas have been drying up and blowing away like tumbleweeds since the legislature began shutting off the funding spigot in 2011. Since last May a lucky 13 mills have closed (12 plus 1).
So a $500,000 donation to Planned Parenthood would seem like a gift from, well, hell.
But the United States’ largest abortion provider has its standards.
That’s actually not the reason Planned Parenthood of Dallas rejected a half bmillion dollar gift from bestselling author Tucker Max, who coincidentally wrote, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, among other books I’ve never heard of but would be well suited for any Planned Parenthood library, such as Sloppy Seconds and A**holes Finish First.
No, in fact, pro-lifers can take a bow for infecting the organization with such paranoia that it decided its reputation couldn’t handle yet another hit. From Time:
It’s quite obvious that Planned Parenthood simply weighed the pros and cons. The organization wasn’t choosing between one closed clinic and a Tucker Max clinic. It was choosing between no clinics and a Tucker Max clinic.
While [brand strategist Ryan] Holiday writes that the donation would have been a case of “a win-win-win-win situation. Cut a check, keep a clinic open,” it quite obviously wasn’t that simple for the beleaguered organization. As Jill Filipovic points out at Feministe: “There are entire organizations and large numbers of politicians who have made it their mission to destroy Planned Parenthood. PP can’t afford to take unnecessary risks. Unnecessary risks can mean that the organization ceases to exist. That impedes their mission a hell of a lot more than not having an additional $500,000.”
For an organization that is constantly under attack from a right-wing base with a heavy religious following, accepted support from a man whose reputation is so incompatible with both Planned Parenthood and the GOP’s supposed values is nothing if not a political liability. Remember, this is the man who wants his name on a health clinic that provides abortions, among other services, because it would be funny. Associating themselves with Max would have all but guarantee that Planned Parenthood would face political backlash of some sort. It may be sad that an organization dedicated to providing women’s health services has to turn down a hefty donation in order to play political ball, but that’s the type of game that’s currently being played in the U.S.
PP’s hypocrisy is laughable. As Max pointed out in a rant against Planned Parenthood:
The Biggest Karmic Retribution: This whole thing went down in August. Since then, the Susan G Komen Foundation did the EXACT SAME THING TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD THAT PP DID TO ME. They threatened to pull funding because they didn’t like the perception that came with who the recipient of the money was. And of course, a TON of people got upset at the Komen Foundation–and rightfully so, its total bullshit–yet those SAME PEOPLE are now MAD AT ME because Planned Parenthood did to me what the Komen Foundation did to them. What preposterous f***ing irony.
In the wake of his rejection Max tweeted, then deleted (surely on the advice of counsel) his previously subliminal thoughts of Planned Parenthood and its clientele…
Gee, I wonder why a man who uses women for a living would want a PP built in his honor?
Hey! Not EVERYONE in south Florida is a slutty whore! :D
But yeah, this cracks me up. Poor, poor, PP upset about their public image. :
“… accepted support from a man whose reputation is so incompatible with both Planned Parenthood and the GOP’s supposed values is nothing if not a political liability. Remember, this is the man who wants his name on a health clinic that provides abortions, among other services, because it would be funny.”
Wow, the hypocrisy of both PP’s refusal of the money PLUS this Time article is making my head spin! Even in Dante’s Inferno the hypocrites have an easier time making sense.
PP, didn’t you proudly decorate offices and buses with signage that says: “Sex Happens” and “We’re Your Sexual Fantasy”????
Sure, this guy is no knight in shining armor, but in what way, shape, or form is anything he says or does INCOMPATIBLE with Planned Parentood? It would seem to me that he at least GETS IT. IT being PP’s ’smart and hip’ new advertising and decorating scheme. Let ’em have it, Tucker! It’s nice to finally agree with you on something!
Time really has sunk to the bottom of the barrel if they can quote as if it’s some kind of legit source.
And I quite like how both Tucker Max and PP come away from this with egg on their faces. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving pair. *sighs romantically*
You know, if you are turning down $500,000 donations, you really shouldn’t whine about needing government funding.
PP’s “standards” are laughable.
uh-oh – he called the girls at PP in S Florida slutty whores – somebody needs to get Obama the phone number for the local clinic director so he can call and apologize – I can’t wait to see all the backlash in the lamestream media – I am sure Max will get what he deserves from them – God knows we don’t want anyone using that word
I know, Kate. Its like a welfare recipient turning down lottery winnings!
Hi Bryan,
Don’t hold your breath. So far I haven’t heard Obama is returning Maher’s million so apparently its only an issue when some women are referred to as slutty.
Half a million, not half a billion.
Half a million dollars, not billion as written. still, a TON!!!
In South Florida. The place is awful. Shoddy design, slutty whores, and no culture, like a giant Planned Parenthood waiting room.
“In the wake of his rejection Max tweeted, then deleted (surely on the advice of counsel) his previously subliminal thoughts of Planned Parenthood and its clientele…”
Not sure just who the injured party would be here or what exactly the nature of their complaint would be.
The best defense against a slander or libel charge would be that the characterization is true.
I could not offer an informed opinion of South Florida or the status of the ‘whores’ there, but I can offered a well documented evaluation of pp whore houses. [ I use the term ‘whore’ in a bilical non-gender specific manner. I would NOT presume to speak for Tm.]
‘slutty whores’ is redundant. Kind of like ‘hot water heater’.
Maybe TM has vast experience with a wide variety of ‘whores’ [however he defines the term] and he speaks from a perspective informed by intimate knowledge.
“You know, if you are turning down $500,000 donations, you really shouldn’t whine about needing government funding.
PP’s “standards” are laughable.”
Hey, even wayard waifs have standards.
Remember the stripper/exotic dancer/porn star who ratted out Anthony Weiner because Tony did not measure up to her standard of behavior.
Does Tiger Woods live in South Florida?
Tiger Woods does indeed live in south Florida, at least I’m pretty sure he has a house on Jupiter Island. Don’t judge us all by him! :D
I don’t know who Tucker Max is, but I just read his twitter stream and yeah, he’s a pig. He and PP seem like a great match.
Sure about that Jack?
Seriously leave me alone Jake.
If Hunter S. Thompson had a horny, frat boy son, Tucker would be him.
That being said, would you buy antacid at a store named ”Hunter S Thompson’s Drug Emporium”? Lol! This really dates me: Me and my friends once stepped over Hunter while he was passed out on the steps of a house party. I got back to my apartment, started to brag to my roomy. She rolled her eyes, “Who HASN’T stepped over him at one time or another?”
Ok, well, you whippersnappers can get off my lawn, now.
I just love how this Tucker Max is more into slut-shaming than any prolifer I have ever met.
Leave women alone who want the right to choose.
Ah, I see. Having a different opinion on abortion than you legitimizes harassment. Hope I never hear you complain about clinic protesters, whatever they do!
Jake – leave babies alone who want the right to live.
Good one JoAnna, haven’t heard that one before. But you see, I live in the real world, where women deserve the right to control their bodies. Come join us sometime.
Hey Jake,
Leave Pro-Lifers alone. Women don’t need a “right” to kill their children in utero. If you think you’re sticking up for women, why don’t you pick a fight with one of us women here, and we will show you how tragically mistaken you are. Not only do we not NEED you to protect some imagined “right” to kill our children, we don’t WANT you to try and protect us, either.
Jake its pretty funny that you’re talking about having heard something before when you’re using a line that’s at least as stale.
I have heard of Tucker Max. My sister and brother both read his books, because they find them funny. They say that he’s like Barney from “How I Met Your Mother”, only without manners. Yeah, the implication that Barney has any manners at all is enough to know that this guy is a total jerk.
What I don’t get is that Planned Parenthood has victimized – meaning, harassment, phone calls, and media campaigns against them – several organizations for breaking ties with them or not wanting to be involved with them, including, but not limited to, a Catholic food pantry, Susan G. Komen, AT&T, Texas, Indiana, North Carolina, and New Hampshire. Hyprocrites much?
Have you ever been pregnant? No? Well, for your information, even while pregnant, women have the right and ability to control OUR OWN bodies (that’s the operative term here: OUR OWN). We do not turn into puppets on strings, at the mercy of Jedi fetuses. Abortion controls someone else’s body, in the real world. It controls their body in a way that makes their body die. Let me know when that sinks in, ok buddy?
Xalisae, you are representing women?? Ok then…..
Good luck to women everywhere.
Jake, given that xalisae and I are actually women – unlike you – I think we can speak more effectively for women than you can. And I don’t know about xalisae, but I’ve been pregnant 6 times so I think I have some idea of how much control a pregnant woman has with her body.
Even that won’t get him a date, Jack. It’s a wonder he can type at all with only one hand free 24/7. 17 is waaay out of his league. We’re living rent free in his pointed little head ;)
love this post!
Just a quick reminder.
No swearing.
Sorry Carla!
No more video games for you young man!!
I blame that rap music.
How are we supposed to put up with the caliber of trolls we deal with without swearing?
Wow, this guy must be a piece if even the queen of death is afraid to get friendly with him because he might tarnish her image… This guy is probably just bucking for Obama to appoint him to an Obamacare panel. Maybe in charge of giving away a few billion of our tax dollars or something.
Wow JoAnna….six whole times. Wow, I am speechless. Yes you must be able to speak for all women. You and Xalisae really capture every life experience of every woman out there. You got women covered, Jack has abuse victims covered…hmmm seems I am wrong, you all do know everything and every situation out there.
@JDC: A question I have pondered myself a time or twenty. And I say that as someone who doesn’t usually swear IRL.
But you, Jack, as someone who is NOT a woman and has NEVER been pregnant… can speak for all women, including pregnant ones.
Oh yeah, that makes sense.
And yes let’s please try to refrain from the language. It really diminishes your argument when you bring it to that level.
Oh and all of this assumes that the woman is the only party in the equation that matters. Well personally, I think the unborn- who can’t speak for themselves- have a right to life that overrides maternal intent. So there.
Yeah… I am pretty sure that Xalisae and JoAnne can speak for women better then your uterus-lacking self, Jake. And I am pretty sure I can speak better than you. for abused children who would rather y’all not do us the “favor” of killing us before birth to “save” us from what we sufffered.
JoAnne: But you, Jack, as someone who is NOT a woman and has NEVER been pregnant… can speak for all women, including pregnant ones.
Not me! I’m not this jerk!
Jake: And yes let’s please try to refrain from the language. It really diminishes your argument when you bring it to that level.
Lol, says the guy who tracks down the private blog of abuse victims to make disgusting comments simply because they are pro-life.
Well if anyone nows about diminishing their argument by bringing it to a low level, it’s Jake.
Ack! Sorry, Jack, I meant Jake! Trying to type with a squirmy 4-month-old in my lap… sorry. :)
And yes let’s please try to refrain from the language. It really diminishes your argument when you bring it to that level.
Thus establishing pro-life arguments as, utterly and forever, realms of superiority above the feeble slogan chanting you have put forth. Seeing as those using “diminished arguments” are still running logical rings around you, and all.
Oh, and Jake, I seem to recall that during our first encounter you fully endorsed Megan’s nonsense about MPQ’s son growing up to be a rapist. Talk about classy.
Oh, JDC, don’t you know the choicers are all about the children??
Jake is an expert at being short, hairy, and living under bridges.
The ultimate punchline to all of this is that once you leave this blog, their side swears far more than ours. If I remember correctly, either the Abortioneers or the Abortion Gang (or both) is full of sentences that use the f word like three times. A lot of the feminist blogs are like this as well.
Seriously, Jake..
Next time you attend one of your “I am woman hear me roar” meetings,
tell them they need some new material!
Give Jake a break! He is probably a really nice guy compared to Max. Cecile Richards would probably even dedicate an abortion mill to him him he’s so nice.
“Lol, says the guy who tracks down the private blog of abuse victims to make disgusting comments simply because they are pro-life.”
*hugs* Jack, I’m so sorry…I don’t know your whole story but it sounds like you’ve really risen up from some tough stuff. There really isn’t a lower blow than that.
Thanks Kate, it’s okay. I just want everyone to know how vile this dude is, so I can’t help but bring it up if he’s gonna follow me around the threads I post on.
This story has me wondering……….. is there a planned unparenthood named after Larry the Flynt???
Jake says:
But you see, I live in the real world, where women deserve the right to control their bodies.
Comments like this make me wonder how much the writer knows about biology.
Jake, you do know that the fetus has a separate body from the mother, yes? And you realize that the pro-choice fight is for the right of the mother to kill the fetus, typically by paying an abortionist to dismember the body of the fetus, yes?
Thanks JDC and Jack for defending my son :) Jake is probably lost here without his puppetmaster Megs to pull his little strings. Then again, those ‘caring for women’ folks are busy celebrating that Santorum’s daughter is in the hospital, now that they can’t get any more mileage out of celebrating Breitbart’s death or Trayvon’s murder. Cause, ya know, they’re all about ‘caring’.
Ah, Tucker Max. Why can’t the pro-choice side see that Tucker Max is the epitome of men who are pro-choice? In his books he makes multiple mentions of paying for girls’ abortions. (I believe in one of his books he has a whole CHAPTER on the subject.) He loves abortion! He can have sex with as many girls as he wants with no consequences! He gets to…. GASP! treat women like sex objects!
Um. Well. Yeah. That’s a logical end to the pro-choice movement– women get their “right” to choose, and men get their “right” to treat women like sex dolls and not have the responsibility of parenthood. Tucker Max should be the POSTER BOY for Planned Parenthood!
MPQ, no problem. We were only doing what decent people do in a situation like that. Jack, a know the last few days have probably not been too easy for you, and any crap you have to take is awful. The only real upside is that many are hopefully starting to see abortion proponents for what they are. I believe a lot of people read the comments on these sites without participating, so this is likely having an effect on more people than we realize.
In the second line in my above post it should say “I know” not “a know”. To be clear, the upside I was referring to was an upside to the comments being made, not the abuse itself. I want to be very explicit on that point.
Biology? Fetus seperate from mother’s body? Don’t think you know what you’re saying. It is part of the mother (via the placenta) and couldn’t survive apart (look up placental mammalian reproduction). Not sure this (abortion) would be an issue if it were seperate. As you state it, it’s murder, but that’s not the case. Ending an abortion is ending the physical state of a female body, hence Jake’s comment. Then again, I think you are here for belief, not knowledge.
Is that you Jake?
“Ending an abortion is ending the physical state of a female body,”
What? What is it when a boy fetus is aborted?
Are you trying to say that getting an abortion ends the mother’s pregnancy? Well, duh. The mother’s pregnancy is ended by killing the unborn child. By dismembering the body of the fetus, which is not the same as the body of the mother. Yes, the body of the fetus is INSIDE the mother’s body. But the fetus IS NOT “part of the mother”. Basic biology.
Learning/Jake(?), if the unborn child is a part of the mother’s body, why doesn’t it have the identical DNA structure as the rest of her other organs? Generally, something that is a part of your body has your DNA structure, not one that is completely unique.
In my last pregnancy, the baby was a boy. When I was pregnant with him, does that mean that I had a penis during that time?
No problem, MPQ. And thanks JDC. I do think it’s amusing that they can’t argue logically, they just stoop to harassment and going after people’s kids.
Fetus seperate from mother’s body? Don’t think you know what you’re saying. It is part of the mother (via the placenta) and couldn’t survive apart (look up placental mammalian reproduction).
You realize that the placenta is actually part of the fetus, yes? Just checking…
Ending an abortion is ending the physical state of a female body,
Um… what?? I assume you mean “ending a pregnancy,” not “ending an abortion.” There are two ways to end a pregnancy – either the birth of the child or the demise of the child. That’s it. In other words, the state of being pregnant only exists because there is a growing human within the uterus.
“My body my choice” is nothing more than a bumper sticker. It means nothing in a biological sense nor in a legal sense. It is the favorite slogan of anti-lifers who bully pre-born children to death.
I’d rather have a pro-life woman speak on my behalf any day than an abortion advocate. I was me from the moment of conception: my body, MY LIFE.
“uh-oh – he called the girls at PP in S Florida slutty whores – somebody needs to get Obama the phone number for the local clinic director so he can call and apologize”
One thing I can promise you is that Tucker Max ain’t ever gonna apologize. He revels in offense. It is what he does. He offered PP the $$ for the express purpose of offending and humiliating them. He is unkind and abusive and everyone thinks so. He has the bad image he has earned. Probably doesn’t like it that his moral equal has the US President blowing respectable sunshine up its skirt. He is like the devil prominently announcing that he and PP are cut from the same cloth, because they are.
Er… may I make a humble, if oft-repeated suggestion? We handle Jake in the same way that we handle any other confirmed troll; we ignore him, and let him gnaw on his own arm (rhetorically speaking) in impotent frenzy. God willing, he’ll get well someday. For now, feeding him just encourages him.
Believe me, I know how hard it can be to refuse to answer a troll who tries relentlessly to push every possible emotional button (albeit clumsily); but… isn’t that the very definition of “troll”? Do leave Jake alone, and let him flame out on his own; eventually, he’ll either leave, quiet down, or erupt spectacularly enough for the moderators to put him out of his misery.
Jake who? ;)
which body part would a simple DNA test show the fetus to be?