2012 Twenty hottest conservative women in the new media
Welcome to the 4th annual 20 Hottest Conservative Women in the New Media…
Do keep in mind that this list only covers women in the new media. That means no Fox News babes, no congressional aides, and no think tankers – unless they have a new media presence as well.
~ John Hawkins, announcing this year’s winners, which include pro-life advocates Lila Rose, Michelle Malkin, Sarah Palin, and Ann Coulter, Right Wing News, June 22
Conservative women are the best!!
(Ann Coulter not so much…conservative or hawt)
Hush your mouth. I <3 Coulter.
“Hottest” as in appearance? Or “hottest” as in news-making?
Sorry, but it always gives me the creeps when guys start making lists of “hot” women.
Life is not a Hooters bar, and women are not here solely for you to ogle.
(Oh, and btw, those of you not “hot” enough to be on Right Wing News’ list – I guess you’ll just have to try harder next year to make yourselves as “sexy” as possible, since we all know that’s what really matters.)
In my opinion, this is demeaning. “Hottest” women? Makes it sound like a wet t-shirt contest.
Kel – I agree – let’s stick to edifying and protecting women instead of objectifying and devaluing.
Yeah, you tell women they’re hot and the next thing you know…… something bad happens…… i don’t know why or what but it does!….. somehow.
S.E. Cupp is a (non-religious!) pro-life advocate, as well.
Yeah, well, I’m still disappointed not to be included. *applies more eyeshadow* LOL!
While I’ve never liked the term “hot”, I see nothing wrong with being a “fanboy” of conservative women who are both right and beautiful.
Ann Coulter intimidates men because they know they’re no match for her!
Much like a certain commenter whose name starts with an “x”. ;)
It’s very important that we don’t reduce women to sexual objects, because then we become just like the other side.
Good thing the husband of this year’s #1 isn’t offended. (In the comment thread)
Stay classy.
joan, though you have zero room to talk about what’s classy and what isn’t (ya know, those Chinese women knew the rules, right??), I actually agree with you here. This is completely tasteless and I don’t care whose husband isn’t offended. Lists like this demean women.
joan, you’ve been waiting a while to finally be able to use that line for your side, haven’t you? :)
I think telling women that if men find them hot they’re worthless is more demeaning personally…
RWN does this list once a year to increase their web traffic. I wouldn’t take it too seriously.
I think telling women that if men find them hot they’re worthless is more demeaning personally…
U-104 – not following. Did I say somewhere that women are worthless if men find them “hot?”
demean, Cause a severe loss in dignity and respect.
It’s the message i keep getting from you and others here.
I have to agree with the this-is-skeevy side. It’s one thing to say “X woman is beautiful.” But these women aren’t well-known for their looks. They are well-known because they are smart and determined and politically savvy and conservative. And that’s great! But by making lists like this, it implies that all the conservative women who didn’t make the “Hottest” list are somehow less important. Because some group of men didn’t think they were quite attractive enough to pass muster.
So, yeah, I’m with Kel and co. This is not really the kind of thing I can applaud.
U-104, I think you’re misreading my comments.
I do not have a problem with these conservative women whatsoever.
I have a problem with the men who feel it is appropriate or somehow beneficial to women – or to anyone else – to make lists of “hottest” women.
P.S. – demean: humiliate and degrade; to reduce somebody to a much lower status in a humiliating way
While I agree that there are plenty of beautiful conservative women…. why are we making lists? It comes across as so base and petty.
Yeah, they’re attractive. And? They’re smart, too, and intelligent and fighting for good values. This just comes off as corny and demeaning. Why can’t we just focus on their accomplishments?
Hahaha Ninek, I must agree, though. We clearly weren’t notified about this contest. *applies lipgloss and primps hair* lol
Eh. At least we’re not compiling lists of the hottest liberal women we’d like to “hatef___”, like a certain publication did awhile back. Nothing wrong with this as long as everyone keeps in mind that the primary reason to find someone attractive is their big, beautiful, sexy brain.
And Hans, I am sincerely flattered beyond words, sir. I’m blushing!
All righty, then.
Let’s just say that I consider all pro-life women to be beautiful.
And pro-life men to be – well, not so bad-looking.
I must be typing in slow motion.
x, my comment was equal parts respect and fear and trembling! ;)
“But these women aren’t well-known for their looks”
Well now they can be known for both!
“demean: humiliate and degrade; to reduce somebody to a much lower status in a humiliating way ”
And this list does none of that.
“I have a problem with the men who feel it is appropriate or somehow beneficial to women – or to anyone else – to make lists of “hottest” women.”
And i have a problem with people who claim that being appreciated for your looks lowers your value as a human being.
Did you even look at this list? everyone of them has a link to their accomplishments.
And i have a problem with people who claim that being appreciated for your looks lowers your value as a human being.
Wow, it’s just so fun to have someone continue to misrepresent your argument. I don’t know if you’re being obtuse or what, but FOR THE LAST TIME, I do not believe these women have “lower value as human beings” because they are “being appreciated for their looks.”
I do believe, however, that calling women “hot” or “sexy” focuses solely on their outward appearances, not appreciating them for simply being wonderful conservative women. What lists like this tell me is that men are placing a great deal of value on the physical appearance/sex appeal of women as opposed to appreciating women for the people that we are and for what we do. To me, this is objectifying women.
In case you’re wondering, I also wouldn’t consider pornography to be “appreciating” someone’s appearance (oh, but in the magazines under the centerfolds, they tell all about the women’s accomplishments and likes, so it’s cool, right?).
And I also have a problem with “hottest guys” lists. It goes both ways.
This is how I feel and it’s fine if you don’t agree with me. I know plenty of people will argue that lists like this and working at Hooters and wet t-shirt contests and bikini mud wrestling don’t *actually* do anything to demean or objectify women. That doesn’t mean I will ever agree with them.
Kel – take a deep breath and ignore the troll
What lists like this tell me is that men are placing a great deal of value on the physical appearance/sex appeal of women as opposed to appreciating women for the people that we are and for what we do.
Yes, that pretty much sums it up. You’re one of the “fairer sex”, in more ways than one.
I hate to admit it, but while men may usually skip through lingerie ads as if they were photos of their sister, at other times they take a second look.
It’s just a male trait. Like liking The Three Stooges. (Shrugs sheepishly.)
“I do not believe these women have “lower value as human beings” because they are “being appreciated for their looks.””
So we agree it’s not demeaning.
“I do believe, however, that calling women “hot” or “sexy” focuses solely on their outward appearances”
Of course it does, we have different words to describe inner and outer beauty, spending time on outer beauty is not evil.
“In case you’re wondering, I also wouldn’t consider pornography to be “appreciating” someone’s appearance”
I did not see a see a single pornographic,naked,topless,lingerie,bikini picture in this list, you wouldn’t be misrepresenting would you?
“And I also have a problem with “hottest guys” lists. It goes both ways.”
So do you just have a problem with physical attractiveness?
“This is how I feel and it’s fine if you don’t agree with me. I know plenty of people will argue that lists like this and working at Hooters and wet t-shirt contests and bikini mud wrestling don’t *actually* do anything to demean or objectify women. That doesn’t mean I will ever agree with them.”
careful that slope is pretty slippery.
Oh you had better not have been talking about me….
Yeah, but am I not allowed to think it’s a rather petty concept all the same?
Besides, attractiveness is so subjective. And anyway, it’s the term “hottest” that’s more offensive, not being appreciated for “beauty.” The term “hot” has a definite sexual connotation.
Hans, there are plenty of women who ogle men (and also who like the Three Stooges :D). All I’m saying is that the “boys will be boys” or the “girls will be girls” mentality may not actually be the best thing.
I’ve actually had this conversation with my own husband, who thinks I’m “hot” but knows I don’t like hearing that. (Maybe that’s weird, but I never claimed to be normal.) I prefer hearing “You’re beautiful.” It’s much more all-encompassing, and lets me know I am appreciated as a whole person.
Mother Teresa was beautiful. She may not have been considered “hot” or “sexy” but she was most certainly beautiful. And that has nothing to do with appearance.
I also think of verses like Isaiah 53:2,3 in describing the suffering servant, Christ: “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.”
But oh, how very beautiful He is.
So do you just have a problem with physical attractiveness?
Yeah, that settles it. You’re being obtuse.
“attractiveness is so subjective”
That’s why it was a vote….
“Besides, attractiveness is so subjective. And anyway, it’s the term “hottest” that’s more offensive, not being appreciated for “beauty.” The term “hot” has a definite sexual connotation. ”
Beautiful women tend to be sexy.
“who thinks I’m “hot” but knows I don’t like hearing that.”
“Yeah, that settles it. You’re being obtuse.”
Not on purpose
My dad made sure we grew up with an appreciation for the classics. That means Monty Python, Mel Brooks (particularly Blazing Saddles), Marx Brothers, and of course, The Three Stooges. I still remember him telling us all what Frank Zappa named his kids as we just scoffed at him like he was insane, “Nuh-uh, Dad! You’re lying!”
(All of this introduced in age-appropriate increments, of course.)
To this day, one of my favorite quotes is from Curly-
“I try to think, but nothin’ happens!”
We used to call my son “Curly” when he was an infant, as he was quite plump and bald as a cue ball. ;P
Kel (3:40 p.m.),
That was..beautiful. :)
I think I said here before that some trolls make me want to spin around on the floor yelling, “Moe! Larry! Cheese!”
By the way, Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein is tied with the classic Gulliver’s Travels animated movie as my favorite film.
It succeeds equally as comedy and horror. A lot like life.
I often find that without comedy, the horrors of this life become unbearable.
I figured I’d add my two cents to this discussion (or however much you think it’s worth).
While I am obviously not opposed to drawing attention to the beauty of women and giving them credit for it, the way that the word “hot” has been consistently used in that regard has made me dislike its use. This is because it seems to almost always involve a less-than-pure attitude on the part of the one assigning the designation, an excessive attention to an ultimately superficial aspect of who these women are.
Having said that, I am hardly in any position to cast judgement on the attitude held by those who made this list, and I’m not really sure if making this sort of list is a bad idea.
Personally, though, I don’t like this list, and if there were one for the “20 Hottest Conservative Men in the New Media”, I would not want to be on it. If anything, I much prefer lists based on the more substantial aspects of who people are, keeping their physical attractiveness secondary.
In other words, I would argue that lists like this should concern themselves with those aspects that can be discerned through a phone call, not a video conference.
Besides, physical appeal is in the eye of the beholder and naturally varies from one man to the next, whereas admiration of virtue is ideally uniform for all men and indeed both genders (no, I will never surrender idealism so long as there remains an ideal in which I believe all people would prosper).
Why is drawing attention to physical beauty so evil?
“Why is drawing attention to physical beauty so evil?”
Personally, I don’t think it is “evil” what Right Wing News did, just kind of tacky and juvenile. I appreciate a good looking man. But actually taking the time to make a list of the “hottest” men? I’m not 13 anymore.
How is it tacky and juvenile?
I’ll answer:
It adds nothing to the discourse.
Dear Maestro,
Stop being so amazing. You are making me smile too much and every on keeps asking me to explain why. :D
Haha Kel I like to hear my husband use both terms. I like to know he thinks I’m sexy and beautiful as well. ;) And yes, there are many women who ogle men, married women who ogle movie stars or whatever and I think that’s just as harmful as men doing it. It’s one thing to appreciate beauty, as I can certainly view a man and see that he is attractive, without crossing the line into lust and making a big deal about it. If you’re married, that does not honor your spouse in any way.
SM – Yep! It’s immature. What are they, 13 year old boys? It’s not evil at all just dumb. Lists of “hottest” famous women or men are just stupid. and, as Maestro pointed out, beauty is different for each person. What I consider attractive is far different from what many other females consider attractive.
P.S. Maestro, a hundred ‘amens!’ I’d rather see a “20 Most Influential Women in New Media” list or something. Something with more…. substance, shall we say? (I would say this even if we were discussing a “Hottest Men List”)
“20 Most Influential Women in New Media”
I find that demeaning, it implies that women who don’t make a huge impact are less valuable and adds nothing to the discourse, everyone should be viewed exactly the same like clones.
Well, to play the devil’s advocate, I think it does serve a certain purpose, and as long as things like this are a once-in-a-blue-moon thing, I don’t see the harm in it. Don’t you all ever get tired of conservative/pro-life women being depicted as cold, ugly harpies who only oppose abortion because they couldn’t get laid themselves?
I know i am.
“I’ll answer:
It adds nothing to the discourse.”
Unlike all the other things that right-wing activists do.
Yes, Xalisae. I commented awhile back that that’s why I stopped listening to George Carlin’s “humor”. Because he said:
“Did you ever notice that women who are AGAINST abortion are women you wouldn’t wanna f*** in the first place?”
But yes, it’s the word “hottest” that I object to.
Don’t you all ever get tired of conservative/pro-life women being depicted as cold, ugly harpies who only oppose abortion because they couldn’t get laid themselves?
Honestly, they’ll try to depict us as ugly harpies on one hand and as subservient breeders on the other hand. Or they could look at lists like this and say, “Hey, look! They’re just as shallow and juvenile as everybody else.” We can’t win, regardless. It doesn’t matter what people think we look like, anyway. What matters is what we are doing for those who are defenseless.
Unlike all the other things that right-wing activists do.
You mean like dressing up in genitalia/condom costumes and dancing around? Making uterus/coat hanger jewelry? Fetus cookies? Knitted uteri? Oh, wait, that’s you guys.
Don’t forget about the bizarre street theatre a-la Lisa Brown…
Like LibertyBelle and Maestro, not a big fan of “hottest” though I can see this word has evolved, for some, to mean simply beautiful. For others, it has at least a bit of, if not more, sexual connotation.
I also like X’s point that pro-life women are indeed women, real women – beautiful women who DECIDE to be modest and prioritize life, much to the contrary of what the media would have us think. I WILL be showing my daughters pictures of intelligent conservative Christ-loving beauties like Lila. (and my son too!)
That said, would it be appropriate to have a list of hottest women in the Bible? Would Jesus nominate someone for the list … even if it said beautiful-est? I’m thinking not so much.
We can all admire their inner and outer beauty without making lists.
“Would Jesus nominate someone for the list”
God made sexy in the first place.
If all you object to is the word then you’re not objecting to anything at all, it’s no different than a pro choicer objecting to the term pro abortion.
Dear U-104 – I agree. I am not sexy-hatin. You chose to ignore my last sentence: “We can all admire their inner and outer beauty without making lists”. God made beauty (or sexy as you say), but I have yet to see His lists.
“You chose to ignore my last sentence”
? I didn’t ignore it.
“Would Jesus nominate someone for the list”
God made sexy in the first place.
Where do you draw the line at calling women who are not your wife “sexy” or “hot”?
Matthew 5:28
Sorry, U-104 … I just assumed since you didn’t address the lists themselves. And honestly, I didn’t mean to sound combative … Soooo, the lists? Just a logical and yet imaginative extension of admiring God-given beauty?
Totally agree with you Kel.
X, “knitted uteri” HA HA HA HA HA. I’m glad I wasn’t drinking something when I read that.
What does lust have to do with this?
“Where do you draw the line at calling women who are not your wife “sexy” or “hot”?”
Could you rephrase? i don’t quite understand.
No problem
“Soooo, the lists? Just a logical and yet imaginative extension of admiring God-given beauty?”
That’s all i see, if they were half naked i could see the arguments, but they’re not, they are no pun intended conservatively dressed.
I ain’t lookin for a wife.
I already have 1.
So I don’t care if the lady or man is so ugly she/he could make a freight train take a dirt road as long as she/he is effective in advancing the ’cause’.
[See Ann Ramsey in ‘Throw momma from the train’]
“Don’t you all ever get tired of conservative/pro-life women being depicted as
who only oppose abortion because
they couldn’t get laid themselves?”
Who depicts pro-life women that way?
Sounds more to me like a description of feminazis and feministas such as Bella Abzug, Molly Yard, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Barbara Mikulski, Molly Ivans and Ann ‘wrinkles’ Richards……not pro-life ladies.
They might have been something to look at…before there was electricity.
The ‘dead babies r us’ mob see pro-life women as barefoot, pregant and ignorant traitors to their gender, but their legalistic feminist dogma prevents them from commenting in public about another womans physical appearance.
Now, hold on there, it’s my understanding that God did make a list. I found a sample of it on hillbilly10commandments dot com. Check ‘er out:
1.) Just one God.
2.) Put nothin before God.
3.) Watch yer mouth.
4.) Git yerself to Sunday meetin.
5.) Honor yer Ma & Pa.
6.) No killin.
7.) No foolin around with another fellers woman.
8.) Don’t take what ain’t yers.
9.) No tellin’ tales and gossipin’
10.) Don’t be hankerin for yer buddy’s stuff
I woke up one day and there was a grandmother in bed with me.
But she is one hot granny.
“but their legalistic feminist dogma prevents them from commenting in public about another womans physical appearance.”
since when?
“God made beauty (or sexy as you say), but I have yet to see His lists.”
He was busy so he sent Right Wing News ;)
“Don’t forget about the bizarre street theatre a-la Lisa Brown…”
Funny thing is, the Vagina Monologues started off as bizarre regular theatre, so I’m not sure if this is a demotion, or something along those lines.
but their legalistic feminist dogma prevents them from commenting in public about another womans physical appearance.
Oh, ken, if only that were true! Take a stroll down Twitter lane with me one of these days and see the kind of crap they say about MPQ and our friends.
Lady Alice, I very much appreciate the ability to make you happy simply by posting the truth. If you’re having difficulty explaining your joy, simply say that you’ve been talking to a Catholic man who’s not afraid to be honest; if that doesn’t satisfy those who ask, they are are more than welcome to investigate on their own time. :-)
And if your use of the word “awesome” means what I think it means, then I truly hope that I never stop, for to do so would be to live a lie, and there are enough people doing that already.
Lady Belle, while I too would prefer to see a ranking by influence rather than physical appearance, I would still rather the list (if one must be made) be based on a more direct characteristic, such as devotion, courage, purity, or the like. Influence, in my experience, can far too easily be based on external factors that depend too little on one’s own virtue and too much on the opinions of others, making it difficult to get an absolute measurement.
Granted, virtue is seldom less difficult in that regard, but it does lend itself to absolute standards.
…though in all honesty, I would not want to see myself on a list like that either; there is no reward that may be granted in this life that even begins to approach that which awaits in the next. :-P
OK, ninek, He did make a list, THE list in fact! =)
Aside from this one, I am now realizing I am anti-list. I don’t write out lists of my 10 best friends, in order, because I am not 12 anymore. Though U-104, God did make friends. ; ) I don’t write out to-do lists because they keep me from enjoying what I am currently doing. And I most certainly don’t look at, think about, or make lists of 20 hotty gentlemen. I just think we should be as classy as possible.
Final thought for U-104 … I really do think I understand your perspective, and seriously, you may not want to admit it, but I think you must understand the other viewpoints on this as well. Though you may be able to admire the beauty of these women without lust, do you really think that this list does not mean something else for many men? Will men think differently of a woman’s ideas because she is also smokin hot? I don’t know the answer for certain. Also, tis true that not everything Jesus didn’t do is wrong, but like He did, we must consider God’s will as well what is beneficial for the mission He has put before us, as many have said here.
For those who think beautiful is synonymous with hot, can a brother call his sister hot without it being weird?
“I just think we should be as classy as possible.”
And i don’t see anything unclassy about it.
“I think you must understand the other viewpoints on this as well.”
Oh i do understand, that’s why i don’t agree.
“do you really think that this list does not mean something else for many men?”
People can and will lust over everything, should skirts be banned because someone will look in lust?
“Will men think differently of a woman’s ideas because she is also smokin hot?”
Some will some won’t, totally irrelevant.
“we must consider God’s will as well what is beneficial for the mission He has put before us, as many have said here.”
Completely agreed.
“can a brother call his sister hot without it being weird?”
Yes, it is completely possible.
Dear U-104 – If it is classy and beneficial, you just let me know how “top twenty hotties at my church” goes over in the next monthly newsletter. I call your bluff.
Not a big fan of rating women by looks. Has nothing much to do with them as people.
If its not sexist then where is the list of twenty hottest conservative dudes?
Kel, I totally agree. I think using that word toes the line with lust (even if intentions are innocent). For instance, if my husband tells me that a female friend is beautiful, I couldn’t care less. Yes, she is beautiful, and it’s totally okay to say that and appreciate God’s handiwork (same if I said a man was handsome). But when you use the word “hot” that implies there’s a little bit more than appreciation going on. ;) I wouldn’t be walking down the street with my sweet husband and say, “Dang, that man is hot. He’d probably be on the 20 hottest guys in new media!!” It’s just out of respect for your spouse, and if others don’t feel that way, that’s alright. For me, though, I’d rather give temptation a wiiiiiiiiiide berth. ;)
And Jack I agree. As plenty of people have already pointed out, it’s the “list” itself that is just rather immature and stupid, not appreciating beauty.
And as to showing those opposing us that we have beautiful women…. It doesn’t matter. Michelle Malkin (who is on this list and is beautiful) was called by a liberal man a “mashed up bag of meat with lipstick on.” So he obviously didn’t care that she’s been on this list many times. Those on the other side will still characterize conservative women as ugly, cranky cronies. If they can’t look at pictures (twitter profile pictures, news pictures, etc.) and see that there are quite a few beautiful conservative women, they’re either blind, in denial, or jealous. (Or all of the above!) :)
“can a brother call his sister hot without it being weird?”
Yes, it is completely possible.
If you truly believe this, then you operate with a different definition of “hot” than the rest of the world. hot = sexually attractive
Hi JackBorsch 6:18am
Good question. I’d certainly like to feast my eyes instead of looking at the conservative women and remembering when.
When people ask me about sexual harassment, I say that at my age I’m glad someone would bother.
It’s in the making.
My church has never had a ballroom dance either.
I said it was possible, i never said it was common.
“I said it was possible, i never said it was common.”
And I’m saying that with the definition of “hot” being “sexually attractive”, no, a brother cannot say his sister is “hot” without being “weird”.
Oh? and who made you the final authority on what is “weird”?
I don’t believe there is a “final authority” when it comes to opinions.
If your opinion is not what you believe is absolutely true why bother having it?
U-104 – I’d be on the ballroom dance committee if my church gave the green light. Would you be on the hotty list committee?
I do actually believe this hot/beautiful equivalency exists in some people’s minds, mostly men. My very noble and protective brother called me hot one day, to my surprise and my sister-in-laws disgust. Of course a giant debate ensued. I was NOT MY definition of hot at the time (nor now), though beautiful could work, and this is what he meant. Point being, my brother is certainly not gross, but we ladies thought it was weird. This obviously does not serve my argument entirely, but it’s the honest truth. Bur regardless of or maybe because of how fluid language is, everyone should be aware that senses of words vary from person to person.
“If your opinion is not what you believe is absolutely true why bother having it?”
Do you believe all of your opinions are absolute truth?
While it is absolutely true that I think it is weird for a brother to call his sister “hot”, labeling something as weird is not a statement of absolute truth.
Lrning – I think U-104s idea of what an opinion is comes from the same place as where telling someone that their (and many people’s) meaning of a word is wrong comes from.
Ann Coulter is about as hot as the corpse of Ayn Rand.
I disagree, but I actually have taste.
“Would you be on the hotty list committee?”
If they asked.
And when did i tell anyone their meaning of a word was wrong?
“Do you believe all of your opinions are absolute truth?”
“I think you must understand the other viewpoints on this as well.”
Oh i do understand, that’s why i don’t agree.
U-104 – I perhaps erroneously took this to mean that you don’t agree with the word hot having a sexual connotation. Which is why I would say that you can have a different idea about the word but you can’t disagree with the fact that it triggers certain concepts in the minds of many others.
What i meant by that was i understood that the reason some people disliked the list was because it somehow “demeaned” women, and i disagree.
As for hot and sexy, the way i see it some women are cute some are pretty some are beautiful and some are hot, some cute women are sexier that some hot women, i don’t use hot and sexy synonymously.
“but you can’t disagree with the fact that it triggers certain concepts in the minds of many others.”
The word choice triggers certain concepts, i still use it to mean things other than abortion.
Pro-life women turn me on :^}
Lila Rose can take a *great* picture, and I’ve always thought that Michelle Malkin was smokin’ hot.