Pro-life blog buzz 3-29-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- LTI’s Scott Klusendorf recently had a conversation with a woman who is personally pro-life but can’t understand “how anyone could tell a woman who is raped that it’s wrong to have one.”
- Brendan Malone of The Leading Edge announces his upcoming project, LifeTV, which will attempt to answer questions regarding pro-life issues:
- Americans United for Life announces a contest for law students to “envision the language of life in writing a mock Supreme Court opinion laying the intellectual framework for overturning Roe v. Wade.” There will be special awards for the top three winners.
- At Coming Home, Dr. Gerard Nadal begins a series on the challenges of the North Dakota personhood amendment, starting with the issue of ectopic pregnancies.
- Via ProLifeBlogs, Papa Mike’s Blog notes the Obama administration’s continued funding (to the tune of $350M) of sexual indoctrination classes for children – while denying White House tours to those same children.
- Abstinence Clearinghouse applauds 25-year-old The Bachelor star Sean Lowe (pictured left) and his finalist fiancée Catherine for pledging to remain abstinent until marriage. Sean was previously sexually active, but seeks to now approach his relationships differently – a choice sometimes known as “born again virginity” or “secondary virginity.” The article explores society’s incredulity toward young, “desirable” individuals who choose abstinence.
- The Guiding Star Project shares a post from a mother who received a poor prenatal diagnosis for her child and did not receive the support she was hoping for:
In the next month, we met with a specialist. We had settled down from the shock and we were ready to meet the doctor who was going to save our baby. He spoke with us in detail about our child’s condition and what would happen in the coming months. And then BAM! It came. “Do you want to terminate the pregnancy?” I felt sick. I had not expected this. I was supposed to put all my confidence in this doctor. He was supposed to save my child but yet he did not care if I wanted to kill her. Did he not just say this was a treatable condition? Is there something he was not telling us? - Big Blue Wave posts on the “strategic” lawsuit brought against LifeSiteNews by former Canadian MP and Catholic priest Raymond Gravel for “defamation, contempt and incitement to hatred” because they dared to actually publish some of his actual comments on life issues. Relevant video begins at 3:30:
[Bachelor photo via Celebrity News and Style]
”Canadian MP and Catholic priest Raymond Gravel”
To be precise, he’s actually a former MP.
LTI blog was excellent, though as a pro-lifer I must say that I was really embarrassed by the first comment.
How exactly is that Raymond Gravel guy even a priest? Aren’t running for office (in Canada’s wackiest party to boot), supporting legalized abortion, and openly defying the pope’s authority sort of frowned upon?
Susie Allen says the raped woman “can choose adoption.” We’ve got to get busy on making it possible to transplant the unborn from one womb to another. THEN it will be possible to choose adoption instead of pregnancy.
At the present time, adoption is no alternative to abortion because it is only possible AFTER the pregnancy is carried to term. A girl or woman who can’t stand to get big-bellied as a result of a rape aborts or commits suicide.
Jill, Florida is trying to pass BAIPA… I still can’t believe PP gets federal money as a non-profit. wtf
Her husband asked the man, “Do you think of my wife as a friend or as a mother?” The young man replied, “I don’t think of her as a friend or as a mother. I think of her as a lover.”
Denise, the word ‘lover’ can carry many connotations and not all are sexual. Is it possible the young man was not very good at expressing himself and upon further conversation he had sexual interest at all in his mother? Did the young man try and initiate anything sexual? If not then you are being less then honest in the way you are presenting this. btw – do you read Sigmund Freud?
truthseeker says:
March 29, 2013 at 7:17 pm
Her husband asked the man, “Do you think of my wife as a friend or as a mother?” The young man replied, “I don’t think of her as a friend or as a mother. I think of her as a lover.”Denise, the word ‘lover’ can carry many connotations and not all are sexual. Is it possible the young man was not very good at expressing himself and upon further conversation he had sexual interest at all in his mother? Did the young man try and initiate anything sexual? If not then you are being less then honest in the way you are presenting this. btw – do you read Sigmund Freud?
(Denise) You are correct. It may not be completely clear as to what he meant. He did not try to initiate a sexual relationship with her. I am very aware of Sigmund Freud. However, the youth did appear to be quite disturbed and was later imprisoned for forcible rape.
“The fact is that forcing girls and women to carry to term and give birth to the babies of their rapists to some extent helps the rapist. It means that men can successfully use force to place their genetic material back into the system.”
You cannot be serious about this nonsense. First of all, people don’t rape because they want a baby. They rape because they want to feel absolute power over another person. I know. I’ve been raped. I saw it. Second, how many rapes have been covered up by legal abortion? A pregnant victim is the last thing a rapist wants.
Kate says:
March 29, 2013 at 7:55 pm
“The fact is that forcing girls and women to carry to term and give birth to the babies of their rapists to some extent helps the rapist. It means that men can successfully use force to place their genetic material back into the system.”
You cannot be serious about this nonsense. First of all, people don’t rape because they want a baby.>>
(Denise) Rapists are often men whose personalities and social statuses make them unattractive to women in general. They tend to be from what could be called the “criminal class.” Women often don’t want them and it is a sure bet they will not be accepted by sperm banks! They are losers and rape might be the main way to get their genetic material back into the system. No, it may not be consciously thought out but at some level much of male behavior is about returning their genetic material to the system.
<<They rape because they want to feel absolute power over another person.>>
(Denise) This too. They rape for a combination of reasons. Forcing someone to carry your baby can feel like a kind of power. Ensuring descendants is a kind of power.
I know. I’ve been raped. I saw it. Second, how many rapes have been covered up by legal abortion? A pregnant victim is the last thing a rapist wants.>>
(Denise) In the case of incest and statutory rapes, some have used abortion to cover their crimes. The entire question is complex. Whether the rapist wants the victim pregnant or not depends on the individual rapist.
I do know that the last thing a girl or woman who has just been attacked (usually) wants to learn is that her attacker(s) have impregnated her. I believe Jespren said she would be disappointed to learn a rapist had not impregnated but I believe she is the exception.
” (Denise) Rapists are often men whose personalities and social statuses make them unattractive to women in general. They tend to be from what could be called the “criminal class.” Women often don’t want them and it is a sure bet they will not be accepted by sperm banks! They are losers and rape might be the main way to get their genetic material back into the system. No, it may not be consciously thought out but at some level much of male behavior is about returning their genetic material to the system.”
Where did you come up with this? Many, many rapists are married, have children, girlfriends or boyfriends, etc etc etc. Date rape and rape by intimate partners is among the most common forms of rape as well, these guys aren’t raping because they can’t get a date. I know you’re really into this evolutionary psychology thing but I’ve rarely seen the statistics or data to back up your claims.
And plus your claims don’t make sense when you look at the fact that child rape is about as common or even more common than rape of adults, and boys and girls before the age of twelve or thirteen (not that the girls can get pregnant usually at that stage) are at roughly equal risk for sexual assault.
Women often don’t want them and it is a sure bet they will not be accepted by sperm banks! They are losers and rape might be the main way to get their genetic material back into the system.
Where do you get this from Denise?
Both the men who raped me were physically fit, very attractive and popular (not to say guys who are the opposite of this don’t rape as well). These guys could have walked in a room and had their pick of single girls. The first guy knew I wanted to wait until marriage and the second guy is related to my first husband and knew I was with him. I think rape is more about wanting what they want, from who they want, when they want it. I agree rapists are losers but many of them have no problem getting dates, marrying and having families.
I personally believe rape has increased since abortion has become legal. Me, me, me. Why would we be surprised that we have become objects when the most fragile among us have become objects?
I think rape is more about wanting what they want, from who they want, when they want it.
This 100%. My rapist was also a very likeable guy. Good student, popular, the works. I was also dating him at the time, so obviously he could get women. In fact, I have a hard time thinking of him as that monster, because I have so much trouble connecting the sweet guy who was my first love when I was a teenager to that.
Oh, and he said that if I were to get pregnant he would want me to abort.
I also think rape often has something to do with anger and wanting to degrade and punish someone. Maybe not in every case, but in some.
But whatever rape is actually about, it doesn’t seem to be about guys no one likes trying to “spread their genes” or whatever Denise is trying to claim. I’m sure there is the odd creepy loser who has that as some motivation but I sincerely doubt it’s a motivator for most rapists.
MOST rapists are all-around criminals. MOST have criminal records for non-sexual as well as sexual crimes.
In addition, the MAJORITY of victims are within the prime reproductive age range. There are rapists who target groups that are infertile — children, elderly women, other men — but the general rule is that they target females and females who are in an age range in which they are most likely to become pregnant.
Well, most stats completely leave out institutional abuse (prison, military, juvenile facilities, etc), of which the victims are overwhelmingly male, and in some estimates exceed rapes in the general community annually. Also, stats that use the former FBI definition excluded male victims and female victims who were not raped vaginally all together until 2011. All that on top of the fact is men are six times less likely to report abuse against themselves in a study that was done on men and women who had verified and documented history of sexual abuse. So the gender thing is probably quite skewed in my opinion, I suppose you will tell me those rapists were trying to get other men pregnant or something.
Child rape is extremely common. About 25% of girls and at a low estimate 16% of boys are sexually abused before age 16, I think is the cut off. Compare that to the high estimate of 25% of adult females who are raped in lifetime estimates (numbers for non-institutionalized adult men range from 3-10% and I think they tend to be artificially low) and your theory doesn’t look that sound.
My theory is rapists go after vulnerability because they are on a power and degradation trip, and children are generally more vulnerable than adult women, and adult women are generally more vulnerable than adult men (unless the men are institutionalized in some way).
And you’re forgetting that women are sexual abusers sometimes too, some estimates for female abusers (usually against children of either gender or teen boys) are up to 20% of rapists who target people under eighteen.
“MOST rapists are all-around criminals. MOST have criminal records for non-sexual as well as sexual crimes.”
Oh, forgot this. I don’t even know if this is true. But it’s not like being a criminal stops people from getting a girlfriend or having kids. Most criminals do one or both of these things, sans rape.
Mary says:
March 30, 2013 at 8:55 am
Denise Noe, 8:12PMRapists may very well have personalities that make them very attractive to women, which is what makes them so dangerous. Also passing on their genetic material is an absurd argument since many acts of rape aren’t likely to result in pregnancy or the intention is a dead victim.>>
(Denise) Females most likely to be raped are in the 15-30 year age range — the range of prime fertility. Rapists are more likely to murder elderly victims — whom they can’t impregnate.
Denise we have discussed this before. I think those convicts you correspond with are filling your head with a lot of crap. They are master manipulators. I tell you this out of concern. Corresponding with convicts is a very dangerous pasttime and you are in waaaaay over your head.
(Denise) I didn’t get any of this from rapists with whom I correspond. I have read evolutionary biology and sociobiology.
The human male is biologically programmed to swell the species by spreading seed.
The human female is biologically programmed to keep the species healthy through diversifying seed (thus, “paternity fraud” and unknown fathers).
Dear friends,
Just walk away.
A lesson in frustration and futility.
Denise 9:36am
“I didn’t get any of this from rapists with whom I correspond”
*Pounding my head on the desk*
Definitely an exercise in futility and frustration.
Mary says:
March 30, 2013 at 11:03 am
Denise 9:36am“I didn’t get any of this from rapists with whom I correspond”*Pounding my head on the desk*Definitely an exercise in futility and frustration.
(Denise) There are books devoted to evolutionary biology such as Robert C. Wright’s “The Moral Animal.”
I only correspond with two imprisoned rapists and in those cases, it is safe to say reproduction is not a motive. One targeted the elderly. Another targeted teenagers but tried to kill all victims.
“I only correspond with two imprisoned rapists”
Well, that makes me feel sooo much better. 9_9
One targeted the elderly the other tried to kill his victims. Reproduction wasn’t the motive though murder was. Big relief.
Years ago Big Joe told me that after pulling a few dead bodies of prison groupies out of ditches, he had long given up any hope of understanding them. I can see why.
“I didn’t get any of this from rapists with whom I correspond. I have read evolutionary biology and sociobiology.”
Well those evolutionary psychologists you read apparently haven’t actually studied much about sex crimes. Evo psych is controversial anyway, and has a lot of issues.
According to, the ONLY right currently protected of rape victims who get pregnant is the right to abortion. If they have babies, rapists can legally seek visitation and even custody. Only 17 states forbid paternal rights for rapists, and all of those require a conviction for the rape.
Mary says:
March 30, 2013 at 12:02 pm
Denise,One targeted the elderly the other tried to kill his victims. Reproduction wasn’t the motive though murder was. Big relief.
(Denise) The second one makes a point of saying murder was never a “motive” or goal and that he received no “satisfaction” or “thrill” from murdering the victims. Rather, after raping them, he regarded them as “threats to my freedom.” He claims that had he the resources to do it, he would have “tucked them away somewhere” or tried in some other way to ensure they didn’t go to the cops.
Yes, this guy is extremely, extremely dangerous. He will be until the day he dies. He is perplexed that people don’t want to meet with him in a regular prison visiting booth but insist on a solid pane of protection when they interview him.
Please my friend, did my comment about Big Joe removing the dead bodies of prison groupies from a ditch resonnate with you? That was definitely my intention. Somehow what I’m saying isn’t getting through. If that doesn’t, then I can say I’ve done all I can. Big Joe, wherever you are, I tried. For the benefit of some on this blog, I am speaking metaphorically, not literally conversing with the dear departed.
Mary says:
March 30, 2013 at 5:29 pm
Denise,Please my friend, did my comment about Big Joe removing the dead bodies of prison groupies from a ditch resonnate with you? That was definitely my intention.
(Denise) I am a VERY cautious individual. Believe me, I want a hug from some of these people about as much as I want a hug from a boa constrictor! They are essentially human boa constrictors.
These women weren’t killed by hugs and a hug is the least of YOUR concerns. Big Joe said one of the dead women he pulled from the ditch was so badly mutilated by knife wounds and repeated rape they needed dental records to ID her.
Also, if you were VERY cautious, you would have never begun this hobby or whatever it is in the first place. You recognize they are human boa constrictors, yet you don’t respect the fact that they are dangerous predators. Just like humans who treat boa constrictors like house pets. Its what will get someone killed, whether the predator is human or animal.
I assure you these convicts know more about you than you do yourself. They also have friends on the outside. They escape prison. They get paroled.
Denise, I don’t know what else I can say to convince you.
It begins. >: D
Hi X,
Maybe I should stick to eyerolling. All this deskpounding is giving me a headache.
Denise what do you get out of corresponding with these people? What need is that filling? If you want to learn about criminal psychology there are a million books and profiles to read and that won’t put your life in danger at all.
I guess I don’t get the point.
Oh, so that’s were I got that from. Thanks, they have come in very useful.
JackBorsch says:
March 30, 2013 at 9:29 pm
Denise what do you get out of corresponding with these people? What need is that filling? If you want to learn about criminal psychology there are a million books and profiles to read and that won’t put your life in danger at all. I guess I don’t get the point.
(Denise) First of all, I write to PEOPLE if I have something to say to them or something I want to ask them. I don’t spend all day writing to convicts. I have autographs from actors and actresses that I admire. I’ve got pics with autographs from actors Christopher Lee, Charlton Heston, Lloyd Bochnor, Bradford Dillman, and soap opera actresses Toni Bull Bua and Birgitta Tolksdorf. I recently got a signed pic from Debbie Reynolds, an actress I very much admire.
I am a true crime writer. I have scanned and made $ from letters from prisoners.
Stick to the Hollywood celebrities, its safer.
You ARE taking a very serious risk so please heed the advice of your father, the late Big Joe, and me. I am encouraged to see that you are taking this a little more seriously. Its a start.
I must caution though that you may not be completely out of danger even if you stop writing tomorrow. Sadly Denise I think you will spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder. You opened a Pandora’s Box when you let these criminals into your life, hopefully they will go quietly away.
”Canadian MP and Catholic priest Raymond Gravel”
To be precise, he’s actually a former MP.
Thanks, JDC. Fixed.