by Carder

LandrieuAlthough I personally believe that life begins at conception, I believe the last place the government needs to be is in the church, in the doctor’s office or in the bedroom. And so even people who advocate for less government intrusion, like Gov. Jindal, get themselves in the most personal decisions a family could ever make….

Some of the bills being passed around the country are just very intrusive to personal decisions and very harmful to women and girls, you know, to their physical health and life.

It’s a shame… 20 weeks is not the norm for being able to live outside of a hospital.

~ Louisiana Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu (hilariously referred to as a “three-term centrist lawmaker” with a “nuanced” position on abortion) criticizing Governor Bobby Jindal’s support of recent pro-life laws, Politico, June 12

Editor note: While supportive of (and very personally affected by) adoption, Landrieu has also been a strong advocate for abortion, with an abysmal 27% pro-life voting record.

[HT: Jill]

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