Pro-lifers needed to rally support behind former abortionist
It is time for pro-lifers to step up and act in love offering prayers and encouragement. We should be rallying around this person at this crucial time….
Please take time to write a few words of encouragement and send them [here]. We will forward your comments to her. We must reassure her that she has made the right decision and that she will have support throughout this healing process.
~ Brad Mattes of Life Issues Institute, encouraging pro-lifers to write to a former Planned Parenthood abortionist who is now “suffering with severe grief and regret,” February 21
[Graphic via]
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Many of us in the pro life movement have been converts. God will forgive a repentant heart and use you in a mighty way. Take a stand for life and let the past sins be thrown into the sea. Accept the forgiveness of the Creator and let’s get to work.
Therefore by the grace of God go I. We should never be someone else’s Holy Spirit – to offer a judgmental heart and no forgiveness. Jesus says we should forgive “70 times 7” (unlimited) to someone who asks with sincerity. It is God we offend with our sin, so if He’s more than willing to forgive, so should we. LL
Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Thank the Lord…pray for these abortionists Caroline a post abortive mom n abortion clinic nurse quit after several years at Martin Ruddocks clinic. She was hateful and evil to pro lifers but she finally kept coming out to smoke and talk to pro lifers….she finally told the pastor ..I am quitting! Run Caroline run!
The quickest way out of her regret (besides confession and repentance) is using her voice for good, to reach out to other abortionists and offer them a way towards healing. I wish her well.
Many former abortionists are now voices for life. The pro-life movement would not be the same without them! (I think of Bernard Nathanson, Anthony Levatino, etc.) I pray that this woman will receive Christ’s forgiveness and begin to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Done and shared on facebook.
There is forgiveness and healing in Christ.
Praying for her as she walks away from the darkness.
What a courageous thing she has done!!!
Yes, Carla.
Emailed as well, and will continue my prayers for her and others like her. Brave, indeed, and I told her so.
The strongest voices are from the ones that have been in the trench because they have walked that walk. I pray she speaks up for the pro-life side. I will pray for her.
Carla, did you share your story?
Tried to e-mail her. My e-mail is messed up right now. :(
Always great to hear of a conversion. I really hope she finds some peace.
Look into the Centurion Society at Priests for Life or Abby Johnson’s And Then There Were None. First group is for former abortionists; the second is for staff who want out of the abortion industry.
This is a song that’s been meaningful to me as I repent from sin and feel the embrace of Jesus.
This is exciting to actually be able to send a message to a former abortionist. (Sent last night.) Fabulous that she’s somehow been able to see abortion for what it is, at last, and great that she’s reached out to Abby Johnson and her ministry to abortion facility workers, And Then There Were None
I gave Centurions brochures to some abortion facility workers when I sidewalk counseled in the past, having recently met Joan Appleton, RN at the time. (RIP Joan.) Some of the workers took the brochures though no idea if any ever called. One who took various help brochures actually used them at her full-time job at a family practice doctor’s office elsewhere to help save babies’ lives when pregnancy was diagnosed there:)….She told me of at least two such instances – so just another example of why it’s important to not assume that abortion facility workers are completely unreachable.