Model Tyra Banks really, really wants babies!
I’m really ready to have some babies. I want babies!
I’ve always wanted them, but I’ve been saying ‘I want babies in three years’ since I was, like, 27. And now I’m 28…No, I’m 38 — I think it’s time. [My eggs are] going to be hard-boiled and fried and scrambled up in there, so it’s time to get those eggs working!
~ Model and media personality Tyra Banks, sharing her longing for motherhood in an interview on the Steve Harvey Show, as quoted by US Magazine, October 16
So does she really, really want a marriage first, too? How about making sure baby has a father first? Her entire sentiment bothers me because babies are not something we get to have just because we really, really want them. That’s the kind of thinking that lends itself to abortion in the first place. Babies are great if they’re wanted, but discardable if they’re not wanted.
Children are a gift from God, who is the Creator of all life. We receive what He gives. I wish Tyra well, but I pray she doesn’t manufacture a baby just to satisfy her longing.
Jen, my thoughts exactly. Children are not a commodity to be demanded but a gift to be received.
I agree with the above that is the entitlement additude that leads to abortion on demand. But frankly I don’t believe her on the face of it. Someone who ‘really, really’ wants her some babies does not spend her most fertile years avoiding babies and focusing on a non-family friendly career. They settle down, get married, and have themselves some babies! (Baring medical complications with infertility)
Have you SEEN any of the shows TB is associated with? There was her “talk” show “The Tyra Banks Show”, and there’s “America’s Next Top Model”.
She is one of the most shallow, self-centered, narcissistic people I’ve ever seen.
Not exactly qualities you’d want in a mother.
The only thing that is “hard boiled, fried, and scrambled up” is the idea that she thinks people actually CARE. This chick is just creepy in a myriad of ways.