Attend NARAL Bro-Choice bar event for a quick pick-me-up
It is already well established that “bro-choice” men have a vested interest in keeping abortion legal, as put so well by Ben Sherman at Burnt Orange Report last year when writing in fear of Texas’ sweeping pro-life legislation (which did pass, surely crimping Ben’s sleazy sex life):
Can you think of anything that kills the vibe faster than a woman fearing a back-alley abortion? Making abortion essentially inaccessible in Texas will add an anxiety to sex that will drastically undercut its joys.
And don’t be surprised if casual sex outside of relationships becomes far more difficult to come by.
It’s clear: if the Legislature basically takes away a Texas woman’s right to choose, having sex becomes… riskier for us men, who may well end up fathers well before we intend.
But aside from politicians, abortion-supporting men tend to lurk in the shadows, because isn’t that where liberal feminists told them to go? “My body, my choice,” remember?
This is becoming more problematic as time goes on, as bro-choicer Seth Millstein recently noted in the Huffington Post:
Last summer, when I was covering the protests in Texas surrounding the state’s stringent anti-abortion law, I noticed a significant demographic disparity in the crowds. While the anti-abortion side was more or less evenly split between women and men, the vast majority of pro-choice demonstrators were women.
To be sure, there were some men in the mix – the guy with the “Rick Perry Sucks” shirt stands out in my mind – and there were numerous pro-choice men fighting alongside Wendy Davis in the state legislature. But the overall gender disparity between the demonstrators on the ground was striking.
Could it be that feminist women need men after all? Yes, and not only for their bodies, but also for their money. Touché.
Hence, NARAL’s growing spate of “Men for Choice” fundraising events across the country, with ticket prices as high as $2,500.
All of these fundraising events are being held at bars, I note, a nice combination – booze and pro-choice women. As comedian Chris Rock said [warning: vulgar], “I love going to abortion rallies to pick up women, ’cause you know they’re f***ing, so you ain’t gonna find a bunch of virgins at the abortion rally.”
And you know they’re going to let you off the hook if there’s an accident. Forget about condoms even.
What an interesting turn of events – pro-abortion feminists begging men to like them.

I dont “get” Sarah Silverman. I dont think I want to. She acts just like a pig. She was on The Roast of Pam Anderson and still thinks fart jokes and jokes about mens stinky genitals are funny. She was not funny. She was vile. It just seems liike as of late shes become the spokeswoman for women to abuse their bodies. A few favorites in addressing women are slu*s and w*ores.
Silverman has proven herself more of a bro than a bro choicer. She seems to think abortion is funny even doing a video as a return abortion patient. On her 3rd visit the man playing the abortionist and Sarah exchange a look as if to say “Lol look whose baaack.” He smiles and motions her back to the operating room. sickening!
So… this is what feminism has lead women to.
GK Chesterton nailed it, a century ago, “Feminism, as the name implies, is opposed to anything feminine.”
Decades ago, Pope John Paul II called for an “authentic feminism.” That is what the pro-life movement is: An effort to restore all of the rights and dignity that are due to women. Women deserve better than to be abused and treated as sex toys.
And this is supposedly the ‘safe-sex’ crowd. Easy to get laid and a lot of other interesting infections; infestations and diseases. No thanks.
Wow, a bar full of pro abort beta males! Where can I sign up!
My daughter’s first anniversary was yesterday. She said the first year had its rough spots but they both are still very happy. She is married to a wonderful pro life Christian man. I hope their love continues to grow and they live happily ever after!
“with ticket prices as high as $2,500.”
You know what they say: a fool and his money are soon parted.
lol I’ll attend in my Choose Life cap and hand out penicillin.
Good TS I would help you but these people are going to need more than PCN. So whatever happened to condoms? That is a form of contraception and it prevents diseases too. So now men and women want STDs and abortions? Condoms can break but chances are if these people cant control themselves it is still quite effective in preventing pregnancy and diseases.
Also check out Silvermans shirt. If Im not mistaken thats the HIV/AIDS fighting ribbon.