While many have put Madonna’s exposure down to her pursuit of grabbing headlines, some Twitter fans have said her actions spoke to Turkish women who are currently in protest of the Prime Minister’s call to ban abortion and C-sections.

“Madonna was supporting political action by Turkish women called “My Body is Mine.” They’re fighting for an impending ban of C-section,” Paoliena tweeted.

The protests put on my Turkish women last week came after Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, called abortion “murder”, referring to it as an insidious plan and calling for legislation to restrict women’s access to it.

Abortion has been legal in Turkey for almost 40 years, albeit only for pregnancies up to 10 weeks and emergency abortions for medical complications that occur after that. Now, Erdogan proposes that the procedure be banned altogether, unless there is a medical emergency within eight weeks of conception.

~ International Business Times reporting on the recent indecent exposure by singer Madonna during a concert in Istanbul, Turkey, June 11

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