Pro-life vid of day: Graphic sex-ed presentations anger moms
by Hans Johnson
While parents in New York are suing over their child being taken out of school to be given birth control, another district in Oregon is planning to hand out condoms to sixth-graders.
Then there is the mother who attended a presentation of sex-education topics with her daughter at Bellingham High School in Washington. She wrote in an email to KOMO News:
I sat there with my mouth open in shock and the final straw was when a joke was told on stage about a teacher, a lawyer and a priest on a plane. The plane was going down and the teacher says we have to save the children. The attorney says ‘F*** the children!’, and the priest says ‘OOOOH..Do we have time for that???’.
At that point she left “in shock” and “in tears”.
Lastly, at Pine Valley Middle School in California, a class showed a series of graphic photos with crude captions on the subject: “Top Conception Myths”.
Here is a rep9rt from ABC10:
Glenn Beck channeled his outrage at the public school system in his own inimitable style.
Email with your video suggestions.
[HT: Laura Loo; TheBlaze]

Planned Parenthood was not available to teach BDSM? Bro-choice was too busy?
What do they hope to achieve by teaching crude carnal knowledge to the lowest common denominator? Disrespect for the human body and each other?
Children are already overexposed to a hyper-sexualized culture and robbed of their innocence much too soon.
In addition to being factual, sexual education should uphold the beauty and dignity of the human person. Within the context of a loving marriage, sex is powerful positive force for unity and procreation. It should be conveyed as such.
I have less of a problem with the pictures. The information is not necessary for middle school kids to know. Why does a 13 year old need to know about oral sex during menstruation? Where is the presentation on saving sex for someone who loves you enough to stand up in front of God and family and pledge to spend the rest of their lives with you? They are indoctrinating our kids with their filthy lifestyles every chance they get.
I’m 30 and a married mother of three, and I neither need nor want to know about oral sex during menstruation.