Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • Live Action reports on the temporary injunction that has been issued, keeping Mississippi’s last remaining abortion mill open:

    The law requires that abortion doctors be licensed OB/GYN’s with admitting privileges to local hospitals. In Mississippi there is only one abortion clinic, and it did not conform to the law at the time it was passed. But three months after the legislation was passed, the clinic still does not comply with the new requirements.

    The judge granted the injunction to continue abortions without complying with the law while the constitutionality of the law is adjudicated.

  • Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life has the latest on abortion statistics in the state. The good news: abortion numbers are down 21%. The bad news:

    Tax-funded abortions increased to 34.2 percent of all abortions. This is the highest percentage since the 1995 Doe v. Gomez decision by the Minnesota Supreme Court required taxpayers to pay for abortions performed on low-income women. This percentage has increased nearly every year since the court ruling.

  • My Drop in the Ocean links to a Washington Post article and photos (see left) of the Catholic Church’s pro-religious liberty Fortnight for Freedom campaign from various locations in the US.
  • The Life Training Institute blog discusses Idaho’s fetal pain law and points out that arguments for and against the law “miss the crux of the issue — the humanity and value of the 20-week old fetus, the life of whom was taken because its mother couldn’t afford another child.”
  • Secular Pro-Life notes that the merger of secular and Catholic hospitals often results in the cessation of abortions at those hospitals, causing SPL to ask, “What is the difference, if any, between getting social/legal exemptions because of your religious beliefs and getting exemptions because of your personal (but secular) beliefs?”
  • Down on the Pharm reports on the vandalism and physical assault suffered by leaders in the Personhood movement since receiving coverage in Newsweek and The Daily Beast. A commenter reportedly posted some of the victims’ home addresses and the attacks followed shortly thereafter:

    Pro-lifers assume considerable risk, due to the violent propensities of abortion supporters. However these kinds of attacks are not considered newsworthy to the mainstream media, and therefore must be passed along in the new media.

[Photo via WashPo]

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