Two IVF embryos ended up triplets
I would be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn’t a little overwhelmed… but I also know that with the help we have, there’s never going to be a baby not being held or a toddler not being played with.
It will all work out.
~ Sarah Imbierowicz discussing the surprise news of expecting triplets after two IVF embryos were implanted in her uterus, ABC News, November 6
And that is the REASSURANCE that is missing for so many.
“It is all going to work out. I am here for you. We will get through this together. I will help you. What do you need? I will help you get what you need. I am with you all the way. There is nothing we can’t do together. You are not alone.”
Pick one.
I will help you get what you need. Sounds like the big brother reassurance. Surely has many fooled…
From the story: “The goal in IVF is to transfer one embryo and get one pregnancy,” said Goldfarb. “But it sounds like this couple had gone through an awful lot of cycles.”
The operative term there for me is cycles. Playing with embryos for convenience????
Hardly Thomas. This is personal one on one counseling of desperate women in desperate situations not BIG BROTHER.
Pregnant mother “I just don’t know what to do. I don’t have a job.”
Carla “I will help you get whatever you need.”
Read the last line of the quote again. She is going to have ANOTHER set of triplets and what does she say?
That’s right.
It will all work out.
That’s not fear. That’s faith.
So what happened here? One of the embryos split in half? I have always been fascinated by multiples, especially those who are identical. I always wanted to have identical twins, but you can’t just order them up like you do pancakes!
“I will help you get what you need. Sounds like the big brother reassurance. Surely has many fooled…”
Do you think people should never have help or something? How is this big brother at all?
Hi Jack.
I miss you.
Carla and Jack:
My mind was still wrapped up on OCare people, and that comment reflected that.
The other comment I posted was on topic.
Sorry for confusing you by not having been more specific.
We tell people we will help – and we mean it. Since July we have:
Paid toward a security deposit,
bought two year-long bus passes for a couple that had no transportation,
paid a month’s rent for a couple,
paid 8 months’ electricity for a family,
paid a month’s rent,
paid for a bunch of diapers and wipes,
paid for gas money,
delivered a double-size mattress, box-spring and frame,
delivered a kitchen table, complete with chairs
delivered a microwave stand
bought food,
paid tuition for a young woman wanting more education,
and hired a man and is arranging for employment for him,
Arranged and paid for a funeral for a young child who passed away
and more …
The above is not nothing – it gives people hope that there are people in this world who care.
And this is just a rag-tag group of people who want to help people in need. And we arrange for these families to get sponsored for Christmas, too. Whatever we can do, we will. And it makes a difference.
We have seen families go from desperate and depressed to hopeful and thriving. We have made contacts and arranged employment.
But mostly, we have people believing in goodness again, and knowing that when they are on their feet, they will help others and extend the kindness that has been shown to them. We see it over and over, and we are honored to be a part of that transformation.
Kindness begets kindness…. it’s real and powerful, praise God – and it’s His doing.
Hi Carla I miss you too. I’m an email away!
Joyfromillinois that’s really cool of you to help people. Do you work with your church or a PRC or what?
Through Church and our pro-life group – but individuals, other churches and other organizations can and do help. It’s a labor of love, and it is lovely. We have individuals that want to help.
We do sidewalk counseling, and if a family wants to stay in touch, we do. We have some long-standing relationships – some over 9 years old. We see the children grow up, and families grow and change. Right now the family we are trying to help with employment is a family who decided not to abort their child 4 years ago. That youngster is 3 and going to preschool. They are beautiful and have big hearts. The parents decided to be married in a Christian Church, and they invited my husband and I to attend.
It is a privilege and a beautiful thing to be involved in this way.
What I listed only happened since June. With God’s grace and people’s generosity, there has been a lot done since we started. But the material things are just the tip of the iceberg. I see people praying, living the right life, and passing generosity on.
It is very beautiful.
That is FANTASTIC!! God bless you for all that you do!!
My best friend from high school had an abortion in college. She was just waiting for someone–ONE PERSON–to tell her, I’l stand by you. You do not have to go through this alone. There is a better alternative than killing your baby.
But there wasn’t anyone. No one spoke up. One of her college friends help her book and procure an abortion. And to this day, she still misses her baby.
No worries.
That is my story too. JUST ONE PERSON to say “You can do this!!”
My employee was going to abort until I said “You can do it. I am here for you.” BOOM!! SHe chose life and her daughter is 5 years old today. Women get scared especially when the father is ambivalent about the baby.
Awesome note, I already message Carla but a couple pregnant with their fifth baby was going to have a late term abortion in my area (she was 5 months) but their car DIED and so they talked to pro-lifers who took them for an ultrasound. When they saw their son they knew they could not abort. The pro-lifers bought them a new minivan and we are throwing a nice baby shower for her and going to get her EVERYTHING she needs!!! It has been amazing to see everyone come together to buy things for the baby AND the older children as well. The mom was a stripper but the husband and wife placed their faith in Jesus at the CPC when they heard the gospel. The mom refused to strip anymore and the father doesn’t make much money so we’re stepping up to make sure they’re taken care of. Jesus said when we give a cup of water in His name it is the same as if we gave a cup of water to Christ.
LOVE IT!! THAT is how we take care of God’s precious people in their time of desperation. In their time of great need.
Thank you everyone. Please keep us in your daily prayers so that we may help others. God bless you!
Joy do you think you could get me a silver BMW convertible? :-)