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Facebook caption for this September 8 photo: “Created Equal shows Westerville High School [Westerville, Ohio] students the victims of abortion”:

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Explanation for this next photo comes via the UK’s Daily Mail, September 11:

A grieving mother has released this poignant picture of her daughter crying moments after being born at 24 weeks.

Emily Caines wants to show how developed her baby was at this stage of pregnancy - the legal limit for abortions in Britain.

Adelaide survived for only about an hour after she was delivered by doctors who tried in vain to keep her alive.

This is Mrs Caines’ only picture of her daughter, and was taken by one of the medics before the infant died.

She and her husband Alastair, a security guard, think the legal limit of 24 weeks for an abortion should be lowered.

“Our picture shows Adelaide was not a foetus,” said Mrs Caines, 35, from Yeovil, Somerset. “She was a fully formed human being, and to think that a baby like her could be legally terminated is to me horrifying…. I hope this beautiful picture of my daughter being born helps change people’s perspectives.”


Finally, these photos come via Mirna Awrow, president of Students for Life of Michigan, who blogged about Oakland University’s pro-life group going to an inordinate amount of trouble to chalk “positive pro-life messages” on the evening of September 11 only to have abortion proponents on campus dump water on their work or maliciously change wording.


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[Bottom photos via @ProLifeLawyer on Twitter]

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