Pro-life news brief 2-21-13
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Planned Parenthood will close two Iowa clinics in March. One of the clinics set to close (Spencer Health Center) currently offers abortion services.
- Richard Doerflinger writes about ways to reduce abortion including fighting poverty, ending tax-funded abortions, regulating the abortion industry, upholding strong marriages and promoting sexual risk avoidance for the young.
- At First Things, Pete Spiliakos writes about a winning strategy for pro-life candidates:
This “speak only when spoken to” approach to abortion seems cautious, but it is really foolhardy. It allows Democrats and their media allies decide when and how the abortion issue is discussed. So in a country in which third trimester abortions are legal on-demand, our abortion discussion centers on questions like “So why are you against the removal of a tiny clump of rapist-produced cells?” Republicans not choosing to talk about abortion doesn’t mean that we don’t talk about abortion. It means that we only talk about the issue when and how liberals choose.
Feb.21, 2013 3:30 pm |
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The study in which women had long-lasting contraception such as IUDs and long-lasting hormonal contraceptives and then had lower abortions shows why I fantasized about lowering abortion through flooding the water supply with contraceptives: people can’t be trusted to take things on a regular basis. They get sloppy and forgetful. Look at how many women go on the Maury show and are wrong about who a child’s biological father is. OTOH, if something very effective is put inside them — and it can’t be easily counter-acted — they are less likely to get pregnant and the abortion rate decreases.
Let’s not get back on contraceptives in the water supply. It was really just a fantasy — but it is based on something real.
If I’ve got my druthers, I prefer abstinence. Those women who had long-lasting contraceptives weren’t having embryos and fetuses ripped out of their bodies but they may have suffered STDs + psychological repercussions from partnered sex.
Abstinence must be first. Long-lasting contraception has its place and can decrease dismembered/poisoned/burned embryos and fetuses.
And then you would poison pregnant women, children, the elderly and infants that are reliant on formula that uses water (though I would hope those parents would use distilled or filtered water). Why would you want to literally poison those who WANT CHILDREN? Or ARE CHILDREN? You do NOT reduce abortion by poisoning the water supply! You reduce abortion by getting to the person BEFORE they become pregnant (excluding rape and incest). You do not push pornographic planned parenthood style sex ed either.
LizFromNebraska says:
February 21, 2013 at 5:59 pm
And then you would poison pregnant women, children, the elderly and infants that are reliant on formula that uses water (though I would hope those parents would use distilled or filtered water). Why would you want to literally poison those who WANT CHILDREN? Or ARE CHILDREN? You do NOT reduce abortion by poisoning the water supply! You reduce abortion by getting to the person BEFORE they become pregnant (excluding rape and incest). You do not push pornographic planned parenthood style sex ed either.
(Denise) People tend to use contraceptives sloppily and be forgetful. This is why the only study that showed a contraceptive program leading to a large decrease in abortions was one in which an IUD or hormonal contraceptives was IMPLANTED in the woman and couldn’t be removed without a doctor’s help. It didn’t rely on the individual woman to remember to take something and worked effectively, thus decreasing abortions.
Natural Family Planning doesn’t require poisoning the water supply (and no, its NOT Grandma’s Rhythm method!). Putting contraceptives in the water supply is akin to those who want to Control the Population…like China and its one child policy and forced abortion.
why are you so obsessed with Contraceptives? You do know that the availability of contraceptives has NOT reduced abortion? And this includes contraceptive devices which are dangerous to the woman if they come out and perforate the uterus.
[sarcasm]Oh, but never mind that….we must make sure women are not allowed to have babies(especially if they WANT a BIG FAMILY)! Lets poison the water supply and if that doesn’t work, lets forcefully put an IUD in every child bearing aged women in the world![/sarcasm]
LizFromNebraska says:
February 22, 2013 at 10:08 am
Natural Family Planning doesn’t require poisoning the water supply (and no, its NOTGrandma’s Rhythm method!). Putting contraceptives in the water supply is akin to those who want to Control the Population…like China and its one child policy and forced abortion.
(Denise) I’m not interested in population control. I’m interested in decreasing pregnancies that won’t be carried to term.
why are you so obsessed with Contraceptives? You do know that the availability of contraceptives has NOT reduced abortion? And this includes contraceptive devices which are dangerous to the woman if they come out and perforate the uterus.
(Denise) The study referred to above showed that when contraceptives were IMPLANTED in women, abortions decreased. Very often, women forget to take the Pill and condoms are used sloppily. A Norplant or IUD doesn’t depend on the very fallible human memory. Effective LONG-TERM contraception prevents abortion.
[sarcasm]Oh, but never mind that….we must make sure women are not allowed to have babies(especially if they WANT a BIG FAMILY)! Lets poison the water supply and if that doesn’t work, lets forcefully put an IUD in every child bearing aged women in the world![/sarcasm]
(Denise) I support Natural Family Planning for those with the discipline to correctly apply it. I’m not at all against women who want to have babies. I’m a fan of Jayne Mansfield who had 5 children and they seem to have turned out all right.
Hi liz and denise…yeah how many forms of birth control do we have yet 6000 abortions a day? I don’t think people are even trying. The trusty abortion clinic is today’s birth contro. we have condoms the iud the sponge spermicide the pill depo provera even plan B. WHY IS OUR ABORTION RATE STILL SO HIGH
Heather says:
February 24, 2013 at 11:53 am
Hi liz and denise…yeah how many forms of birth control do we have yet 6000 abortions a day? I don’t think people are even trying. The trusty abortion clinic is today’s birth contro. we have condoms the iud the sponge spermicide the pill depo provera even plan B. WHY IS OUR ABORTION RATE STILL SO HIGH
(Denise) This is puzzling. People are often absent-minded and sloppy. This is why the most effective contraceptives are probably things like Depo and Norplant that don’t require regular action on the part of women contracepting.
Of course, another reason is that heterosexuality appears to be so much more popular than either celibacy or lesbianism.