Comparing pro-life gains with GOP government shutdown strategy
Consider the gains the pro-life movement has made over the years within the Republican Party, state legislation, the courts, and public opinion. There is no cause I believe more worthy in all the world. Yet where would pro-lifers be today had they instead simply and inflexibly demanded a government shutdown unless and until abortion was abolished?
Pro-lifers figured out a way to work within the system and advance the ball.
~ David Freddoso comparing the pro-life movement to the recent Republican capitulation vote to end the government shutdown, Conservative Intelligence Briefing, October 16
Who inflexibly demanded a government shutdown? The people who rejected the various and sundry compromise bills sent from the House. Who refused all the offers to negotiate? Obama and Harry Reid.
The comparison of the pro life strategies to the budget and debt ceiling problems of the federal government has no validity.
First of all the government’s current shutdown stems from the inability of congress to get a budget passed. The government has not passed the constitutionally required yearly budget in 5 years. What exists in its place are the UNconstitutional continuing resolutions which have exacerbated the rapidly growing debt crisis. These maneuvers have served to keep spending less visible to the American people. The Federal government has been operating far outside the constitutional system for many years.
What system of rules, and laws are still reliable and honored enough by government to allow a secure and stable framework for prolifers to work within?
Ditto, pharmer1. The Oval office’s current occupant was more eager to talk to Iran than the representatives voted for by the American people. Want to keep government running? Then work with the people that the American people voted for WHO ALREADY WON THEIR RESPECTIVE ELECTIONS.
this made me change my view.
It really was foolish of Republicans to start this show, knowing that Reid and Obama would stop anything and win anyway.
Republicans need smarter leaders — Like the pro-life movement has smarter leaders. It’s not enough to stage a shutdown just for show. We have to have a winning strategy, if we hope to restore our nation’s culture to our nation’s families.
Exactly Del, it was a foolish move by the GOP.
If the ransom demand had been the ending of abortion the outcome would have been even more embarrassing for the gop.
The Teahadist splinter group of the gop, led by those such as Ted Cruz, acted out a script provided by heritage action and the like. Their aim is to govern despite not winning government. They keep calling for ‘smaller government’ which really means replacing elected representation and rule with corporate control.
Their gambit has cost the US economy billions of dollars, international financial markets are seeking to reduce their risk of exposure to the US economy and some financial analysts are formulating a platform which will replace the US dollar as an international trading platform.
I hope Cruz nominates for 2016. It’ll be a giant head start for Hillary.
Does it make you feel like a bigger or a better person by calling your political opponents names like “teabaggers” “knuckle-draggers” and “teahadists”? Really?
Most of us approved and still approve of the principles that motivated the GOP. We like the Heritage Foundation and the TEA Party. We understand the need for smaller government, which means replacing bureaucratic control and billionaire influence (Soros/Koch) with personal responsibility (that is, Reality and I can take care of our own families).
But we want strategies that work.
This strategy was never going to be effective. It’s primary goal was to make Obama and the Democrat Party leaders look like the elitist dictators that they are…. with the long-range goal of gaining some seats in the Congress in 2014 and the White House in 2016.
Well…. Those of us who have to live in the real world WITH OUR FAMILIES are not interested in seats and gamesmanship. How about the GOP gives Obama everything he wants — in exchange for defunding Planned Parenthood. Make it clear and plain, which Big Corporate Business has Obama in their pocket.
I’m not calling them ‘teabaggers’ Ladybug. I have referrred to Perry and the like as ‘knuckle-draggers’ due to their neanderthal approach to womens issues.
I have referred to the gop splinter group in this particular instance as ‘Teahadists’ and the ‘Tealiban’ because they have displayed irrational extremist behavior and a willingness to harm themselves and their support base through blind ideology.
You don’t see the dichotomy between liking groups such as the heritage foundation yet not liking the influence of those such as the Koch brothers Del?
“Pro-lifers figured out a way to work within the system and advance the ball.”
Suggest Mr. Freddoso, tap the breaks on the celebratory dance and check the score board.
50,000,000( FIFTY MILLION ) dead babies to handful of dead feticidal/infanticidal mass murderers/serial killers does lend support to the notion that polite persuasian and genteel engagement is ‘advacning the ball, much less winning the game.
Mr. Feddoso should call Las Vegas and see what kind of odds and points spread he can get on the pro-life team.
On Saturday evening Alabama rolled over Arkansas 59 to 0, at least that was the score when I changed the channel. I haven’t checked the sports news today.
At least Arkansas held Alabama to less than 60 points.
By comparison prolifers efforts have succeeded in allowing the ‘Crimson Tide’ to increase to a tsunami of biblical proportions which shows no signs of weakening.
The ‘dead babies r us’ mob are ecstatic with glee as they chant in unison, “Surfs Up!”
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but your meager attempt is so lame that even taking your special needs into consideration and being charitable, I can only score ‘tealiban’ a half star for ‘humor’ content.
Who said it was meant to be humorous?
Is the failure to discern one of your ‘special needs’ kentheburper?
Okay, seriously Ken et al, stop feeding the troll. He does not deserve our attention.
I’m out of town for a week and upon my return last night I hear the news of a certain website giving O a headache. Someone mentioned to me during the flight home that it would have been better for the feds to ask Jeff Bezos for help in creating this website and some assistance in finding a pretty good server to handle the traffic. Now I tend to agree.
BTW, when I heard an exerpt from O that people can call in to sign up, I ruptured my spleen laughing hysterically. O must think this will fare better, haha..
Hey good people: is it true that the feds were using a copy-righted code which they supposedly had no permission to use to create the O-Care website? This news is all over the web..