Pro-life news brief 3-20-14
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- A Lutheran charity has purchased the former Delaware abortion clinic where Kermit Gosnell worked part-time.
- In Arizona, all health clinics are inspected without warning – that is, except for abortion clinics, which get a 10-day warning:
Inspectors work through observations, interviews and reviews of documents, like patient files and policies. They’re checking, for instance, to see if a clinic has a disaster plan or if employee experience matches up with job duties. If it passes, the facility gets a stamp of approval for up to 24 months.“All of the surveys are unannounced,” Belden said.
But there’s one big exception. Abortion providers get a 10-day heads up.
- “Pregnancies they can carry” is the latest jargon Jessica Valenti is using to attempt to ignore the unborn child:
Anti-choicers cannot escape the truth of their movement: despite
rhetorical efforts to the contrary, the foundation of fighting against abortion accessibility is the idea that women are less important than the pregnancies they can carry.This is why the pro-choice side is losing. They can’t accurately describe the pro-life position. Therefore, they can’t make solid arguments against it. They’re stuck trying to come up with lamer and lamer ways of dehumanizing the unborn.
“Pregnancies they can carry…”
The abortion advocates don’t need cogent thoughts as long as they can stir up fears in the public.
We can still lose, if we fail to evangelize the truth. We need to drive home several messages with greater effectiveness:
– The child in the womb is human. (Fetal models are excellent, better than the oversize graphic images. We can honestly say that we are educating into the gaps of public sex ed.)
– Abortion hurts women. This message is a tough one to spread. It needs more work. The information about deaths, injuries, miscarriages, infertility, depression/drug & alcohol abuse/suicide, broken relationships and abandonment by boyfriends….
– Help is readily available. The location and services provided by CPC’s should be posted and broadcast to every high school and college and low-income community.
– Adoption is an option. Appeals from families desiring children and advertisements for adoption service agencies need to be more common.
If the pro-aborts don’t have a message, then we need to thrust ours into the vacuum.
It would also be good to publicize instances of pro-abortion violence and bad behavior, too. We need for the world to know which side really has the crazy, violent people in it.
Jessica Valenti really needs to learn that the term is pro-lifers, not anti-choicers. It’s really hard to take her views seriously when she can’t even get the basic terminology right.
– The fetus in the womb is human. – do you seriously think people don’t know that? What do you think they think is inside them?
– Abortion hurts women. This message is a tough one to spread. – because it simply isn’t true for the massively overwhelming majority.
– Help is readily available. The location and services provided by CPC’s – hm, yes well. Limited options and misinformation.
– Adoption is an option. – only if you are prepared to complete gestation and delivery.
If the pro-aborts don’t have a message, then we need to thrust ours into the vacuum. – was this meant to be a pun?
It would also be good to publicize instances of pro-abortion violence and bad behavior, too. We need for the world to know which side really has the crazy, violent people in it. – really? You want to go there?
Reality says:
It would also be good to publicize instances of pro-abortion violence and bad behavior, too. We need for the world to know which side really has the crazy, violent people in it. – really? You want to go there?
Yes. There.
Cool. Be my guest Del. :-)
Go there? Who’s often coming here, never citing real facts, never providing links or references?
I really wish everyone would stop feeding the troll.
I was not feeding the troll JDC. I was responding to Del’s request “It would also be good to publicize instances of pro-abortion violence and bad behavior, too. We need for the world to know which side really has the crazy, violent people in it.” This website raises the awareness of pro-abort violence. Discrediting “reality” is just an added bonus. :)
There might be some few who only wake-up if their face-is-rubbed-in-it (am thinking of the horrific images here), but we should understand that this particular sword is double-edged (cuts both ways). We talk and talk about how precious all human life is and yet we display graphic images as ‘proof’. Aren’t we just proving our barbarity?
At the same time, we are selling a so-called ‘humane’-condition that ain’t very humane after all. Our ‘reality’ is only a fanciful (and illusory) belief system, and it is PL’ers that are trying to change a (good enough), imperfect status quo. Remember, that it is much more important to remain comfortable than to embrace change (no matter its necessity).
I don’t understand – are you disagreeing with Pro-life displaying graphic images of aborted babies because it may upset pro-aborts? So are you saying that we should “turn the other cheek?” What would you like us to do??? Please clarify…
I am reminded of the Cold War scenario where he USA could nuke every square inch of the earth 900 times and the USSR could only nuke the earth 600 times. So he USA ‘won’. Finally someone was smart enough to figure out this was madness run amuck, because humans can only die once. So are we to meet-PC depravity, to ‘win’ … gleefully wallow in a in PL-form-of-species degradation to ‘win’ a war-of-words? PC and PL are one (or SHOULD be). It is most unhelpful to stiff-arm so called Trolls.
I understand you want us to “turn the other cheek” then and pretty much stand silent. We are not equal to Jesus on the cross John. People are concrete and by seeing graphic images of aborted babies, learn that the practice is barbaric. That is the truth. Your approach is very abstract and more on a philosophical level. I am afraid, this does not reach people.
In essence that is what pro-abortion movement wants – that we give up the cause. And this is not a war of words John. This is to change the hearts and minds of Americans so that this great nation can esposue the sanctitity of life and end the practice of abortion…
Hi Thomas R., perhaps it would be best if we have little control over how images-are-understood vs how-we-intended-them-to-be-understood. I am reminded of a accident where a motorcyclist slammed into the back of a stopped school-bus. The wee kids started laughing at the horrific amount of blood spilt all over the back window. Death does have an incredulity factor to it especially to the young who have only watched cartoon characters that are blown-to-bits or fall-of-cliffs only to be resurrected in the next cartoon, unscathed.
What are we proclaiming - our moral/sanctimonious ‘rightness/outage’ or our grief over dead human babies?
Okay I got you (I think) as in – do not display the images for shock value but with a concrete message in mind and a lesson to follow and only within a specific context. Yes?
OK Thomas – very close. If we are to use these images, we must be highly selective about the impacts they will have on target audiences as well as ourselves. I worry that blunting-of-sensitivity will happen to PL’ers, especially seeing these images for the umpteenth time. How do we remain ‘cool’-human in such atrocity? Should we?
You lost me again John, I am sorry. How are we to monitor impact on target audiences? Impact is guided by the recipient not the presenter. We can control how we present but even then, the impact may not be what we desire. You are truly describing a circular argument here methinks.
I prefer to keep it simpler and assess the impact after the presentation rather than what you argue for – before it occurs. If I invest too much into thinking what may become of it, most likely I will not present the images for “fear” it may have the wrong impact. What then John?
I encourage you too “thomas r.” to drive the whole issue of pro and anti choice violence. Go for it :-)
Go there? Who’s often coming here, never citing real facts, never providing links or references? – Del?