Offended resident: Pro-life billboard “unfair” to women who abort
I think it’s unfair for women facing what must be the hardest decision of their lives to now have to drive down Ontario Street and be reminded of that, and judged for it, and face more stigma about this really important decision.
~ Pamela Arnott, a resident “offended by the message” of the pro-life billboard (pictured above) from the Christian Heritage Party of Canada, which features “a Bible verse on one side, along with an image of a fetus,” and on the other, “a short message calling abortion the equivalent of capital punishment for the innocent,” as quoted by Niagara This Week, March 13

Unfair for women facing the hardest decision of their lives, driving down the road, to be reminded of that.
Translation: We have a hard enough time as it is trying to get women hoodwinked into killing their babies. Now you make it harder by putting information out there that they can use to resist our pressure? How unfair of you, you should be helping us push these women towards abortion.
Somehow I resent it when people use false compassion to silence ideas they don’t like. What ever happened to freedom of expression?
To kill or not to kill–that is the modern question.
I’m offended over Pamela’s being offended. It’s not fair!
Oh im sure women can handle this billboard. Is it me or does everyone you to be oh so correct about everything ( liberals ) I mean get over it already.
Trust women with the truth.
Ah, but the truth is dangerous to abortion rights. They can’t handle the truth.
The truth could mean less dead babies and less $$$ for the clinics.
This might be intended for the ones who are contemplating abortion. But I would like to think that there are also pregnant women out there who are actually excited about their pregnancy and would be delighted to see a billboard like this reminding them of whats growing in their womb. This sure would make them smile all day and forget all the nausea and discomfort and instead look forward to holding their baby one day. Just a thought.
Show them graphic abortion pictures, they complain. Show them non graphic (no blood) pictures, they still complain…
If this billboard (say an ad for a new maternity ward at a hospital) showed a mother holding her newborn, sitting on a hospital bed, with all smiles — will this offend women too?
“Trust women with the truth.”
What, a verse from psalms?
BV, what does that even mean?
I don’t go down the religious route unless I know I’m specifically talking to God-fearing people. I’m experienced enough to know that an appeal to His will isn’t relevant to those to don’t acknowledge Him.
No, what I’m talking about is science. Pictures. The Psalm that the billboard quotes is a great one, but the picture? That speaks to every mom. The “blob of cells” meme is OVER. It’s now indefensible, period. Pro-aborts have lost that argument.
If it’s illegal to kill your neighbor, why should you be able to kill your own child? The question is SO SIMPLE, the evidence so READILY AVAILABLE, the answer SO OBVIOUS.
I’m super surprised this was even allowed through in Canada, “after birth abortion” was upheld in a BC court last year b/c in his words, “we have no laws governing abortion in our country…”
Is this Canada?
Many of you insist that life begins at conception. Why isn’t a picture of a zygote up there?
Denise, when do you believe life begins? What is a zygote? What determines one’s humanity?
Not “unfair” at all.
(She sounds a lot like my kids! THAT’S NOT FAAIIIIIIRRRRRRRR!!”)
Why would she be offended by her own baby picture?
Or is it the verse she is offended by? Nah.
Methinks Pamela Arnott has been involved in abortion in some way.
WHY is abortion one of the hardest decisions? Simple, quick and painless with no risks or side effects EVARRRRRRR is how it is sold.
One would think that if women were facing such a hard decision THE MORE INFORMATION, SUPPORT, HELP and HOPE THE BETTER!!
Being offended is a choice. We choose to take offense.
Hi bluevelvet Megan!!
How are you?
Carla, that is a great question.
Why IS abortion such a hard decision? There are abortion mills, I am sure, that are ever picketed. Is the decision for those moms difficult too? How come?
I found a Canadian Pamela Arnott on facebook. Might be the same one, might not. But this one’s a nurse who works at a hospital there. Who knows.
Blue Velvet…the earth is round. Just thought you’d like to know. I trust you with the truth. You know truth?
I have conversations like this with pro life friends who feel that these are just harmful and hurtful to women who have experienced abortion. I would like to hear from post abortive women on this matter. A beautiful picture and a bible verse how can it be anything but positive. Wouldn’t an unhealed post abortive woman want to seek healing??
If you are post abortive I would like to hear your comments.
DenseNome says: March 14, 2013 at 11:23 am
1. “Many of you insist that life begins at conception.”
If ‘life’ does not begin at conception, then there is no pregnancy and no need for an elective abortion. If ’life’ ceases any time after conception and before birth, then that would result in a spontaneous abortion/still birth.
2. “Why isn’t a picture of a zygote up there?”
And what species of ‘zygote’ would you have us post?
3. What species of zyqote was present in your mother’s uterus when she was pregnant with ‘YOU’?
Very few pregnancies end at the ‘zygote’ stage. Most women will not even suspect they are pregnant til after they missed the onset of their menstrual cycle. This would be around 14 days after they conceive. The vast majority of all elective abortions occur more than 42 days after conception. That is why there is a photo of a 7 week old HUMAN embryo on the bill board. [Clue: answer to #3]
I’m post abortive, so I’ll pipe in. There is no billboard, no photo, no quote, no film, nothing that will hurt more than the terrible silence that I live with. In fact, I should call it The Terrible Silence. I deprived my entire family and my boyfriend’s entire family of a relationship that existed at conception with their niece or nephew, cousin, grandchild, sister, or brother.
Bring on the billboards. If it saves a life, I’m all for it.
Unfair? Unfair!? Unfair is being aborted, abandoned, or abused as a infant/child because of the widespread societal attitude where children are viewed as a commodity/property and/or inconvenience to be treated/disposed of as they see fit rather than human beings to be treated with dignity and worth.
Denise, please get a biology textbook or an embryology text book. Life begins at conception has been PROVEN by SCIENCE…
Hi Susie,
When in the anger stage of my grief I would swear and flip all of the billboards off. (Prolife Across America ones) That paints a lovely picture doesn’t it??
Later on I would just turn my head.
Now that I have been healing(and have had children, seen their ultrasounds and heard their heartbeats) I find the billboards beautiful.
They are truth. Show women the truth. Trust women with the truth.
Not harmful. Not hurtful. A phone number for abortion recovery would ALWAYS be good though.
DenseNome says: March 14, 2013 at 11:23 am
1. “Many of you insist that life begins at conception.”
Implied in your statement is that YOU insist that life does not commence at conception.
The TRUTH and science declare that a new ‘human life’ begins at conception, the moment when the ovem and the sperm combine. This is an indisputable, observable, measureable, repeatable event.
All the ova a woman will ever have are present in her ovaries before she is birthed as they come to maturity they are released into her felopian tubes. The ovem is a living cell. It is alive, it has life, but unless it encounters a sperm cell within a few hours after release it will die and decompose like any other cell in the human body.
The male body starts producing sperm cells after puberty and continues to do so til the male is beyond his fertile years. These sperm cells are alive, they have life. But they will die and decompose within days if they do not encounter an ova.
When the ova and the sperm cell unite, they cease to be, but they do not die. They combine to produce an brand new unique living human being with a unique set of DNA that will continue to grow and exist until that new human being dies from natural causes or is killed.
Awww ninek im sorry. You would have made a great mom. Screwed up my life plenty taking Depo for 14 years. Broken heart. Many broken relationships. Aborting through chemicals. I wish PP would have told me to respect myself and my body. Sex doesn’t equal love.
I made my husband wait for sex before we married. I abstained for 8 months and we became friends first. Love was sooooo much better than lust. Sex when you are in love is a beautiful thing.
Offended by a Bible verse? Offended by a picture of a BABY????
Carla is right. Offense is a CHOICE. Ms Arnott had the CHOICE to ignore the billboard.
She had the CHOICE to just look the other way.
See…? We believe in “choice”….just not the one that pro-aborts believe in.
Kel says:
March 14, 2013 at 11:36 am
Denise, when do you believe life begins? What is a zygote? What determines one’s humanity?
(Denise) I can’t pinpoint the beginning of a human life to a particular second. I believe that most abortions probably end human life. By about the 6th week of pregnancy, perhaps a bit earlier — and certainly before the second trimester — it is very likely that a separate human being has come into existence. The development in the first month is extremely rapid.
kenthebirther says:
March 14, 2013 at 1:29 pm
DenseNome says: March 14, 2013 at 11:23 am 1. “Many of you insist that life begins at conception.”Implied in your statement is that YOU insist that life does not commence at conception.
(Denise) I’ve never said this. I don’t pretend to know the exact point at which a human life begins. I believe it has probably developed by the time most women know they are pregnant.
I am post abortive. Before I started on my path to be healed, I would cringe at these types of billboards and feel immense guilt. I knew that I had killed two of my children through abortion. I knew it was wrong even when it was happening (I didn’t have any support whatsoever and had so many pressuring me to abort and threatening me with withholding financial, emotional and familial support). The guilt I would feel involved my own disgust at myself for not having the courage to KNOW that God created those babies and I was too much of a coward to protect them.
After I sought healing, I knew I was forgiven and set free to be able to love. God wants me to love what He has given me, even with my past sins. He just wants to love me. I had to open up my heart and arms again and boy has he blessed me!!! Six kids now from teen down to infant and the JOY I feel now when I see those billboards.
The truth sets you free. Free to make the right choice because you will know the truth. I pray all the time that pregnant women that are contemplating abortion can see images like this and KNOW that they are carrying a baby.
DeniseNoe- you don’t need to know EXACTLY when a human life EXACTLY begins because no one can pinpoint that except those that have gone through IVF. However, you do need to stop deluding yourself in saying you don’t know that life begins at conception. It’s the same for all animal species on this planet. A dog’s ovum meets a dog’s sperm and a puppy is created. Same thing for a human. I think you’re just arguing for the sake of argument by saying you don’t know when the exact point is and it takes a certain amount of intellectual dishonesty to ignore factual scientific proof that a 2nd grader can tell you.
@ dirtdartwife: As I’ve said before, a zygote seems more like a biological blueprint that the body develops into a life. I’m not just arguing for the sake of arguing. Heck, I’m not even arguing about it! I’m just telling you that I personally can’t assign complete humanity to a one-celled zygote. I don’t want to get back into it, but there is that whole question of what happened to the “person” who was there is the zygote twins or triples. I’ve also heard that scientists can stimulate zygotes to become things other than persons.
Others have pointed out that there are practical implications to insisting on full humanity for a zygote. For example, a girl or woman who has just been raped reports the attack and asks to be protected from pregnancy. The morning after pill might prevent a conception by preventing ovulation or preventing the sperm from meeting the egg. However, there might also be a possibility that it could prevent the pregnancy by thinning the lining of the womb which would cause the zygote to fail to implant. Since there is the possibility that a zygote might fail to implant, some people here would make it illegal to allow rape victims to take the morning after pill. Doctors sometimes treat fertile rape victims with a D&C to prevent pregnancy. This would prevent a conception but, as with the morning after pill, it could also pull out a recently fertilized egg. The girl or woman who has just been raped would have to be told, “There is nothing we can do to prevent a pregnancy from this attack.”
They would also ban any contraceptive that might possibly have the effect of making it harder for a zygote to implant. Several of the most commonly used contraceptives either work this way or might possibly work this.
Getting back to “real” abortion or abortion as the general population understands it: the development in the first month of pregnancy is rapid. By the time the woman misses her menstrual period, she doesn’t have a 1-celled zygote inside her. By the 6th week, she has an advanced embryo with a head, a torso, arms, legs, a beating heart, and even simple brain activity.
Dirtdart that name btw…yep its easy to see that hurting post abortive women are still stuck in their pain. Otherwise there would not be so much rage at pro lifers.
I find it curious that Denise refrained from posting on 3 whole threads where her usual adoption comments would finally be relevant.
Denise, just curious: Are you here a lot because you would like to convince US to be more pro-choice, or
Are you here a lot because YOU would like to be more pro-life?
This is from The Center For Bioethical Reform, and shows the formation of the heart/circulatory system at THREE WEEKS.
Cells don’t divide and grow (into anything) if they’re not LIVING cells, Denise. Living cells are present AT CONCEPTION.
ninek says:
March 14, 2013 at 5:22 pm
I find it curious that Denise refrained from posting on 3 whole threads where her usual adoption comments would finally be relevant. Denise, just curious: Are you here a lot because you would like to convince US to be more pro-choice, orAre you here a lot because YOU would like to be more pro-life?
(Denise) Neither. I’m not “pro-choice” and doubt I will ever be what you regard as “pro-life.”
There is no gray area on this one: babies are either entitled to their own lives, or not. If a person does not consider them innately entitled to their own lives, the person is pro-abortion. Oh sure, lots of abortion advocates find abortion disgusting, but what they all have in common is an unwillingness to see it end.
Pro-lifers, it’s an interesting question to ask ourselves, how pro-life do we need to be to be pro-life? On a spiritual level, “Pro-life 100% without exceptions” is the only true opposition to “abortion on demand without apology.”
“I think it’s unfair for women facing what must be the hardest decision of their lives to now have to drive down Ontario Street and be reminded of that, and judged for it, and face more stigma about this really important decision.”
If an aboriton is no different than having a parasite removed from your body, then why all the difficulty about the decision, before, during and after the fact?
Jesus said, ‘the truth will set you free’.
What HE did not say, but is almost axiomatic, is you will probably be angry and hurt when you realize the stigmatization you have experienced as a result of believing and acting upon the ‘lie’.
Right ninek…ive educated myself on abortion. ive had to re evaluate my position on contraception. i have taken depo plab B one time. Depo the pill the iud prevent conception and contraception murders children. women need not be dumbed down anymore. i own what ive done and repent of it. i do not want any part of child murder. The only thing im okay with is sterilization..nobody is being murdered.
ninek says:
March 14, 2013 at 6:01 pm
There is no gray area on this one: babies are either entitled to their own lives, or not. If a person does not consider them innately entitled to their own lives, the person is pro-abortion. Oh sure, lots of abortion advocates find abortion disgusting, but what they all have in common is an unwillingness to see it end.
(Denise) When abortion was illegal, it wasn’t prosecuted as murder. It was prosecuted as a crime in its own category, abortion. The person who sought the abortion, the pregnant girl or woman, was rarely prosecuted at all. Even though abortionists did not seek out the pregnant girl or woman, only the abortionists were usually prosecuted and they didn’t serve lengths of time similar to murderers.
The fact is that the vast majority of people recognize the special-ness of pregnancy and the extreme difficulty of balancing out the interests of the pregnant girl or woman, the embryo or fetus that requires the most intimate — yet public — use of her body to survive, and the overall interests of society as a whole.
I believe Roe v. Wade was a bad court decision and bad law and should be overturned. It seems to me that the current laws are too lax.
Pregnancy should be a time of joy. There should be no question of abortion as the pregnant woman eagerly looks forward to having her baby, hopefully with the support of a loving husband.
Oops above post prevent implantation
“calling a zygote a baby is like calling me a millionaire because I bought a lottery ticket”
I don’t have a lot of time right now, but I can’t resist one comment–the amount of faith people today have in “science” amazes me. Except for the “mystery” spoken of by the apostle Paul, which is the difference between Old and New Testaments and the expansion of the Church to include Gentiles like me, the Christian religion has never itself experienced such revolutionary transformations in itself as science has. I’m especially speaking of cosomology, in which scientists have gone from speaking of the earth as the centre of the universe, to the sun as its centre, to nothing as its centre. But we could also speak of biology which has been all over the place, too–some ancient Greeks believed in abiogenesis and evolutionism.
The abortion debate finally boils down to what one wants to believe, what one believes about oneself. That’s religion. And since I believe that the Bible is the Word of God, I’m going to appeal to what He has said. While there is nothing wrong with appealing to science for those who believe it to be the ultimate authority (but don’t forget that scientists are mere men of faith, too), it is certainly just as good to appeal to the Bible for those who believe it to be the ultimate authority (and even for those who don’t). And that’s not just preaching to the choir, either: even on this thread, I daresay, there have been those in the Church who have killed a child.
And the only way to effectively deal with people like Hal and Denise who believe that a zygote is a mere cell, is to argue that the human zygote is God’s property and He has clearly commanded us not to kill each other, no matter how small we might be. What was the reason for the Flood? This kind of appeal isn’t going to convince Hal and Denise, but it should cause fellow Christians, especially college students (still young and perhaps foolish), to think twice.
A girl or woman has just been raped and she has reported it. She wants to prevent a pregnancy from the attack but is not on contraception because she has not be voluntarily sexually active.
Is there anything you would allow her to do to prevent pregnancy?
“Is there anything you would allow her to do to prevent pregnancy” – 3,2,1….
“the amount of faith people today have in hard evidence amazes me.” – there, fixed it for you :-)
“scientists have gone from speaking of the earth as the centre of the universe, to the sun as its centre, to nothing as its centre” – it’s what’s known as ‘gaining knowledge’ – and the universe is still not ‘deicentric’.
“But we could also speak of biology which has been all over the place,” – maybe it is has been, not so much nowadays.
“but don’t forget that scientists are mere men of faith, too” – apart from accommodationists and groups like Biologos, no. Scientists love being proven wrong. When they are the answer is still science.
I’ve never had an abortion. In pondering what sort of billboard might remind me of some “hard” choice I’ve made in my life, I realize that the things that might sting can only go so far because none of my most important choices have been so permanent as death. Even if things sting me, they are reminders to me for how I can continue to aim high in that particular arena.
So, though I think it is entirely right for us to place this reminder in front of women who have had an abortion, I do think it’s important for the reminder to always be accompanied/followed by some more tangible direction to healing. Hadn’t thought it through in this way before, so this is off the cuff. If the offer of compassion and to support a woman in healing was so quick on the heels of the sting, would it touch more hearts?
Remarkable. The billboard doesn’t even mention abortion. She’s worse than the guy that’s trying to get “Merry Christmas” removed from city buses.
Reality, what do you call a scientist that can ignore the truth and claim that life does not begin at conception? An ignoramous.
Is there anything you would allow her to do to prevent pregnancy?
You may find this article interesting, Denise:
Let reality stay on the other side. he continues to make them look really dumb.
If the offer of compassion and to support a woman in healing was so quick on the heels of the sting, would it touch more hearts?
Yes Laurie, I think that is what Carla was saying above when she said ” A phone number for abortion recovery would ALWAYS be good” to add to this billboard.
Oh such withering wit heather! Yeah, thanks, I’ll stay on the side of truth and the reality of the world.
Except Reality a lottery ticket will never be anything but a lottery ticket. A zygote on the other hand is the same species as an adult human and a zygote if left alone will develop inside it’s mother’s womb into an embryo, a fetus and continue growing until birth and then yes one day… will be a cuddly, cooing baby.
Yeah bye tin foil cap boy bu bye!!
Liberalism is a mental disorder…reality has proven this.
“Scientists love being proven wrong.”
HAHAHAHAHAHA. No human being loves to be proven wrong. I had a physics professor (a Nobel laureate) who refused to even admit he was wrong about our meeting time, even after I showed him the e-mail he had written, which clearly stated to meet him at 3pm. Scientists are just…people. You write like you have never met one of these demi-gods before. Sure, some of them (along with economists and teachers and every other professional on the planet) may feign humility when they are wrong, but in reality they tend to be upset and humiliated that someone questioned their brilliant idea, just like anyone else. To attribute such a blanket statement to an (incredibly broad) profession is just bizarre.
“A zygote on the other hand is the same species as an adult human” – so is my skin.
“and a zygote if left alone will develop inside it’s mother’s womb into an embryo, a fetus and continue growing until birth” – sometimes.
“and then yes one day… will be a cuddly, cooing baby.” – not always.
Some lottery tickets bring a good result, most don’t.
Yeah, look, thanks for plans on how to fold foil into a hat heather but I’ll leave the paranoia to others :-)
Denise and REality, DNA that has never existed before exists at the moment of conception. Whether it be dog DNA, bird DNA, human DNA…conception is the starting point. Now you might look at that little cell and say that cell though human is not the same as you and I. But that cell looks the way a human being should at that stage of the life cycle. A heart cell or a liver cell or a cell from a toe, though human is not a human being. If you take a cell from your toe and put it in your mother’s womb it isn’t going to grow into anything. It isn’t a complete human being in that stage of development. That is what makes a zygote or blastocyst or trophoblast different. That little cell will quickly divide into 2 cells, 4 cells and so on and will continue to grow and divide until a 7 pound human with fingers and toes and a heartbeat comes squealing out of his mother. You could look at a newborn and say “Well all he does is sleep all day. He isn’t the same as you and I.” In fact some people already say that (Peter Singer). But that newborn human looks and behaves exactly as is appropriate for the stage of development he is in.
A human is a human is a human and I may be crazy but I subscribe to the wild notion that ALL humans are person. To argue otherwise is to align yourself with the likes of nazis and plantation owners.
Btw, Denise and Reality…my genetics professor in college was an MD and Ph.D. and he was not at all confused about when life begins. He was helping map human DNA (human genome project) and would have no problem educating you both that life begins at conception.
There is no judgment of anyone about anything on that billboard, unless someone has done or is going to do something wrong, looks at it, and feels guilty. In which case they judge themselves by what they are doing or are going to do. Besides, if getting an abortion is not wrong, why would anyone feel judged about it anyway?
The fact that pro-abortionists are working so hard to try to suppress any possible pro-life voice says to me that they know they are doing something wrong. If what you are doing is right, what does it matter if someone puts up a billboard?
Of course SM, how silly of me. I keep forgetting the extraordinary inability of many here to grasp statements within their context, let alone their concept. My statement – not just the part you grabbed – “Scientists love being proven wrong. When they are the answer is still science.” describes the way scientists make hypotheses, test theories and, when found wanting, find the proven outcome to be even more exciting. It was made in response to Jon’s claims of scientific exploration, theory and evidence merely being ‘faith’ and his attempt to belittle science by citing the move from geocentrism. What time your appointment was meant to be isn’t exactly high science is it.
Remarkable. The billboard doesn’t even mention abortion.
Whoops, read too fast. Still doesn’t explain why it might be a difficult decision, or why we shouldn’t talk about it if it’s such an important one.
For Reality:
Reality, a zygote WILL become an adult unless he/she dies. Just like a baby WILL become a toddler and a teenager and an adult unless…DEATH occurs. You arguing that some zygotes die and that is why they are not human beings is just…stupid. You may not live to be an old man. Does that mean you’re not human? Because death occurs doesn’t mean a thing. If it continues living a zygote WILL continue to grow and divide until it becomes an embryo and then a fetus and then a neonate and then a kid, a teen, an adult, an old fogey. on and so forth. Stages of life and all. Basic biology. A zygote is not a part of a body. It IS the body. And a zygote in a human mother is not a different species. Seriously. This is BASIC biology!
A zygote is a distinct human being at that stage of development. A cell from your body is not. It is one cell of an organism whereas the zygote is the entire organism.
“DNA that has never existed before exists at the moment of conception.” – indeed.
“Whether it be dog DNA, bird DNA, human DNA…conception is the starting point.” – indeed.
“Now you might look at that little cell and say that cell though human is not the same as you and I. But that cell looks the way a human being should at that stage of the life cycle.” – indeed, well sometimes.
“A heart cell or a liver cell or a cell from a toe, though human is not a human being. If you take a cell from your toe and put it in your mother’s womb it isn’t going to grow into anything.” – indeed, except maybe as cloning techniques advance.
“It isn’t a complete human being in that stage of development.” – agreed, totally.
“That is what makes a zygote or blastocyst or trophoblast different. That little cell will quickly divide into 2 cells, 4 cells and so on and will continue to grow and divide until a 7 pound human with fingers and toes and a heartbeat comes squealing out of his mother.” – well, sometimes, with luck.
“You could look at a newborn and say “Well all he does is sleep all day. He isn’t the same as you and I.” In fact some people already say that (Peter Singer).” – no he doesn’t.
“But that newborn human looks and behaves exactly as is appropriate for the stage of development he is in.” – agreed, mostly.
“A human is a human is a human and I may be crazy but I subscribe to the wild notion that ALL humans are person.” – well, you said it.
“To argue otherwise is to align yourself with the likes of nazis and plantation owners.” – strawman.
” would have no problem educating you both that life begins at conception” – I’ve never said otherwise. Actually I should, but in the context of your approach to human conception and gestation I’ll accept it.
Did you read the whole article Navi?
“You arguing that some zygotes die and that is why they are not human beings” – I didn’t.
“If it continues living a zygote WILL continue to grow and divide until it becomes an embryo and then a fetus and then a neonate and then a kid, a teen, an adult, an old fogey.” – I didn’t say otherwise. (although that sequence may be ceased by unfortunate circumstances)
“a zygote in a human mother is not a different species. Seriously. This is BASIC biology!” – oooo…. yes I know, that’s why I haven’t said anything different.
I wonder how pro-aborts feel about anti-smoking ads? Do they shame smokers and therefore should be banned? What about anti-drink driving ads that “drunk shame” those who drink and drive?
What about pro-aborsh mayor Mike Bloomberg and his anti-soda campaign? I feel shamed by him for liking big sodas!
These women most certainly should not terminate the life of their unborn child. There are approximately 1.3 million abortions performed each year in the United States. In 2006,Planned Parenthood had performed 289,750 abortions,or approximately 23% of all abortions,making it the largest abortion provider in the United States.
These poor innocent young children have already endured enough pain and suffering. And they most certainly don’t need to endure any more. They hereby claim and they further contend that a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her own body.
Yes,a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her own body as long as she doesn’t engage in illicit sexual intercourse or terminate the life of her unborn child. That child has rights. And they must be properly respected at all times.
They further ascertain that a woman has the right to terminate the life of her unborn child in the cases of rape and incest. Absolutely positively not!! If the mother doesn’t want her unborn child any longer she could always opt for adoption as opposed to terminating the life of her innocent born child.
Or she could enlist the help of friends or family members to assist her in tending to the needs of that particular child. In the Catholic Church if you procure any kind of an abortion you are automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church. If you so desire to get reinstated into the Catholic Church you must go to confession on Saturday Afternoon and confess your sins to God.
And you must make full amends for what you have done. After you have received full absolution for your sins and are truly repentant of them then you will be deemed worthy to get reinstated into the Catholic Church and not before. You must fully resolve not to commit the same sins over and over again.
As the old saying goes: Actions do speak louder than words. Showing that you are truly sorry is much more important than the actual word used.
Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the first moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence,a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person,among which is the inviolable right to every innocent being to life.
Since the first century,the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion,that is to say,abortion willed as either an end or a means,is gravely contrary to the moral law.
Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae,by the very commission of the offense,and subject to the conditions provided by Canon Law. The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the scope of mercy. Rather,She makes clear the gravity of the crime committed,the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death,as well as to the parents and the whole of society.
A man and a woman most certainly shall not engage in any kind of sexual intercourse until they are properly married both in the eyes of the Church and in the eyes of God. God has instituted sex for marriage and that’s where it belongs.
Fornication is carnal union between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman. It is gravely contrary to the dignity of persons and of human sexuality which is naturally ordered to the good of spouses and the generation and education of children. Moreover,it is a grave scandal when there is corruption of the young.
Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself,isolated from it’s procreative and unitive purposes.
Abortion is homicide. It is murder. Unintentional killing is not morally imputable. But one is not exonerated from grave offense if,without proportionate reasons,he has acted in a way that brings about someone’s death,even without the intention to do so.
1 Corinthians 6:13: Foods are for the stomach,and the stomach is for foods,and God will destroy them both. But the body is not for sexual immorality,it is for the Lord,and the Lord is for the body. God raised up the Lord and he will raise us up too by his power.
1 Corinthians 6:18: Keep away from sexual immorality. All other sins that people may commit are done against the body,but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
1 Corinthians 6:19: Do you not realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,who is in you and whom you received from God?
1 Corinthians 6:20: You are not your own property,then,you have been bought at a price. So use your body for the glory of God.
Matthew 5:27-28: You have heard how it was said,You shall not commit adultery. But I say this to you,if a man looks at a woman lustfully,he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Let us all pray that abortion comes to an abrupt end effective immediately.
Smoking causes premature death, anti-smoking ads are appropriate. (I smoke)
Drink driving can cause death, shaming drink-drivers is appropriate. (I don’t drink-drive)
Obesity causes premature death, trying to limit excesssive intake is appropriate. (I’m normal weight)
Reality, in your liberal mind does a billboard of a perfectly sober driver shame drunks?
Reality, why does Pamela Arnott feel shame when she sees a billboard of a healthy unborn child? Do you think it healthy for her to feel shamed about killing her unborn child?
“does a billboard of a perfectly sober driver shame drunks” – it would depend what other images and/or wording went with it of course.
“why does Pamela Arnott feel shame when she sees a billboard of a healthy unborn child?” – I didn’t see the word ‘shame’ in her quote. She complained about facing stigma, which is where certain people try to induce shame.
“Do you think it healthy for her to feel shamed about killing her unborn child” – if she did feel shamed, no.
Statistically speaking, you would probably not be of normal weight within several years if you quit smoking today unless you first address the underlying issues that have caused your addiction to cigarettes.
Not trying to cause you to to feel as if your facing a stigma or shame you, Reality. Just speaking the truth and from my own experience.
Praxedes says:
March 14, 2013 at 9:18 pm
Is there anything you would allow her to do to prevent pregnancy? You may find this article interesting, Denise:
(Denise) Thank you for showing this to me. I wasn’t aware that they do a test to find out if conception has occurred and allow her to try to prevent it if it has not.
The entire article is indeed interesting. From a specifically Roman Catholic perspective, it shows a true compassion for those who have been raped.
This lady must be using a strange definition of the word unfair.
You *do* realize you don’t have to deny basic scientific fact in order to support measures for rape victims to help prevent their pregnancy, right? Or anyone else, for that matter?
Kel says:
Pro aborts know basic biology….denial of these facts just make it easier to kill as they wish.
If i am smoking ( and i smoke ) and i see a warning about smoking then i smoke at my own risk. However while pregnant i did not smoke because it could harm my unborn baby. Thats the difference. I abstained from smoking while pregnant for my baby.
Seeing that smoking causes low birth weight in a baby made me feel guilty if id slip up and take a puff. It can cause low birth weight and other problems
Actually, heather, since you’re also concerned about a blastocyst’s failure to implant as you qualify that as “abortion”, you shouldn’t smoke at all if you’re sexually active, either:
As the blastocyst moves through the Fallopian tube, a number of hormone secretions take place. The two hormones released at this time are estrogen and progesterone. The balance between these two hormones determines the rate at which the egg moves through the tube, and its ability to implant itself in the uterus. Ongoing nicotine use is associated with a reduction in estrogen levels. When conception takes place, this lack of available estrogen can have adverse effects on the Fallopian tube’s ability to move the egg through, as well as the egg’s ability to respond to the tube’s movements.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Women who smoke might be three times more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy than those who don’t smoke, according to An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the egg attempts to implant itself within the Fallopian tubes instead of inside the uterus. As a result of nicotine, the blastocyst’s surface might become sticky, and slow the egg’s movement through the tube. Or it might not be sticky enough, to the point where it doesn’t adhere at all.
Read more: Nicotine Effects on a Blastocyst |
I don’t care so much about that, but I quit smoking due to other health concerns. I miss it. It was like my 5 minute vacation once a day. ;_;
When i came to this blog i was still pro contraception but now im am against that because i was told at PP depo stops ovulation. Then i found out it prevents implantation. Studied the pill and the IUD. Plan B…it all kills children and the hormonal contraception causes breast cancer. Had to cut the ties with PP…passed by a cookie sale for Susan Komen and I told them nope keep your cookies because you give to PP.
Hi x:) I havent been sexually active in years d/t my husbands problem with ED…and now as you know he has passed away. But i wasnt aware of that at all!! I had quit smoking for 7 years but i picked it back up. I kinda doubt I will be active again anytime soon. I guess its true…you learn something new every day. I know smoking is bad…very bad yet i need a vice at present.
Yeah x…..i dont want to derail the thread but today would have been my anniversary….instead of going to dinner with my husband Im looking at sympathy cards his pictures and a generic sympathy letter from the medical examiner while dragging on my Marlboro….excuse me for a moment i gotta go have a good cry.
You’re right Praxedes. Luckily I’ve always been able to control my weight quite easily. If I put on several pounds I can lose it in about the same length of time as I gained it. I don’t find it difficult to alter my eating patterns or habits to achieve what needs to be achieved. That includes the times when I have stopped smoking for up to a year.
Everything in moderation.
I’m sorry to hear that, heather.
Today is actually the 3rd year anniversary of the meeting of my better half and I. We’re not going out, but I’ll definitely be thinking of you.
Once again, I’m very, very sorry for your loss.
Everything in moderation.
Except for abortions.
Well I disagree with you Praxedes but you are entitled to your opinion.
Here’s another cute animal pic for you :-)
(please note that just like the fennec it hasn’t been defenestrated)
“You’re right Praxedes. Luckily I’ve always been able to control my weight quite easily. If I put on several pounds I can lose it in about the same length of time as I gained it. I don’t find it difficult to alter my eating patterns or habits to achieve what needs to be achieved. That includes the times when I have stopped smoking for up to a year.”
Pssh I smoke like a pack a day when I have enough money. I am terrible at moderation and nicotine is evul. But I never gain weight even when I’m not smoking no matter what I eat, so bonus?
“Yeah x…..i dont want to derail the thread but today would have been my anniversary….instead of going to dinner with my husband Im looking at sympathy cards his pictures and a generic sympathy letter from the medical examiner while dragging on my Marlboro….excuse me for a moment i gotta go have a good cry.”
I’m so sorry Heather, I can’t imagine what you are going through.
Ha! Wait ’til you hit 30 Jack, then you’ll need to learn some eating discipline.
Life sucks sometime heather, but as the old cliche says, things do get better with time. At times of loss in my life I have tried to picture what a positive and content future scenario for myself would look like and then focus on moving towards it by putting some of the elements in place.
Well I disagree with you Praxedes but you are entitled to your opinion.
Give me a number of how many is too many abortions. Ball park it.
Hey, you’re the one who said that abortions shouldn’t be done in moderation, so you tell me.
Well thanks for the support guys. its been a tough day. helps to have people like you here for support although weve never met. Grief is a part of life. I havent suffered a loss since my dad in 96. I wouldnt wish this pain on anyone. x hoping you n your other half have many happy years to come. Thanks Jack. and yes reality im thinking about paramedic school. Have to go on for myself n kids.. Been an LPN since 88. No desire to become an RN. Anyway life must go on.
Thats why i say Im okay with people not wanting kids…just dont believe in aborting them. My husband was pretty shocked to become a dad again at 51. My mom had me at 40. It so happened that i gave birth to our son at 40. My husband called him daddys little man. Over the moon with that boy. Life can deal some cruel blows. My oldest daughter is a leukemia survivor. Shes in school now to be a pharmacist.
And i will be pro life until the day i die!
Back to the billboard…maybe its upsetting because the baby actually looks human?? Um because he or she IS human??
Sigh..just got a call my daughter is in the hospital with a fallopian tube abscess…on antibiotics surgery may be required. Shes 21.
Well I hope she’ll be okay Heather keep us posted? This is obviously not your month. :( I’m sorry.
Yeah no kidding Jack…im on pack 2 and my friggin car is broken…being repaired. She facebooked me.
To be blunt sometimes life sucks. So far this year sucks:(
so you tell me
around .006 %
Yeah it’s a bad year for lots of us. :( Your’s is particularly rough it seems. Do you have a friend around to drive you to the hospital to see your daughter?
Prayers and hugs from Wisconsin, heather. ):
Not right now Jack…She n i will just fb each other. I will call a cab if need be. Her condition is stable n her dad is there. Shes a tough gal..beat the breaks off of that leukemia!
.006% of what?
So you do support some level of abortion.
You said a number.
Applied to what period of time and geographical spread?
Thanks praxedes!
I support abortion in the same cases that Pope Francis does.
Hope this helps you understand my position, but I won’t hold my breath. End of discussion. Too tired to go rounds with you tonight.
So your .006% figure came from him rather than just being rectally derived?
So he supports some level of abortion too.
Alice says:
March 19, 2013 at 6:59 pm
What difference does it make when twinning happens? There is one human being prior to twinning and two afterwards.
(Denise) I wasn’t clear on precisely what the Roman Catholics believe regarding rape victims and pregnancy. If a test shows that no conception has occurred after a rape, it is permissible to try to prevent conception.
Although only 1% of abortions are of pregnancies conceived through rape, it seems like a hefty 50% or more of the debate on this issue center around that 1%.
It so happens that I correspond with two rapist-murderers. One of them was extremely unlikely to have impregnated through his attacks. His target group are post-menopausal women. Although a few survived, I doubt they conceived because of their ages. He has a vendetta against older women (which is why I’ll never send him my photograph!).
I write to Lawrence Bittaker who, along with buddy Roy Norris, murdered the young ladies they raped. However, I do know that at least one very lucky and resourceful teen girl escaped from the deranged and deadly duo after having been raped so it is possible that he has a kid out there somewhere.