Senator Rand Paul not exactly banning abortion anytime soon
by Carder
The country is in the middle (and) we’re not changing any of the laws until the country is persuaded otherwise.
~ Potential Republican Presidential contender Senator Rand Paul, (pictured with Democrat operative David Axelrod) explaining his position on abortion laws, as quoted by MoFo Politics, April 23
[Photo via Breitbart]
But American abortion laws aren’t anywhere CLOSE to “the middle.”
Senator Paul needs to start moving closer to “the middle” himself.
Well said, macys coupon code austin run april 2012. You gave us all something to think about.
It’s a true point, we can’t fully protect the unborn until society is behind such a law, but trying to be cute and coy is no way to sway public opinion Sen. Paul. You should spend more time talking about your beliefs in why human life matters rather than endorsing worthless organizations that circulate meaningless pro-life petitions.
I see the spambot has been removed and I now look like a crazy person. Cool.
The country is in the middle (and) we’re not changing any of the laws until the country is persuaded otherwise.”
It’s obvious Rand Paul was not referring to himself in that sentence, but the country. That’s how that sentence reads.
I’d have to agree, thus, with one commenter on that blog:
What he said was that no legislation is going to pass on the federal level until public opinion changes…
That is the contextual meaning of Rand Paul’s statement. Now the only question is: is he or is he not correct (Kelsey’s comment is very helpful in that regard).
I’m still going with Dr. Ben Carson though, just to be clear…
Let’s look the good news:
He’s talking about abortion. He’s getting it wrong, but he’s talking about it. The more we keep the national conversation going, the more opportunities we have to change hearts.
My response to Mr. Paul is that there were many who refused to outlaw slavery “until more people are against it.”
Mr. Paul, it is not about public sentiment and polling numbers. It is about human rights.
If it is right to enslave Negroes and kill children, then these rights should be protected.
If it is right to protect freedom and life against those who would destroy such, then these rights should be protected.
It is time to take a stand on principles. Do you have any?
A man with no principles is more dangerous than a man with bad principles. At least with Obama, we know where he stands. We can take steps to mitigate his damages.
Thank you, Thomas.
Give credit where credit is due I always say, you’re welcome Kelsey…
Sounds like he might want a serious political career rather than become another raving flame-out.
Romney wants abortion in cases of rape, how bigoted is that? Jeb Bush, does anyone even know? It doesn’t make sense. The argument as it stands now with most is… “We need abortion for… (fill in your predjudice here: poor ‘black’ mothers, rape babies whose mothers were forced to become pregnant, incest babes who could turn out disabled, poor mothers, mothers, period…) let’s face it. Women are the excuse for abortion. Women who love to be raped, (and beaten). Women who love to be subjugated and objectified… women who don’t respect men about as much as men who believe this garbage figure they ‘NEED’ that respect to be good men, because that’s what the porn movies teach the 60-80% American men who watch them on a regular basis. Yes. We need to strike hard at the heart of the issue, and it has nothing to do with laws… in one respect. We need to show women we love them. Not them naked. Them as caretakers. Not them as slaves. Them as sisters, mothers, wives, lovers, and that their charge is that of the sacred nature. The Mother of God took care of Christ like no one else. She stood by him and died with him in a strong sense. She withstood slanders of every nature. She took to child when she was 14-15 latest. She was extremely poor. She was of a subjugated racial and social class and religion. I’m sorry but alot of women simply don’t know about all the pregnancy resources out there for them. It’s the men’s job to advertise the mothering services if they feel they cannot help the women personally. And that is fine, they will help them at the centers… you can see more on my position at my website. Mothers, especially those in the situation of Mary, need support. And they are not getting that. Instead many of our Christian missionaries go thousands of miles to help others, others who may well need it, but not like that American child in the womb. Conceived at conception. No later. Human life begins at the beginning, no earlier. We can help then. We’re not. So abortion is her “only choice.” Shame on you America!
The university of Chicago moderator was actually really off on his point that aborting viable babies is an extremely rare exception. Actually aborting at the stage of viability is common. If you watch the Fox News Kermit Gosnell Documentary, they tell you, Gosness was slicing born babies necks day in and day out, and the only difference in the legal definition of weather or not that was considered murder was A. Location, and B. Parental Consent.
Oh, man, you know what’s sad is that fact that abortion is the great champion of rapists not women’s rights. RAND PAUL, please watch the Lila Rose interview from this years (2014) March for life that aired on FOX news. Since Roe Vs. Wade it seams women have made all kinds of “advances” except for the exception of the instance of rape. If rape was such a good reason for an abortion because it helps women who’ve been raped, then how come there are more than 20 states with rape rights legally protecting the rapist’s desire to visit his child, the product of his assualt on the child’s mother? The rape exception has actually empowered rapists and shamed its victims and guaranteed they remain victims and never anything more… in the dark, with that secret. Not only protecting the rapist by encouraging past victims to stay defined by the exploitation, but by not demanding justice for the rapist and truth and justice from the raped, it sends a message to all women… shut up about your real “rights”, or else, there’s an unspoken threat out there that you could be be next if you wave a flag. No wonder so many women demand abortion on demand, it’s the only “right” they are TOLD they have. Rand… some one… anyone… tell females different please. We need a new narrative here.