Stanek Sunday funnies 9-23-12
My top five favorite political cartoons for the week, beginning with an interesting liberal perspective of Barack Obama and “choice” by Tedd Rall at…
by Michael Ramirez at…
by Bob Gorrell at…
by Eric Allie at…
by Steve Benson at…
Cartoon number 3 makes a subtle shift trying to make Romney look like he only said that 47% of people would never vote for him. Later in the quote, he specifically says “THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO PAY NO INCOME TAXES”.
He continues on to say they believe they are victims, that they are entitled to various things, and that they are dependent on the government. He also says they don’t take responsibility and care for their lives.
I’ll throw out a few questions for anybody to answer if they’d like:
1) Of those who don’t pay federal income taxes, 61% are working folks who pay payroll taxes. The best options to adjust their income enough for them to pay income taxes (at the federal level) is either the elimination of the Earned Income Credit or the Child Tax Credit. Do you favor getting rid of or modifying either of these credits?
2) About 22% of these people are on social security. The best way to get them to pay taxes is to subject their social security benefits to taxes – do you support that?
3) The rest (less than 20%) are disabled individuals, students, long term unemployed, or people with very low wages. Thoughts on making them pay taxes?
We have seen Obama’s plan to raise taxes on lower and middle class. It is not conjecture. It is real and it starts to hit right after the election and it is called Obamacare. And 80% of these taxes hit individuals making $55,850 or less and families making $115,250 or less. These are taxes that were passed into law by Obama and the DemocRATs in 2010 and set to kick in right after the 2012 election. If you need a link let me know but even the liberal media admits these facts so you should already know they are true. Your hypotheticals about Romney Ryan raising taxes on these folks are just more bs and ignore that Obama has already passed the largest tax increases in history on these folks and they start to kick in next year when the IRS starts penalizing/taxing people who don’t purchase Obamacare.
To Any Democrat who thinks they understand what Obama meant when he said “you didn’t build that; somebody else built that”; and he went on to explain himself by referencing how the government built the highways that commerce travels on. Do you understand that the government is just a middle-man with our money? That those highways were in fact built by the same people who build their businesses?
I read in the local newspaper(!) that Obamacare will hit middle class taxpayers with a big tax increase. Good grief, is our nation’s media finally starting to do its job?
This was referred to as an “inconvenient truth” and a “miscalculation”.
Simple English: The people were lied to. Shades of Bart Stupak.
Mary -
Link please.
What I’m surprised about is our local newspaper actually reported it. Imagine, real journalism!
”Imagine, real journalism!”
Excellent! I was sure that species went extinct years ago.
I am confident the 53% know to whom Romney was referring when he cited the 47% who will vote for b o no matter what.
b o’s really big problem is getting these under motivated and under achieving 47% to take the time to fill out an absentee ballot and mail it in.
If they time it right they won’t even have to make an extra trip to the mail box. They can just wait for the day their welfare check arrives.
But even if the 47% show up in the same record numbers they did in 2008, they still won’t be enough to ensure b o’s re-election.
b o has to persuade the moderates, independent and the wackos to give him another chance.
These are the people, like EX-RINO who have not yet decided if they are even going to vote and if they do they are still not sure for whom they will vote.
Ex-RINO says September 6, 2012 at 8:41pm “I’ve actually started to seriously think about not voting this election.”
Ex-RINO says September 9, 2012 at 8:27pm “I’ve far from decided what I’m going to do this election… I can’t vote for Romney. But beyond that, I’m still deciding.”
Mary -
So first of all, it starts in 2016 – so earlier when it was posted that it starts right after the election – that was false.
Second – if you get a speeding ticket, do you consider yourself taxed?
Oh, not you too! Why insist on screaming “don’t take anything I say seriously?”
First cartoon could be titled, ‘the obamateurs war on women not likely to vote for him’.
We have a rat infestation problem at the building where I work.
I had to accompany the exterminator as he made an inspection of the premises.
I told him the ‘brass demcrat’ joke.
He had a sense of humor and he laughed a lot unlike the previous exterminator who’s business, was named ‘The Rat Patrol’.
The Rat Patrol guy only grunted when he heard the punch line.
Next time I tell the joke and I suspect the listener is a liberal I will change the punch line to “Have you got any brass republicans?’ and see if I can get a laugh?
Would you laugh?
Ex justifies tax increase thusly:
So first of all, it starts in 2016…
Oh, OK, I guess all is well. No worries.
Never mind that we were told by the Obamaites that this was not suppose to happen, and now suddenly it appears. I guess that is what Nancy Pelosi meant when she said we have to pass the bill to find out what is it in it.
By the way this talk about Obamacare reminds me of the account of regulators fashioning language to implement the IPAB panel’s responsibilities. According to the surgeon who reported on this they refer to patients as “units” Nice! Strickly utilitarian….the brave new world of holding human life as nothing more important than an entry into a ledger.
Thank you, Obama. I am not surprised. After all you spent all of your political captial in Illinois fighting to make it safe for babies born in an abortion to die unattended and never to know the warmth of human compassion.
If anyone professes to be pro-life and is still undecided in this election it is impossible to vote for Obama.
The cartoon of the “reporter” (what a misnomer!) not reporting anything damaging to Obama really nailed it. It is good to hear though that the number of people who trust the MSM implicitly is down to something like 6%. And the number of people who at least have significant reservations about the MSM is much higher now than 4 years ago.
These are signs of hope. The ministers of propaganda in the Obama administration and the MSM are starting to sweat it. But at least Obama has signed an executive order to himself allowing him to shut down the internet in an “emergency”. So they have that going for them. Pssst…don’t tell anyone but the word “emergency” has eveything to do with the eye of the beholder.
It is amazing how people allow themselves to be manipulated by the MSM. We see it in comments here all of the time. I think alot of it is people hearing what they want to hear. As long as the MSM narrative is dutifully adhered to by the underlings in the MSM food chain all is well. But let someone step out of line (like Fox News for example) and the slings and arrows start flying.
Jerry – two quick thoughts:
– My biggest concern is that the fine isn’t higher. If somebody bypasses insurance because they simply don’t want it, and then have a big accident, I’m quite sure they’ll feel fine going into the emergency room and passing the bill onto you and me. It’s not right, and it’s not responsible.
– On your second post – can you specifically define who the main stream media is – I’d like networks/websites please.
When I copied and pasted Romney’s 47% comments yesteday, I did not realize they were incomplete. That they had been creatively edited
I have reposted them en todo. The highlighted portions are the parts that were omitted.
“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it — that that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And the president starts off with 48, 49. He starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. 47 percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of lower taxes doesn’t connect. So he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that’s what they sell every four years and so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the five to ten percent in the center that are independents, that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon, in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not.”
Why shouldn’t people wait to pay the fines? You see, unlike government, people are a bit wiser in how they spend their money. The same younger people who wouldn’t have been insured are merely going to wait. If and when they need it, they’ll pay the fine.
That’s a good caricature of Andrea Mitchell in cartoon three. She makes her husband Alan Greenspan seem like a barrel of laughs.
Hans – in part, I agree – which is why we ultimately need a single payer system and everyone with skin in the game.
You’ve hit on exactly the issue with the GOP plan as well – Romney is trying to figure out how to work, into what conservatives want, a health care plan that keeps the popular components – so the thought is, make pre-existing conditions illegal (to discriminate against), but don’t mandate coverage. So just like your point – why pay until you have to – wait until get you get cancer, then go to an insurance company and jump onto a plan.
Health care is so screwed up – I’ve said numerous times on this board – government run health care is a long term reality – I think Obama’s plan delays it more than the crash course we were on – but I’m convinced (and have seen healthcare CEO’s speak about this and they are convinced) that this is the long term reality. The only way out, I believe, is if we treat healthcare like cars – you can’t afford it, you don’t get any coverage (not even emergency).
I’ve posed the question multiple times on this board about repealing EMTALA – nobody will bite and go that far. Conservatives want the easy way out on this one as well. Time to start to own up to reality.
Sorry for the rant! Off my soapbox now!
Was that part of the “missing two minutes?”
I think Romney’s mistake was in being a little unfocussed. It sounded like he was conflating non-federal tax payers with “welfare queens”. He was really just setting aside Obama’s base from the discussion. And as you see in cartoon 4, that coincides with the 47%.
He knows the main target is the 6 or 7% undecided. Obama’s base is made of granite and cult-like.
Romney gets a lot of votes from that 47%. Obama gets a whole lot of votes from the 53%. Romney appears to truly not understand why people who take personal responsibility for their own lives would vote for the President.
EGV 12:39PM
Not so fast:
Some more uh, “inconvenient truths”.
Those who want more info on the connection between adoption and serial murder as well as adoption and parricide might start here:
This isn’t for abortion. I’ve never had an abortion nor have I ever placed for adoption. I believe it is possible to prevent women and girls from suffering the trauma of getting pregnant if they don’t want to both have and raise babies.
I just noticed Obama is up 2 in Gallup after being tied for a few days. I wonder if Don Barack Corleone and Santino(Sonny)Axelrod have again called the Gallup CEOs and made them an offer that this time they dare not refuse. Just hum the opening theme of that great classic “The Godfather”as you read this.
Hi Hans Johnson 2:43PM
Obama’s base is cultlike indeed:
Sounds like religious chanting.
Sorry Hans, hopes this one works. I just checked, sorry it doesn’t.
Go to youtube and type in obama, we are the ones. There are a couple of other videos as well. Positively eerie and cultlike. If you were to ask these people about their mindless adulation and what they base it on, I doubt they could give you an answer.
“I just noticed Obama is up 2 in Gallup after being tied for a few days. I wonder if Don Barack Corleone and Santino(Sonny)Axelrod have again called the Gallup CEOs and made them an offer that this time they dare not refuse. Just hum the opening theme of that great classic “The Godfather”as you read this.”
People like you will still be screaming that the polls are rigged as they drag you into your padded cells on the morning of November 7th. Luckily, after all the time you’ve spent here, you’ll feel right at home in a mental institution.
Mary, it’s not mindless adulation. I could give you 20 reasons why I support President Obama.
The MSM operates somewhat like a pyramid. The top dogs are the NY Times/WaPo/ AP/the big three networks and a few others. They set the tone for the news cycle. A good example most recently was the fiction of the killing of the ambassador as the work of people upset over a video. They echoed each other’s ”reporting” and the line put out by the administration like lapdogs afraid to question anything because they are afraid to lose access. Though keen observers were noticing huge discrepancies between the official line and the reality the bigs would have none of it. Now however the preponderance of evidence that it was not the video but rather a coordinated attack by armed men is so overwhelming that some of them have no choice but to be dragged kicking and screaming into reporting it. But do not hold your breath thinking you will hear mea culpas for their earlier misreporting or any apologies to Romney for jumping all over his correct criticism of the comments coming from the embassy.
You will not see an iota of difference among the bigs. They are in the bag for the Obama administration and a great many people allow themselves to be manipulated by them. The lesser players comprising the pyramid (most big city newspapers and talking heads) are basically mouthing what the bigs say. It is almost comical to hear a media montage of reporting on major stories…they almost always use the same words and spin—like mindless robots who haven’t a clue or an original thought.
LOLLLLLLLLL. Are you aware Don Barack and Santino Axelrod did in fact call Gallup CEOs to explain themselves when Don Barack’s poll numbers weren’t what they thought they should be! That’s what I’m making fun of.
You might want to hum along with the opening theme of “The Godfather” as you read this.
Did you see the videos? Please give us your 20 reasons.
David Axelrod is not pleased with you…better keep an eye out :). In Obama’s amerika there is no room for media bigs straying from the plantation….and we have to keep the gangsters (oops, I meant the pollsters) in line too. A quick visit from the enforcer is all it takes.
Hi Jerry,
Is it David aka Santino(Sonny)Axelrod that you’re referring to? And Eric(the enforcer)Holder?
Mary – how many of those taxes personally hit you? None hit me or my family.
Do you think that is a desirable thing to insure more Americans, even if it costs some tax money?
I have a very sincere question. Quick scans of the internet (and this blog) these past few days have left me dumbstruck, so I can only squeeze out a question. As I said, the question is sincere and I would appreciate it if someone would answer honestly.
What will your reactions be if Obama is re-elected? What’s next for conservatives if Obama wins again in November?
Thanks Jerry – so even with the ratings fox generates, they don’t get mainstream status?
Maybe if we had some not for profit news options (or more of them), we could get some real news.
Vannah -
If Obama wins, for a month, everyone will talk about how the world is going to end.
After that, half the republicans will talk about how they needed a REAL conservative, and the other half will say they need to find somebody who can appeal to independents.
Then, in 2016, Hillary will run against and beat Scott Walker…and then we’ll get it all over again.
20 of the 5easons I’m voting for President Obama (since you asked) (in no particular order).
1. Obama care. Provided free preventive care and ended preexisting conditions and lifetime caps.
2. Ended Don’t ask don’t tell.
3. Supports same sex marriage.
4. He has a plan to improve the economy, compared to Romney’s (“the economy will magically improve when I’m elected because people will be happy.”)
5. Obama reversed Bush’s policy of ignoring Osama bin Laden, immediately setting a course that eventually led to his capture and death
6. GM is alive.
7. Good judicial nominees.
8. Passed Wall Street Reform:
10. Reversed Bush Torture Policies
11. Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009,
12. Invested Heavily in Renewable Technology
13. Support for veterans. Obama has consistently promoted the allocation of funds, increased benefits, job opportunities and extended resources for our nation’s veterans
14. Brokered Agreement for Speedy Compensation to Victims of Gulf Oil Spill
15. Supports the dream act.
16. Strong and sane foreign policy
17. Stimulus package which saved the economy from collapse.
18. Support for higher education, and tightening up on abuses by for-profit universities.
19. Overall competence and integrity.
20. He’s not Romney
EGV 7:28PM
Not the point. The point is there were not supposed to be more taxes and there are.
“What will your reactions be if Obama is re-elected? What’s next for conservatives if Obama wins again in November?”
Whining, moaning, eulogizing the death of America (with lots of ham-handed uses of the word “republic”), threats of violence, etc.
Basically, all the usual stuff that happens after a Democrat wins the White House.
Wouldn’t many problems be addressed by reviving the custom of chaperoned dating? Of course, when I suggest this something people think I’m making fun of the Religious Right or any efforts to encourage abstinence from premature and destructive sexual activity. However, both STDs and unwanted pregnancies would decrease through a revival of this practice. In addition, young people would actually be able to get to know one another, a process that is derailed through the common practice of giving into their natures and “making out.”
1. Free? My friend, the only thing free mean is someone else is footing the bill. Did you see that article about the tax increases? So much for free.
2. We have yet to see if that may be a problem, hopefully not.
3. I hear black ministers are not too thrilled with this and have discouraged black congregants from voting for Obama.
4. A plan to improve the economy? What has stopped him until now?
5.No Hal, Bush set the wheels in motion for eventually getting Obama. Did you hear Obama want to release about 1/3 of the terrorists in Gitmo? I’m sure they’ll return to lives of growing flowers.
6.No my friend, GM is in trouble. Google GM is in trouble again
7. You mean like Elena Kagan. Her experience was what?
8. Reforming Wall Street has done what?
9. Skipped one. You’ll have to come up with another reason.
10. Oh, those policies that helped us get Bin Laden, about which Obama likes to boast, and other terrorists and that prevented terror attacks.
12. You mean like Solyndra, which went belly up? Tell us about all the new forms of energy we now have. Does Air Force 1 fly with windmill energy?
13. I googled and found a mixed bag on this one but I’ll give it to you.
14. Do you see Obama mentioned in this article:
15. What has he done for the Dream Act? Apparently Hispanics at Univision weren’t too happy with him
16. You are being funny, right? The mideast is on fire and Obama would rather go on Letterman and party with Beyonce and Jay-Z than meet with the Israeli Prime Minister. Iran has been giving us the finger, as has N.Korea. But Obama did pass a message to Putin, with the mike off of course, that in his second term he can be more flexible with missile defense. Doe the name Amabassador Stevens ring a bell with you?
17. Stimulus package which only put us deeper in debt and has done nothing to improve the economy.
18. What’s he done for higher ed?
19. Competence? Yes that’s why the mideast is burning and the economy in collapse. Integrity is calling a polling CEO like some mafia don and asking for a meeting so that they can explain themselves. Suddenly the DOJ is going after Gallup.
20. He’s not a lot of people. This says nothing.
Why don’t you just resume humming the opening theme of “The Godfather”?
Mary, I gave you some of my reasons.. They may not be your reasons. Sorry I missed one. How about: he doesn’t hide his money in cayman island tax dodges.
No Hal, he hides it in kickbacks from the SEIU and Jeffery Immelt and Planned Parenthood. You are a joke.
You have been on a roll!! :)
I am a joke?
Mary – how many of those taxes personally hit you? None hit me or my family. Ex-RINO, the first one hits anybody who gets seriously ill and need those medical devices; I guess you must have some kind of guarantee you will not need an operating table at all???? The second one hits pre-retirement seniors. The third one hits ME and EVERYBODY else who has a FSA. The fourth one doesn’t hit me cause it hits everybody with capital gains. The fifth one hits EVERYBODY. So again you are shown to spew incoherent blather.
Maybe you need to look at Mary’s link again and actually read it:
The Libyan’s say that one of the terrorists who orchestrated the attack against the US Libyan consulate and killed our ambassador was a prisoner who had been released from Gitmo. What is Obama;s response? Blame the attack on a movie and release 55 more Gitmo detainees. wtf
Mary – Obama said he wasn’t going to raise taxes on the middle class. You’ve thus far shown:
– A fine if you don’t have insurance (I don’t care what Roberts calls it to make it work)
– A tax on medical device COMPANIES
– An adjustment to a tax deduction which will be less needed if people have insurance and aren’t paying 10% of their income for medical charges.
– Fox BUTCHERED the 4th item on the list – the capital gains – first off, it is for adjusted gross incomes of over $200K ($250K if married). Second, it is a 3.8% bump – Fox combines the number it goes up if the Bush tax cuts aren’t extended – THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HEALTH CARE REFORM.
– Medicare tax increase – again, fox conveniently forgets that it is for folks at the 200K (single)/$250K (married) level.
So truth’s rambling is of course off, unless truth makes more than $250K a year.
A fine if you don’t have insurance (I don’t care what Roberts calls it to make it work)
This sums up Ex-RINO’s sense of honesty and respect for the Constitution pretty well. “I don’t care WHAT it takes-dead babies, violating the Constitution, lying about whether or not a tax has been levied-as long as my friends and I get our FREE STUFF!”
Also, this:
“Nearly 6 million Americans – significantly more than first estimated_ will face a tax penalty under President Barack Obama’s health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would be in the middle class.”
So, yeah. Obama is really looking out for the poor and middle class, unlike those mean old Republicans who just want poor people and the middle class to DIE WITHOUT HEALTHCARE!!! BAWWWWWW!!!
Good grief, who do you think the medical device COMPANIES pass the tax increase onto? Bingo! The consumer. That’s the middle class person who needs a pacemaker or artificial limb or home health supplies.
Where in the Constitution does it say the gov’t can ”fine” i.e. tax you for not buying something?
As I was typing EGV, it occured to me I am just explaining everything to you that was in the link. Kindly go back and reread it as it is pretty self explanatory and not exactly rocket science. I can only assume you are in a state of shock over being bamboozled by The One.
Reading the entire context of the Romney 47% quote, I find it hard to believe that he was saying that nobody who doesn’t pay taxes is going to vote for him. Obviously there are very poor people who vote Republican just as there are very rich people who vote Democrat. He must know this. It seems far more likely that he was talking about people from across the economic spectrum who refuse to take personal responsibly – like Sandra Fluke, and pretty much anyone who demands that the Catholic Church surrender its First Amendment rights and abandon its sacred doctrine because condoms cost too much and it’s too difficult to go to Planned Parenthood to get them.
But as we know in the case of all Obama supporters, it is necessary to believe the worst about Romney. Romney MUST have been talking about all the people who pay no tax. He MUST have been saying that veterans and the poor are nothing but lazy slobs who desire to be wards of the state, even if that makes no sense. He just has to be a bad, bad man – because how else can we possibly justify voting for someone like Obama?
“Mary, I gave you some of my reasons.. They may not be your reasons. Sorry I missed one. How about: he doesn’t hide his money in cayman island tax dodges.”
People in glass houses alert about foreign investments.
Hans. I’m not fan of Wasserman-Schultz, so I didn’t read that article.
However, I read the one about Obama. The part you might have missed is that he doesn’t have any control over that relatively small investment:
“According to financial disclosure forms, President Obama has $50,000-$100,000 invested in the Illinois General Assembly Defined Pension Benefit Plan”
I’m pretty sure you can’t direct the investment strategy of Defined Pension Plans. That’s not even close to what Romney is doing with his personal investments.
And John, we don’t have to trash Romney to feel good about voting for Obama. We’re not voting for Obama because Romney is a “bad, bad, man.” But because Obama is the best man for the job. Best president of my lifetime, bar none.
And Romney’s quote makes no sense the way you’re trying to spin it. It’s pretty clear the way he said it. 47% of voters don’t vote for Obama “no matter what.” They don’t vote for him because he makes it easier to avoid taking personal responsibility. Here’s a news flash. We vote for Obama because we think he’s a good and decent President who is by and large doing the right things. I think conservatives believe that no one who really understands what’s going on would ever vote for Obama. We all must be stupid, uneducated, or hoping for a free ride. That’s pretty insulting.
I daresay Obama’s outsourcing of business overseas - solar panels from China is but one example - far outweighs Romney’s intentional overseas investments.
And which party do you think is going to close loopholes and encourage domestic investment?
“An adjustment to a tax deduction which will be less needed if people have insurance”
Ex-RINO. I have insurance from Blue Cross Blue Shield. A cadillac plan by Obamacare standards cause it costs so much. But I more than use all funds available on my FSA every year to pay cop-pays and meet deductibles. It is only September and my FSA is empty this year already so I am putting off getting $3000 in dental work. Guess what, next year under Obama’s new $2,500 cap my FSA won’t even be able to pay one tooth to get extracted and replaced. You are blind.
Hans. I’m not fan of Wasserman-Schultz, so I didn’t read that article.
Hal, you do know “I didn’t read that so I can’t comment on it” is aclassic liberal deflection don’t you. How can you support Obama so blindly that you don’t care what his spokesperson even says and what she does?
okay, Truthseeking, I don’t want to be a classic liberal deflecting things. I read the article. %15,000 in a retirement account. What a stretch. It’s NOT THE SAME THING at all.
As she correctly points out:
“Mitt Romney has his own money invested directly in Swiss bank accounts, in accounts and investments in the Cayman Islands. He personally has a Bermuda corporation. Every American, I think, can identify with 401k investments in which mutual funds are invested. There is absolutely no comparison,” said Wasserman Schultz.
“We vote for Obama because we think he’s a good and decent President who is by and large doing the right things.”
Rather, you support Obama because you think he’s a bad and evil president who is by and large doing the wrong things. Because that’s how you roll, troll.
John, it’s not trolling to point out that there are reasons other than considering myself a “victim” to vote for President Obama. Romney was wrong about that, people here are defending that or trying to explain it away.
Except that you do consider yourself a victim. You want free birth control and abortion. You are being victimized by conservatives and prolifers who don’t think that the government should use taxpayer money to provide you with free birth control and abortion.
Another good reason to support Obama is if you are evil man who celebrates abortion, even with full knowledge of the fact that it intentionally destroys innocent human lives.
I’m not a victim. I have no personal need for birth control or abortion. my motives are purely altruistic
Hugh Hewitt had a three-hour monologue of his 100 reasons to vote for Romney. When it’s in print I’ll link to it.
xalisae – That is the biggest twisting of another person’s post I’ve seen in a long time.
Mary – twist it how you want – the medical device tax is a tax on companies – it isn’t a tax on the middle class. The middle class are people. Medical device companies are companies. If you are in the middle class, you won’t see a change to your tax rates. I don’t know how else to explain it to you. Drive by a company and ask yourself, “is that a middle class family”? I hope your answer is no. It isn’t. It is a company.
Yeah, that’s what slip-and-fall lawyers tell their clients. It’s just a company. Squeeze ’em for all you can.
Hans – I invite you to read through the posts and respond again with a thoughtful comment.
Nah, not this time. Too tired.
EG: Fuel costs for transportation of groceries are costs incurred by companies transporting them. Obviously anyone who thinks this will increase costs to consumers is a moron. :-/
Rasqual – somebody who thinks that is not a moron.
But somebody who thinks that inflation is a tax increase is a moron.
That clear?
EGV 12:06am
Again, please read the entire post, it is very self explanatory as to how the middle class will be hit in 2013. I will not go over the link bit by bit as you can read as well as I can and it has been my experience in the past that nothing I say registers with you.
Live with it EGV, The One has pulled one big con job….again.
Hugh Hewitt had a three-hour monologue of his 100 reasons to vote for Romney. When it’s in print I’ll link to it.
Three hours? My God, that’s a commitment. If I’m not convinced after 60 minutes I doubt the next two hours are going to change anything. I would be interested in hearing anyone give a good reason to vote for Romney, I honestly haven’t heard one that makes any sense.
No transcripts yet, but here are the audio links for 100 Reasons Not To Vote For Obama. And yes, mixed in are reasons to vote for Romney.
Hopefully you can make it through a dozen or so before behaving like the HAL from 2001 that ken teases you as being.
d “Daaisy, Daaaisy…” d
Hans, so far #1, and #2 could equally be said about Obama (good guy, wants another American century). #3 is not true. #4 not true. Not based on reality at all. I don’t think I can listen any more, this guy is a kook.
Hans -
Just listening to a few as well:
1) Who doesn’t believe that? Lame reason
2) Great – though any Obama person would say the same thing about Obama. I thought both things about McCain and Obama in the last election.
3) Not quite sure of any evidence on this, except for running an election – though I don’t see any evidence Obama doesn’t attack important things
4) Simply not true.
5) I’d agree to a certain degree – but can you give him anymore than 50% of the blame?
Quickly this list is what I thought it would be…not much in support of Romney…just things not to like about Obama.
I made it through more than Hal did though.
Mary – all I can say is, I’m middle class and I won’t see a tax increase because of this legislation.
Try reading the link again.
Mary – if I counted correctly, you’ve posted SIX links on this.
Which link? The fox news link? That’s the one we were talking about – which one now?
“all I can say is, I’m middle class and I won’t see a tax increase because of this legislation.”
And all I can say is Ex-RINO is the king of spin. Link #2 from Mary’s list means Obamacare is a tax increase in any family that needs major orthodontia work (thinking my daughter who needs braces next month. I’m middle class and my FSA contribution is being stolen away by Obamacare. Obamacare, the health care ‘fix’ that raises out-of-pocket health care expenses. Next year because of the tax code changes in Obamacare my FSA won’t even be able to cover having my tooth pulled and an implant put in to replace it.
The new Obamacare law limits my FSA contributions to where they won’t even cover my family’s dental work. So it will leave ZERO funds available to cover any of my family’s copays or deductibles. And all the bs in the world from Ex-RINO won’t change the fact that I will have $2000 less of tax deferred savings to use on my medical next year. And as head of household my income is the lower end of middle class.
And what about Obama’s promise that we could keep our policies if we like them. Well I couldn’t. They increased my out of pocket copays and deductibles because Obamacare outlawed my the lifetime and cap on my policy that kept the cost of the policy down. For example, Obamacare removed the copay on annual physicals but it increased my copay at doctors visits from $20 to $35 per visit. It is snake oil and needs to be repealed.
Thank you ts,
You explained it very well.
Hal and Ex-GOP,
1 and 2 – I think it’s arguable how good a guy Obama is, starting with his callous disregard of infants that sparked this very blog.
Who doesn’t believe this should be a second “American Century”? Obama. I think it’s apparent he believes in downsizing our influence internationally, and he attacks those of domestic influence - except of course Hollywood.
3 – Romney does have a good reputation for turning around businesses – somewhere over 60%, I seem to remember - and these are for companies on the brink of failure.
4 and 5 - How can you deny he is an ungenerous, disinterested pol? He’s fine at implementing the Chicago Way - releasing opponents’ divorce records, intimating McCain lost his marbles as a P.O.W.
But he would rather golf, fundraise, or appear on the View than engage in his real job. He was shamed into actually attending security briefings in the last week.
He won’t be attending his Jobs Council until he’s guaranteed to keep his own.
EG: “But somebody who thinks that inflation is a tax increase is a moron.”
Dude. Inflation is when money is devalued. Increases in price due to increased taxes on a business are not inflation.
This might help you.
Seriously, few things frustrate me more than trying to converse with folks who don’t understand this issue. They just figure that taxes “stay” wherever you “put” them. It’s sheer idiocy. Since you’re not an idiot, I trust you’ll show some sign that you understand this issue a bit better than your remarks above suggest.
Hans – I fundamentally disagree with your post – but I do massively agree with the thought that it is shameful the amount of fundraising that has to go on. There really needs to be reform in regards to campaign financing.
Rasqual –
The point has been made that Obama is raising taxes on the middle class because there is a hike on medical tax corporations.
That is not a hike on the middle class. Maybe you were replying to a different comment or something.
Do you think this example is a tax hike on the middle class?
What’s a medical tax corporation?
I take it you don’t consider sales taxes to be regressive taxes on lower income folk, right? Because technically, most state sales taxes are not taxes on the consumer at all — but are taxes on the seller.
Or have you become so accustomed to paying those taxes when you buy things, that you forgot that?
Well? Is sales tax a tax on the consumer, or not?
Consider this, from California law: “For the privilege of selling tangible personal property at retail a tax is hereby imposed upon all retailers…”
Not upon the consumers.
So will you agree that in States with similarly worded tax law, these are not taxes on the consumer at all? They’re taxes on the business, right?
So there’s no way such taxes could possibly be construed as regressive, right?
But to be clear: I’m not affirming that whatever tax you’re talking about is a tax on the middle class. I’ll assert as carelessly as I please that denying it is, would be as naive as believing that sales taxes on businesses don’t amount to a tax on buyers.
Rasqual -
From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
The effect of the excise tax on consumers’ costs for health care and health insurance will be minimal and will be swamped by other factors. Spending on taxable medical devices represents less than 1 percent of total personal health expenditures, so a small increase in their price would have an almost imperceptible effect on health insurance premiums.
Device manufacturers generally do not hold enough market power to pass on the entire excise tax to consumers through higher prices. For some common medical devices (for example, heart valves and hip and knee replacement parts), buyers have several available alternatives and can negotiate for a favorable price. For other products, manufacturers may not be able to pass on the full tax to consumers because treatment of the health condition is elective or physicians can select other treatment options.[21]
4 and 5 - How can you deny he is an ungenerous, disinterested pol? He’s fine at implementing the Chicago Way - releasing opponents’ divorce records, intimating McCain lost his marbles as a P.O.W.
Denied, because just not true. No basis in fact. He seems to be a fine and decent man and an unusually moral politician. (I don’t know who’s divorce records you’re talking about)
Okay, I google it. Apparenltly it’s a reference to Ryan, during the 2004 campaign. Here’s what Wikipedia says about it:
On March 29, 2004, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider ruled that several of the Ryans’ divorce records should be opened to the public, and ruled that a court-appointed referee would later decide which custody files should remain sealed to protect the interests of Ryan’s young child.[7] The following week, on April 2, 2004, Barack Obama formally established his position about the Ryans’ soon-to-be-released divorce records, and called on Democrats not to inject them into the campaign.[8] The Ryan campaign characterized Obama’s stance as hypocritical, because people they alleged to be Obama’s backers had been emailing reports about the divorce records prior to Judge Schnider’s decision.[8]
So, a JUDGE released the file at the request of the media. Obama took the position it shouldn’t be part of the campaign.
Sure, Obama’s campaign had nothing to do with it. And it’s just coincidence that the very same thing happened years earlier when he ran for the state senate, if memory serves.
Oh, and Ex-GOP, I have TOTAL confidence that a business won’t pass along any extra costs to them to us.
You seem to have a much higher opinion of business people than your guy Obama does.
Hans – that is not the issue. The issue is, are the tax rates going up for a group of people.
If you believe that this IS a tax increase, than Walker has raised taxes in my great state of Wisconsin – the payments to city stagnated, and cities have raised user fees, taxes, and all sorts of things. I pay more out of my pocket because of Walker’s policies. But I don’t believe he raised taxes – there are higher payments in areas because of his policies.
Actually, Hal, the Tribune reporter later said that the Obama campaign (Axelrod was a former Tribune employee with plenty of internal relationships at the paper) tipped them off to the sealed court records, which the Tribune then requested. And then, yes, Obama is shocked, shocked to hear of the matter.
Basically, Axelrod — Obama’s manufacturer, who started filming everything Obama did even before that state senate run — is scum. Chicago style scum. A virtuous hero to progressives whose idea of political integrity is to stomp on anyone to win, of course . . .
EG: Re/ your reply; the first paragraph you quote doesn’t deny that the tax will result in increased premiums, it affirms that these passed-along costs are relatively small. This does not support your claim that tax incidence is not a factor; to the contrary.
The second paragraph begins with a non sequitur by Dr. Conti; if alternative sources of hardware are available, are those vendors not taxed as well? Claiming that taxed vendors cannot pass along increased cost from taxes because they’re competing with other vendors, is absolute nonsense if those other vendors are taxed as well. I need only remind you that when you shop for blue jeans in a mall, you’re going to have that tax added at point of sale regardless of which competing store you buy them in.
The second part of the second paragraph sounds better, but really is also insensible. Alternative therapies would be available even if the tax costs were not passed along; device vendors would have felt this pressure even without the tax. Likewise with elective procedures. Would the 2.3% really deter someone who genuinely needed a particular device when no alternatives were available? And if they were available . . .
From an insurance standpoint though, the relatively low costs associated with this tax are easily socialized; the net effect of the increase would be, to quote Dr. Conti, “swamped by other factors.” Yet it would indeed be rolled into rate increases. And justifiably so — and I mean that in the sense of justifiable under process of review.
Whatever. It doesn’t matter. The question is whether these tax increases on companies are effective taxes on the consumer. They are — just as sales taxes on businesses are passed along to the consumer. You know this, because it happens every time you walk into a store. How can you possibly deny something so ubiquitously evident??
EG: “If you believe that this IS a tax increase, than Walker has raised taxes in my great state of Wisconsin – the payments to city stagnated, and cities have raised user fees, taxes, and all sorts of things. I pay more out of my pocket because of Walker’s policies. But I don’t believe he raised taxes – there are higher payments in areas because of his policies.”
Cities are more expensive. How’s it feel to have long-standing SUBSIDIES of your life choices removed — and have to pay for it yourself for a change, instead of expecting suburban and rural taxpayers to underwrite your lifestyle?
This is the problem with redistribution — when folks lose long-standing privileges they don’t really deserve, they start thinking they’re victims.
Ex-RINO said:
“Hans – that is not the issue. The issue is, are the tax rates going up for a group of people. ”
Here is a group of people taxes go up on:
Obamacare Flexible Spending Account Cap – aka “Special Needs Kids Tax” (Tax hike of $13 bil/takes effect Jan. 2013): Imposes cap on FSAs of $2500 (currently unlimited). Indexed to inflation after 2013. There is one group of FSA owners for whom this new cap will be particularly cruel and onerous: parents of special needs children. There are thousands of families with special needs children in the United States, and many of them use FSAs to pay for special needs education. Tuition rates at one leading school that teaches special needs children in Washington, D.C. (National Child Research Center) can easily exceed $14,000 per year. Under tax rules, FSA dollars can be used to pay for this type of special needs education.
I can’t find greater cruelty in life than somebody arguing how the tax plans won’t allow for as big of a tax break, while arguing for a system in which insurance companies can discriminate and not even cover those special needs children.
The solution to the special needs education situation is easy enough — fully funded vouchers in DC. That would give them thousands to spare for even better special needs schools.
The public education system is such a relic of the past. It’s amazing that “progressives” can be such troglodyte conservatives. They must be remembering good ol’ Leave It To Beaver episodes or something, where white kids come home happy and smart from school. Racist progressives don’t care. ;-)
Just look to yourself for greater cruelty. Cause most parents with special needs children have insurance and you and your ilk are making their health care/life a lot harder. The same FSA limits would apply to Obamacare mandated policies too. But I think you knew that already. What happened to your argument (bs) about no tax increases for any group of people? What happened to Obama’s bs that people could keep there existing coverage? I can actually smell a stink coming from your posts.