DREAM-IS-DEAD-The_Radiance_Foundationby Kelli

In 1963 when Martin Luther King Jr. shared his Dream with the nation, he never envisioned an America where ‘reproductive justice’ would end more than 56 million innocent human lives. His dream never pictured a nation where black boys and black girls would never be able to join hands with white boys and white girls, as sisters and brothers, because ‘freedom of choice’ determined some humans are simply not equal….

Planned Parenthood continually touts that they gave Martin Luther King their first Margaret Sanger Award in 1966. What they fail to tell the public is that abortion wasn’t legal in ‘66….

Dr. King wrongly believed birth control would reduce poverty. He also wrongly believed Planned Parenthood was interested in elevating poorer blacks. Their abortion numbers tell a completely different story.

~ TooManyAborted.com’s Ryan Bomberger, remarking on his organization’s MLK Day “Dream is Dead” ad campaign in New York, as quoted in a press release published by Canada Free Press, January 20

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