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At the pro-life summit earlier this month we heard from Stephanie Gray, the Gen Y founder of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Many of the activist groups represented at the summit mentioned they were beginning to take the pro-life message to middle schools as well as high schools and colleges. They noted they are seeing pro-abortion indoctrination at younger ages.

Here is one of their tactics for both high school and middle school campuses.

On a preplanned day, pro-life students place one of CCBR’s postcards in as many lockers as possible – without permission, it should be noted*.

Then CCBR representatives stand with small displays outside the school during lunch hour and at the end of the school day to speak with students.  See all postcards (and read the message on the back) here.

*Which is fine with me, unless there is some school policy being violated. And even then I’d consider it, depending on the consequence. This is life or death stuff, certainly less risky than hiding Jews or slaves. When I worked at Christ Hospital I would leave fliers about its abortion policy on cars around mine as I left the parking garage after work, even though there was a posted rule against solicitation and I knew I was probably being filmed.

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