Was Madonna protesting proposed abortion ban in Turkey?
While many have put Madonna’s exposure down to her pursuit of grabbing headlines, some Twitter fans have said her actions spoke to Turkish women who are currently in protest of the Prime Minister’s call to ban abortion and C-sections.
“Madonna was supporting political action by Turkish women called “My Body is Mine.” They’re fighting for an impending ban of C-section,” Paoliena tweeted.
The protests put on my Turkish women last week came after Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, called abortion “murder”, referring to it as an insidious plan and calling for legislation to restrict women’s access to it.
Abortion has been legal in Turkey for almost 40 years, albeit only for pregnancies up to 10 weeks and emergency abortions for medical complications that occur after that. Now, Erdogan proposes that the procedure be banned altogether, unless there is a medical emergency within eight weeks of conception.
~ International Business Times reporting on the recent indecent exposure by singer Madonna during a concert in Istanbul, Turkey, June 11
Why would you want to ban C-sections?
And why would indecent exposure be protesting such a ban? Or a ban on abortions, for that matter?
It’s Turkey, the “sick man of Europe”… Why would you sack Constantinople? Why would you go through sultans like baby diapers and strangle the useless ones? What an odd point in history where the Turkish Question that has intrigued and bedeviled Europe for centuries has devolved into worrying about Madonna’s mammary glands and c-sections. Guess it’s better than centuries of warfare or genocide!
“And why would indecent exposure be protesting such a ban?”
Flashing is a protest against everything,
Protesting against the war? Flash.
Protesting against fur? Flash.
Protesting against the sexualising of women? Flash…..
I guess from a pro-choice point of view, being vulgar and indecent is the answer to everything.
Stay classy, Madonna.
Would someone please tell me WHEN these celebrities became the “go to” group for answers to everything ?????
Here’s another one for ya: A few weeks ago Kim Kardashian said she wants to run for mayor of Glendale, Ca. Now THAT’S funny !
Abortion is indeed murder, and it’s insidious. But I’m wondering what the Prime Minister meant when he said that abortion is an insidious plan. And insidious plan to what? I mean, I agree, but I’d like to know what he sees as the object of the plan?
Good for him on the abortion ban, but banning C-sections is dangerous. I hope women protest that part, just without indecent exposure.
@Chris — I believe that when a new sultan came into power, the members of his harem were disposed of. Sick.
I expect the ban is on *elective* c-sections, which is being discussed by several countries as a means of controlling health care costs and lowering maternal/fetal mortality/morbidity. (Although most countries discussing it are calling for a ban on insurance covering elective c-sections, not an outright ban).
Madonna, the aging Narcissist/Histrionic. That’s all this about.
Madonna, you’re past the point in life where anyone wants to watch you flash. Its getting old and so are you. Your performance at the Super Bowl was fantastic and befitting a woman of your age and talent, so no one is suggesting you should retire to a rocking chair and knit. Only that you grow up. The 1980s are a memory, not something to try reliving.
Nothing makes a mature woman look more ridiculous than her delusion that she is still a college girl.
Only elective c-sections before 39 weeks are being banned(by hospitals) here. This law is a ridiculous instrusion in doctor-patient decision making. A woman’s birth plan is way too personal to be legislated. Most c-sections don’t fall neatly into the categories “emergency” or “elective”. Some women have psychological reasons for not wanting a vaginal birth. Some women don’t want a VBAC. Some women are overdue and don’t want pitocin. There are pros and cons to both methods of delivery. If a waterbirth was not an option, I would prefer a c-section over giving birth in a hospital bed. An episiotomy would be too much for me to handle due to previous trauma.
NC, I both agree and disagree with you. In theory you are absolutely correct. How a woman chooses to give birth is between the mom and the dad (with doctor really only an advisory role). The problem is, in practice, few ‘elective’ c-sections are elected by the mom, but rather forced upon her by the doctor/hospital. Many women have no choice. Furthermore when doctors dismiss c-sections as ‘just’ another way to give birth, instead of the serious and risky major surgery it is, even if a woman *does* elect c-section, she isn’t doing it with informed consent. But c-section is a serious major surgery, and what other major surgery can one have (and have paid for by insurance) for purely elective reasons?
I don’t think an outright ban on elective c-sections is a good response to the very real problem, but niether is doing nothing and letting the trend of (doctor) ‘elective’ c-sections continue to spiral out of control. The U.S. now has a 30+% c-section rate! And many hospitals have a much higher rate. Forcing doctors to actually have a verified medical reason to perform surgery isn’t outside of the bounds of rational. But then there may be women who, for real reasons of mental health, opt for a c-section that won’t be able to get one. So there must be a better way.
Btw, episotomies are utterly unnecessary. In many hospitals they are no longer preformed, unfortunately in others doctors may still have a 90+% epi rate. But it is *not* something that simply happens during a (non water) vaginal birth. You may still tear naturally, some women do, some women don’t, and there are things you can do to lessen the likelihood of tearing, women, even 1st time moms give birth all the time without tearing or without a large enough tear to merit stitches. Having your genitals cut is *not* a requirement of vaginal birth.
When I read the “banning c-sections” part I knew it was an exaggeration. Just like when you hear a pro-abort claim such and such legislation bans miscarriages. Never true.
The government can control my uterus when they cut it out of my cold, dead body. And only because I’m an organ donor.