Kim Kardashian: Pregnancy not as easy as it looks
Being pregnant is not as easy as my sister [Kourtney Kardashian] made it look or as my mom [Kris Jenner] has made it look…. It’s a little painful. I’ve gotten sick a couple times. It’s getting a little bit more difficult [to get around].
I like to be active but, I’ve been chilling out. I took a week off, just to rest and it was amazing.
~ Celebrity Kim Kardashian candidly sharing her thoughts on her pregnancy with E! Online, via US Magazine, March 16

Pregnant or not, lying down and just chilling out can be good. I remember reading that the imagination works best when people are lying down.
I can sympathize…my first 2 pregnancies went fine. Worked up until my due date. The last 2 were hard…sick most of the time and all of those lovely symptoms. I do wish Kim a happy and healthy pregnancy though.
Oh cry me a river you low rent crybaby.
Most women in the real world don’t get to “chill out” while pregnant. I worked up until 37 weeks, when I delivered.
However, good for Kim for choosing life!
i ain’t sayin she’s a gold digger, but she ain’t messin with no broke ____
Your comment is right up there with the Kardashians, low rent and offensive.
Hi Mary nice to see you. Jaspers words were from an old song. I take it you’re not a fan…well me neither. Watched it for a while and realized its all SCRIPTED to the hilt and the Kardashian family are a bunch of walking contradictions. They claim they don’t have any issues with their looks yet they are all plastic surgery junkies. Kim is always talking about her high moral standards yet she’s not even divorced. That was her second marriage . Now I hear mom is getting her own talk show. The younger girls are getting model ing contracts…enough!
Its apparent to me that Scott is fine with being the family jerk so the writers put him up to telling Courtney to lose weight. I even remember when they scripted in an abortion for Chloe…it wasn’t true. Mom n dad are always fighting. How much longer will this show last? Until Kims kids are teens? Without the drama they wouldn’t have a show. Jerry Springer has made a fortune off of dysfunction and trash. I knew people who went on Springer and lied to obtain their 15 minutes of fame.
BTW Mary I wanted to give you a thumb up on your Kim comment but i can’t get it to work from my phone.
And i have to get to work but Chloe wants a baby so badly she never uttered a word about her abortion to her fertility doctor. why?? Cuz it was never true. They just put it in there so prochoicers would tune in. An abortion is something you tell everyone in TV land but not the fertility doc? Nah didn’t happen and that just makes Chloe a liar. Besides who calls their mother Chris? Its mom! She’s a jerk to.
Hi Heather,
I appreciate your input but there are lyrics to any number of songs that are racist, anti-semitic, sexist, and offensive. The fact these lyrics exist doesn’t justify their being posted here. I would hope we have more respect for our fellow human beings in general, and our posters in particular.
I think the entire family acts like a collection of white trash. I don’t like stereotypes but sometimes the shoe fits. They’re proof beyond a doubt that money doesn’t buy class. What’s sad is to see the two youngest daughters influenced at such an early age to head down the same path.
Hey Mary, I didn’t write the lyrics, Kim’s bo-friend, Konyea West did…. Your problem is with him, not me…
My problem with is you quoting his offensive racist lyrics. I hear lyrics advocating killing police officers, calling women vile names, advocating sexual abuse and rape, and ones that are racist and anti-semitic. I see no need to quote any of them in reference to anyone or anything. BTW, I consider Kanye a low class degenerate worthy of Kim. All the less reason to quote him.
Mary i do see your point. Its time to give them their walking papers. I’m nnot tuning in anymore . I’m glad Kim is having her kids but I believe its time for them to hang it up….same goes for Madonna .
The only humble and gracious Kardashian i have seen thus far is Rob….and yes Mary i agree C.West is low rent! Never cared for him.
Or K West..whatever
I’m hoping that having a child of her own encourages Kim to grow up. I mean this in the kindest possible way.
Most of us in the real world lived a youthful, irresponsible fantasy until having a child settled us down to true responsibility and true happiness. I’m hoping that Kim will leave her show and the magazine covers behind, and start living for real.