Stanek Sunday funnies 9-16-12
My top favorite favorite cartoons for the week…
by Steve Breen at…
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Lisa Benson at…
by Michael Ramirez at…
by Eric Allie at…
Note to the right wingers.
You don’t win this election by simply disliking Obama. Dems tried that in 2004.
At some point, your energies will have to go from disliking Obama to finding something to like about Romney (other than, he’s not Obama).
Aside from that…weakest cartoons in months unfortunately.
Some good Obama bashing ones are on the bottom line of this link – a couple of good Romney bashing ones in there as well:
Ex-RINO says: June 10, 2012 at 11:08 pm “For the record, I have three kids, my wife and I would never ever have considered an abortion, and I’m against it as I equate it to murder.”
Ex-RINO says: June 11, 2012 at 7:56 am “…at the end of the day, I’m more likely than not to vote DemocrRAT…”
ExRINO says September 6, 2012 at 8:41pm “I’ve actually started to seriously think about not voting this election.”
You can limit yourself to defending democRATs. Knock yourself out. With the obamateur at the helm it is 24/7/365 day year work.
It a dirty job, but one for which you are over qualified.
I will leave it to Romney and Ryan to execute their own offence.
Unemployment is still at >8%, the price of gasoline has doubled since b o began, the annual deficit and the national debt are at record high’s. The fed is printing more dollars to put into circulation. If it were not for oil transactions being conducted in U.S. dollars, we would be experiencing record inflation, probably hyper inflation.
American diplomats are being assaulted, raped and murdered and our embassies are being destroyed.
Ken -
there was no defense of Obama in my post.
My post was saying, if the GOP is going to win – Romney and Ryan, they’ll have to run on something other than pure hatred for Obama. And the people who vote are going to have to find appealing things of Romney that appeals to independents.
If the election were today, Obama’s almost certainly a win. So while cute cartoons and Obama bashing is all fine and good, at this point, it’s going to get you the Silver medal.
I was not defending Obama – not sure if you read my post or not – sort of a strange reply from you.
The third cartoon is wrong. Is should have been the obamateur in the Uncle Sam suit.
If b o were a conservative, the Congressional [liberal] Black Caucus would then attack Uncle Sam for being an ‘uncle tom’.
You are missing ‘your’ point….again and going to great lengths to do so.
I almost forgot.
The obama domestic and foreign policies are failing epicly and the democRATs are focusing their attention on a non-existent ‘war on women’.
Ken –
And they are winning.
So again, the GOP is going to have to find another attack other than “Obama is awful”.
Do you write your posts in the evening, and just post them on random threads throughout the day? I just wonder because so many of your posts seem to be in relation to nothing that is being talked about…
I agree – sort of. I think it is more about respect than likability. And I think Romney is becoming more respected as each day passes and Obama makes another fumble. Romney’s comments about the US Embassay’s comments were spot on as well as comments about the murder of the US citizens in Egypt. He is not perfect, but his effort is apparent and genuine. You can’t say that about BO, he seems to be floating. Glen McCoy’s cartoon captured their sheer lack of self-awareness of the BO administration and the Democratic party.
There is enough time for the US public to get to know Romney and to respect him.
We will see Tyler – he got not favorability rating bump from the beginning of the conference to the end, which is unheard of. He’s going to have to figure out some new ways of doing things, because this “just get madder” method isn’t working – at least not in the polls.
Like him or not, Romney is clearly the lesser of two evils by a very wide margin.
Unlike you, that is all I need to make a decision.
No need to invest a lot of time in an academic exercise enumerating every detail.
We are back to those cosmic scales of karma justice.
the obamateur has been weighed and found wanting.
My vote will not determine the outcome of this election, but it will count for something bigger than myself.
Ex-rino says: September 16, 2012 at 10:08 am
“Do you write your posts in the evening, and just post them on random threads throughout the day? I just wonder because so many of your posts seem to be in relation to nothing that is being talked about”…
i have ‘random excess memory’.
Ex-RINO says: September 16, 2012 at 10:08 am “And they [democrRATs] are winning.”
The citizens of NY can no longer go to the movies and get a soft drink larger than 16 ounces in size. They deserve it for being so DemocRAT. What a bunch of losers.
Yeah. You didn’t defend Obama. You just linked to a bunch of cartoons defending Obama. Totally different! How do you figure out which end of yourself to comb in the morning?
Ken and Ex are going at it again, this is going to be a long thread.
Obama and the people who vote DemocRAT also deserve to have their grandchildren ripped from their mother’s womb’s cause they vote for that too.
DemocRATs deserve to have their businesses regulated out of existense cause they voted for it.
DemocRATs deserve to have their health care plans mandated by bureaucrats because they voted for it.
Democrats should have their cars taken away and be forced to drive Chevy Volt’s cause they voted for it.
DemocRATs should not be allowed to decide for themselves what schools their children attend because they voted for it.
Democrats should be forced to pay higher taxes than everyone else because they voted for it.
You feeling ok, truthseeker?
DemocRATs should not be allowed to mention God except in their ‘churches’ because they voted for it.
JDC, it just frustrates the heck out of me that the DemocRATs (the party of choice LOL) pass laws limiting and micromanging what the size of soda you can get at the movie theater. I went to the movies last night and had got a 32 ounce drink and I am just fine. They deserve it cause they vote for it. I don’t cause I am ok with adults making their own choices as long as it is not the choice to kill their children.
Sluts vote DemocRAT too.
Democrats should not be allowed to play Gibson guitars because they voted for the Obama administration who sued Gibson and confiscated their guitar making wood from them because they imported wood from Indonesia that was already cut for fret-boards.
Any DemocRAT who has a non-union job should be fired because they are against ‘right-to-work’ laws. And they should ALL be forced to live in the cities like NY and Chicago where only union workers are allowed to work on government contracts.
Hi ts,
Why not just say it all in one post? It would save you some time. :)
DemocRATs should be forced to work till age 90 to cover the costs of the union sweet deal pension plans (retire with a full pension after 20 years on the job) that they collective bargain for and allow the rest of us to retire at 65 without bankrupting us.
Cause there are so many things they deserve that I would be typing all day and it wouldn’t get posted till some time tonight.
My favorite ts rant was the one about Gibson guitars – that one sounded personal!!
“Obama and the people who vote DemocRAT also deserve to have their grandchildren ripped from their mother’s womb’s cause they vote for that too.”
I have to object to this one because it is not the grandchildren’s fault that the grandparent’s voted in the way they did. This suggestion punishes the wrong people.
JDC, I think TS just got caught up in the moment and would’ve worded his comment better, or posted something entirely different, upon further reflection.
I am so guilty of not proof-reading my posts it isn’t even funny.
Ken said: i have ‘random excess memory’
I wish i had this problem…perhaps I would find my keys before I lost them!!!
“JDC, I think TS just got caught up in the moment and would’ve worded his comment better, or posted something entirely different, upon further reflection.”
I hope you’re right Tyler, but it would be nice to get some clarification directly from TS.
JDC – no need to worry – I’m jumping off an unsubscribing to this one after the hijacking!
All of the comics are great!
Obama stirring the hornets nest was particularly apropos this week. The main stream media propagandists have all jumped on the lie that it was the anti-Mohammed video that caused the attacks. What a bunch of liars. Even as the attackers were shouting on the anniversary of 9/11 that they were all Osamas, meaning we killed one but could never kill all, the pro-Obama propagandists still slavishly put forth the party line that blames the mideast troubles on someone else rather than the most incompetent president ever to sit in the oval office. What a surprise!
These people over there are not stupid. They see Obama constantly trumpeting the killing of Osama as an insult far more grevious than any six month old video.
“I have to object to this one because it is not the grandchildren’s fault that the grandparent’s voted in the way they did. This suggestion punishes the wrong people.”
Point taken JDC. I don’t wish that upon anybody, Not the babies and not the grandparents either. It is an evil nobody should ever face and nobody should ever vote to support abortion being legal. Just trying to make those grandparents face the repercussions of their vote. You reap what you sow. The problem is they are planting in the same field as the respectable people in society and we get swallowed up into the same sesspool they wallow in.
“JDC – no need to worry – I’m jumping off an unsubscribing to this one after the hijacking!”
Good call, Ex. I think I may have been a little confused back there, as it might actually be you and ts, not Ken that get into these long fights of the Sunday funnies threads. Of course, Ken does like to chime in in these discussions. Generally I stop following a given thread at this point.
I find Ex-GOP’s posts irrational and hypocritical. He says he thinks abortion is murder and that he thinks the Democratic party celebrates abortion and says he is likely voting Democrat. What if anything do you find that is constructive in his comments? All I see is a kool-aid drinker who spins the Democratic talking points and avoids the tough questions.
“Generally I stop following a given thread at this point”
At what point JDC? What is it you look for in these threads?
“How do you figure out which end of yourself to comb in the morning?”
x, LOLLLLL that is a classic I am sure but I hadn’t heard it before
No need to invest a lot of time in an academic exercise enumerating every detail.
This just about sums up most of the GOP’s base these days.
Mitt Romney is a good man who has given a great deal of his own time and money to charity. He has helped people in need and has worked to become a better man. When he has been wrong about something he has admitted it and changed for the better. Some people say Mitt isn’t a Christian, but he has lived the Gospel.
Therefore he is the opposite of Obama, who believes that you should help people through government instead of on the personal level, and who only changes for the worse.
Van nah, here’s what separates me from you: morality isn’t an academic exercise. It’s thoughtful, but not academic. If you have to consult the academy to figure out if unborn babies being torn limb from limb is wrong, then you are lost already.
If it’s been used before, I couldn’t tell ya. I was just riffing off the top of my head. ;p
I’m sure Robin Williams has that problem.
Not that I’d want to check that out.
”What if anything do you find that is constructive in his comments?”
Where did I say I found anything constructive in his comments? In fact, above I basically praised his decision not to participate further in this discussion, implying I didn’t particularly enjoy his comments.
”At what point JDC? What is it you look for in these threads?”
The point I was referring to was when you two get into your long back and forth that cover the same points over and over again. I just find it kind of boring. Basically, what I look for in these threads is discussions that I find interesting, which I find these are often not. I wasn’t trying to insult anyone or anything, just express my personal, highly subjective experience.
Roger that JDC. I was just checking….
truthseeker says:
September 16, 2012 at 11:16 am
Democrats should have their cars taken away and be forced to drive Chevy Volt’s cause they voted for it.
Hey, I love my Chevy Volt. It’s a fantastic car.
Reading this article reminded me of reading some of the comments here.,29478/
Hi Jerry 1:32PM,
The “anti-Mohammed” video is an attempt to cover up the incompetence of Obama’s foreign policy. I saw pictures of Obama and the Israeli flag being burned and the Libyans insist they warned our gov’t three days before the ambassador was killed. I believe them. I mean, it is 9/11, dahhhh, ya think that might have something to do with this?
Maybe Obama will figure out that kissing people’s backsides and bowing isn’t what earns him respect, especially in the more machismo middle east where efforts at appeasement are perceived as weakness and surrender.
Again our MSM does what it does best, function as Obama’s personal stenographers.
Hal, 7:21PM
Hey, I love my Chevy Volt. It’s a fantastic car.
Apparently you are one of the few people who thinks so.
Mary, They GM is cutting their losses. After taking into account the money they made selling Volt’s they lost a total of $49,000 dollars per Volt they manufactured. And they’d still be sitting in their lots if the Obama hadn’t purchased thousands of them. Obama subsidized the cost of each Volt with loans and rebates and then ended up buying them cause almost nobody else would. And GM is the success story the Democrats touted at their convention. It cost the tax-payers a lot of money and to Obama that is a success. Instead of letting the market work and a responsible company like Ford (who refused the giverment funds) take market-share we are left with an auto industry that is still in tatters.
Question. If Obama is so high on electric cars then why does he mandate energy policies that, in his own words, “will cause the price of electricity to necessarily skyrocket”?
Seriously, Obama is inept. The electricity used to power them is generated from nuclear and coal powered plants anyways. They are actually causing more greenhouse gases then gasoline powered cars anyway. And the manufacturing and disposal of the batteries for these cars is an environmental disaster.
Hal, have you found your battery doesn’t hold a charge as well in the winter?
Hi ts,
Yes I remember ex Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm who spoke, or should I say spazzed at the podium, disussing the huge GM “success” story at the Democrat convention. She looked like she was conducting the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. She put the state of Michigan in the crapper.
Why do you people hate America?
Why do you hate General Motors?
truthseeker, there is some reduced battery range in colder weather. Not too signficant.
But, I don’t live in places like Anchorage or Chicago. We don’t get too many real cold days in the Pacific Northwest.
Its Government Motors. I remember General Motors in its better days. I certainly don’t “hate” it.
And what’s this nonsense about “hating America”?
“The citizens of NY can no longer go to the movies and get a soft drink larger than 16 ounces in size.”
It’s a person’s legal choice to kill a preborn human, but no longer a legal choice to drink a giant soda.
I am always shocked at the blatant lack of morality in our world. But what astonishes me lately is how it is being replaced with some false, superficial, ridiculous version of morality.
My body, my choice?! … Stay out of my GI tract!
The first car I ever owned was a 69 Chevy Impala. I always loved GM cars but I think less of GM and more of Ford now because Ford didn’t need a government handout. The federal government is not supposed to be in the position of picking and choosing businesses to bail out.
LifeJoy, Maybe you need to check yourself into rehab till you can properly decide what size soft drinks are best for you and your body. What if it causes you indigestion?
Hal says September 16, 2012 at 7:22 pm “Reading this article reminded me of reading some of the comments here.”
I would describe the Onion piece as a ‘labor of loathe’.
Must of been written by one b o’s spurned down low lover boys.
It is a gross and deliberate mis-representation.
The real b o is much more hideous than the parody portrays him to be.
Has the Onion published a parody of the ‘War on Women’?
And what’s this nonsense about “hating America”?
Well, it’s pretty clear that Mitt hates at least half of it.
mp, I feel bad about the CEO of Gibson guitars being abused by the Obama DOJ. Acknowledging they are victims in NO WAY means I hate them. Maybe you could better explain what you are trying to say. You just responded to Mary’s accusation of nonsense with more nonsense.
As I recall Obama made a comment to wealthy donors about “bitter clingers” which “Mr.” Ed Schultz stated, on his program, explained the Walker recall win.
Sorry mp, but Romney has a point. There are people dependent on gov’t, and want to stay that way. Ever hear of people lining up for “free” money in Detroit? “Obama’s stash”?
People thrilled about not having to make any payments for mortgage and gas?
You can draw you own conclusions mp.