Stanek Sunday funnies 11-23-14
Good morning, and Happy Sunday! Here were my top five seven favorite political cartoons for the week. Be sure to vote for your fav in the poll at the bottom of this post!
by Steve Kelley at…
by Nate Beeler at…
I don’t think I’ve ever done a threefer before, but congrats to Chip Bok at, because these are all great (and yes, President Obama actually made the statement referred to in the second cartoon below)…
by Glenn McCoy at…
by Matt Davies at…
Obama’s amnesty is exactly what I expected from this petulant narcissist, who has been in a seething rage since his humiliating defeat in the midterms.
This is the typical “my way or hell to pay” mentality of the narcissist. These are not people who graciously accept defeat or reproach, or will respect opposing opinions.
This is the middle finger to the American people. We humiliated him and there’s a price to pay. He’s also daring the Republicans to do something about it.
I’ll believe they have a pair when I see they actually do.
Mary –
Was Reagan and Bush’s amnesty actions a middle finger as well?
Honest question for those against the Amnesty plan.
Are you for the aspects of amnesty Obama has laid out – you just don’t like the way he’s going about it?
Do you dislike the aspects and believe that if a GOPer would win the White House in 2016, they should reverse the decision and work to deport these families (or parts of families)?
I know it’s cute and fun for people to simply dislike anything Obama ever does – but would be interested to hear what people actually support.
The first and biggest damage is the way Pres. Obama did a dictatorial move.
I do like some of what he suggests. But his path to this problem sets an incredibly dangerous precedent.
The Founding Fathers set up checks and balances to a president’s power…because of experiences with King George the 3rd…and also because they recognized that any human…could go too far…if unchecked.
I’m not talking “cute and fun”. I’m talking dangerous.
vanessa –
So per year, Obama has had less executive orders compared to every President since Grover Cleveland’s first time in office.
Do you believe then that this is an issue of a presidential power that shouldn’t exist? What makes this executive order so much different than say, Reagan’s amnesty – or the Emancipation Proclamation. Or do you have issues with both of those orders as well?
I’m against Obama acting alone on immigration with an EO in this case because it’s a temporary bandaid to a problem that desperately needs rule of law reform. Congress needs to act on immigration reform. This EO can be reversed at any time, how does that provide immigrant families the security they need? The fact that we need additional legal avenues for immigrants to enter our country is left unaddressed. The fact that following our immigration policies legally can leave families separated for 20+ years as they work through the process is ridiculous. If this EO spurs our Congress to do their job on immigration, then I guess it will have some positive coming from it, but I think the mess we’re seeing is the fruits of Obama’s divisiveness.
Not all agree on the Reagan article
Anyway – what I have issues with these days is with polarized parties, how will anything ever get done? The senate passed a bill about a year and a half ago – a bipartisan bill to deal with immigration. The house then got it, fought over it, and ended up not being able to get voted to do anything. So do we just let the problem go on and get bigger?
Is Obama divisive? Yup – I agree.
But without it, nothing would get done – the house and senate have proven that – so maybe this is the kick in their collective butts that they need.
I’m voting for #2 this week.
One other thing on Reagan – an executive order is an executive order. The motives might be arguable – but in any case, Reagan issued an order to put into law something that congress did not pass itself. Congress quite certainly could have reformed the bill, sent to Reagan again and passed it. That did not happen – Reagan, Bush, and Obama all gave an executive order on immigration that was not from congress.
But EGV,
Your glorious leader maintained for years he did not have the Constitutional authority to act without Congress. What changed that?
Not sure Mary – I don’t talk personally to Obama – and I’m quite sure you had no issue voting for a candidate that for years was pro-choice and changed his mind.
My guess though – he thought that the legislative branch could figure something out. It’s clear though that they can’t – the house failures on immigration to figure out what they wanted to do was embarrassing. A top GOP candidate for 2016 (Bush) has come out saying the GOP needs to pass an amnesty bill and get something done.
Yes – they should have two years ago.
Also EGV,
At least Romney changed his mind. People do that.
There are plenty of things the congress should act on, but that doesn’t give the president the authority to act like a petty dictator. Yes its been done before in history, no it is not acceptable or right.
Mary –
Okay – I’m fine with you believing it isn’t the same as Reagan’s. Scholars can debate all they want on the merits of the procedures.
I’m interested in your views on the actual legislation – no matter how it came into play. Are you for or against those actions? Would you rather see these targeted individuals able to ‘come out of hiding’ – or would you pursue deportation and status quo?
Its not a matter of my believing anything. Check my sources. Even Obama acknowledged he had no Constitutional authority to do this, not once but several times.
I want this debated and decided on by the representatives of the people.
There’s no legislation, your and my representatives were not allowed to vote on this.
Mary –
So you are upset that Obama simply acted, and upset that the House hasn’t been able to do anything for a couple of years on this – is that an accurate summation?
And you refuse to comment at all on the actual aspects of the declaration.
I’m also guessing then you would have been against the Emancipation Proclamation since representatives were not allowed to vote?
Also, though Reagan’s order was different, you claim – how many representatives voted on his order?
EGV, As I have said before….”Every decision a DemocRAT makes, every word from your mouths and everything that you do is weighed on the scales of political advantage.” Obama knoes now that the upcoming GOP congress would in fact send him an immigration bill. Hes waited until after the election because if the DemocRATs had maintained control of the Senate then Obama would never have done the Executive order. He would have kept lying to the people about how an Executive order on amnesty would be against the law and how he is not emperor and his hands are tied. But now that the GOP won the election ; Obama knows that an immigration bill would be forthcoming in a few months when the GOP takes control of both houses of congress. You and Obama and the DemocRATs are as phony as a three dollar bill.
Seriously Ex-RINO. Do you still believe Obama when he says that his views are ‘evolving’? EVERY decision Obama has ever made has been nothing but a political calculation.
I’m incensed he violated the Constitution. I want to see the House act on border security, yes.
To me the actual aspects are irrelevant. They do not justify Obama’s actions.
Presidents have issued any number of executive orders not voted on. That’s not the point. Do you know if the Constitution actually permitted slavery? Was Lincoln violating any articles or clauses in the Constitution that specified slavery was to be regulated by Congress? Wasn’t this a practice regulated by the states? There were free states, there were slave states.
I make no claim about Reagan’s order. I give you a source explaining how it was different from Obama’s.
Also, Obama had plenty of opportunity the first two years of his presidency to do this through the congress and senate, which were all Democrat. Why didn’t he do it then?
I understand your anger that you feel because you believe
Obama is violating his oath of office and breaking constitutional law with his executive order on immigration. I don’t think Obama has a clue one way or the other whether or not his executive order violated the constitution. The only reason he signed the executive order now was because he knew once the new GOP controlled congress was sworn in there would be an immigration bill coming to his desk.
Hi ts,
He knows and he couldn’t care less. He even said he knew…22 times. He’s a petulant narcissist who is daring the Republicans to do something about it. He has NO desire to work on anything with the Republicans, he’s seething with rage that they won and the American people have rejected him and his policies.
This is very very personal, its not politics.
You’re right ts, the Republicans would have given him a bill. Then what does he do? If he vetoes the bill then he can’t keep blaming Republicans. This way he gets exactly what he wants, when he wants it. Plus he sticks it to the Republicans and the American people.
You two continue to say that the GOP *would* have delivered a bill. The house couldn’t get one passed. The Senate got one done, and the GOP in the house, which they’ve had a majority, couldn’t agree on the aspects of the bill. Did you want me to provide a link detailing that meltdown?
So you can claim what the GOP might have done – but they had the opportunity to pass a bill, and famously fell on their swords.
Mary –
You did provide a post on Reagan. Did you read it?
Your issue seems to be that congress didn’t act on it, and Obama did. But in the post from factcheck that you offered, it says:
“But concerns were soon raised about the possibility of families being broken up if a spouse or child was ineligible for residency under the law’s guidelines.
According to a 1992 paper written by John W. Guendelsberger for the Center for Migration Studies of New York, Congress intentionally sidestepped this touchy issue with ambiguous language in the law regarding the status of mixed eligibility families. The Immigration and Naturalization Service initially took a “hard-line position,” stating that any ineligible family members would be subject to deportation.’
So congress didn’t address the issue, and Reagan sidestepped congress and gave an executive order.
What you have issue with is the same thing Reagan did.
There was no meltdown. If the House had passed the Senate bill then that would have been a meltdown. Now Obama will get immigration reform incrementally and in a ordered way that will actually fix the root cause of the problem by securing the borders before any legal status was granted.
The house wouldn’t vote on the Senate bill for a year and a half, and didn’t pass anything themselves.
I beg you to remember that over a span of 28 years, the GOP was in the white house 20 of those. If the GOP had been doing what you seem to think they’ve been doing, this wouldn’t be an issue now.
Again, I think the biggest issue, when you break it down that GOPers have with Obama, is that the GOP has crashed so many areas of this country, and they don’t like how Obama cleans up after them.
Crash the economy – but Obama doesn’t grow jobs back fast enough.
Crash healthcare, but they don’t like some aspects of the plan.
Crash immigration, and don’t do anything about it – and they don’t like that he issues an order.
If a Republican tried to burn down their housethis afternoon, they’d probably hurl insults at the fire department that they don’t like the hose size they are using to put out the fire.
Did YOU read it?
Fact check points out that the actions were taken by Reagan to address ambiguities in a law already passed by congress. Unlike Obama who doesn’t want to bother with Congress at all.
And did you read the article I posted?
Regardless, I’m fine with you being mad about the way in which it came through. You continue to be silent regarding the actual legislation. Can I assume you’d prefer to see these families ripped apart?
I wish the Republicans had acted on it. But that does NOT justify Obama deciding to take the matter into his own hands in violation of the Constitution. A violation Obama is well aware of, after stating such 22 times.
I’m sure the lawsuit happy GOP will sue on it – that will look great to the American people.
Fact is, Obama needs to really increase his executive orders to catch up to Presidents for the last couple hundred years.
Do I wish congress could get something done at some point in their pitiful existence. Yes. But I’m glad Obama finally did something – it’s time for the do-nothing party of ‘no’ to actually do their job. Maybe they’ll get the message that if they spend all their time passing stupid bills, raising money, and ignoring their duties, that the President will actually do something.
“Crash the economy – but Obama doesn’t grow jobs back fast enough.”
Just for grins Ex-RINO… Didn’t you blame the economic meltdown on Bush because he was president when it happened? If that was your logic then Obama would be responsible for all the job losses that came during his first term as president. Tell us one more time how the housing bubble that caused the economic meltdown was the GOPs fault. But remember when you start ‘Grubering’ all over us that we have video evidence of the DemocRATs forcing looser housing loan guidelines over GOP warnings and objections.
“Maybe they’ll get the message that if they spend all their time passing stupid bills, raising money, and ignoring their duties, that the President will actually do something.”
Ex-RINO, you can’t be talking about the president that left the situation room in the White House for a fund-raising junkit in LasVegas while the rest of his cabinet watched the Libyan embassy get overrun and our ambassador get killed……can you?
I’m assuming you missed the word “blame”.
Regardless – I don’t remember any GOP bill that Bush was pushing to regulate the credit default swap industry that started the mess. If you have a link, I’d be more that interested.
By the way, did you read through or see a summary of the Benghazi report? How much money do you think the GOP has wasted of ours trying to make Obama look bad? It is embarrassing. I’d jump ship on the GOP if I were you. It’s like the titanic – just with more rich people.
Obama spends too much time raising money as well – 100% agree. He just gets thing done when he isn’t raising money as well. GOP can’t seem to do that.
Point is Reagan acted on legislation already passed by the Congress. He didn’t act because he was tired of waiting for congress.
I’ve told you EGV, there was NO legislation. The people’s representatives did not vote on it.
Do I want to see families split apart? Certainly not. However, families are split apart all the time due to someone’s illegal actions. Lots of parents in prisons. The people who engaged in the illegal acts should have thought of that.
Senate passed a bill Mary – I could link to it. House didn’t even vote on it – year and a half I believe.
I don’t get your last paragraph – are you saying you do want families ripped apart? You stay you don’t, but they you put ‘however’ – so I believe you want the amnesty done away with, and want to see families ripped apart. Yes?
EGV, 3:02PM
I’m glad you’re so thrilled Der Fuehrer did “something”. Problem is that’s not how our government works.
I don’t know Mary – it seems like it has worked that way for years. Have you ever looked at a chart of executive orders by President? This really isn’t a new thing.
EGV, 3:13PM
Doesn’t matter. How often has Congress or the Senate passed a bill that was rejected by the other, or the President?
That’s how our gov’t works EGV. It does not justify Obama’s action.
Also EGV, the issue isn’t what I want so don’t try pulling me into a debate about “breaking up families”. The issue is how our government is supposed to be run.
I’m not talking about executive orders, I’m talking about Obama violating the Constitution. Geez, what did Obama say he couldn’t do 22 different times?
Sure Mary – the issue sort of is what you want. You can have an opinion on it, and should have an opinion on it.
Regarding the constitution and if this is allowed – SCOTUS has frequently allowed this type of thing when it comes to immigration – from Kennedy, Arizona v US (2012):
“Congress has specified which aliens may be removed from the United States and the procedures for doing so. Aliens may be removed if they were inadmissible at the time of entry, have been convicted of certain crimes, or meet other criteria set by federal law. Removal is a civil, not criminal, matter. A principal feature of the removal system is the broad discretion exercise by immigration officials (emphasis added). Federal officials, as an initial matter, must decide whether it makes sense to pursue removal at all. If removal proceedings commence, aliens may seek asylum and other discretionary relief allowing them to remain in the country or at least to leave without formal removal.”
Prosecutorial discretion has long been given a long leash by SCOTUS – in that same case, Thomas, Scalia and Alito had issues with the case, but not had issues with the majority, that claimed that the President has prosecutorial discretion when determining deportations.
I’ve read your post a few times and cannot see where it gives Obama the right to issue a decree allowing 5 million people to stay.
Please point it out.
In part Mary, because he didn’t offer them to the right to stay. He gave discretion on what the feds will prosecute – he granted temporary deportation relief to certain illegal aliens. He didn’t offer a road to citizenship on his own – he didn’t tell anybody that they were free to stay wherever. He simply said those following the rules (like paying taxes), the focus of deportation efforts will not be on them – as long as the executive order is in place.
Discretion of prosecution in illegal immigration has long been an executive power – at least how the supremes have interpreted it.
By “certain” do you mean 5 million?
Yes discretion of prosecution is a long time practice for any number of illegal acts. Individual illegal immigration cases can be judged on their own merits…but that’s a far cry from a massive pardon of 5 million people, which this is. Call it what you want but it allows them to stay in this country after violating our laws and coming here illegally. He didn’t offer them the right to stay? Oh please EGV, do you see a mass exodus to the border? That was the purpose, he knows damned well they will stay and they want to stay. He wants to make sure they don’t get deported.
He also knows this will bring more people across the border and of course, we can’t deport them either.
“Obama spends too much time raising money as well – 100% agree. He just gets thing done when he isn’t raising money as well”
Ex-RINO, you set a new low for the bar if you can excuse Obama’s dereliction of his duties’ specifically on the night of Sept 11 2012 when he left the situation room and flew to Vegas for a fund-raiser while our embassy in BenGhazi was under attack; And your reasoning for excusing his incompetence is because you have the opinion that he spends time when he is not fund-raising ‘getting things done’. Specifically what things are you talking about that he gets done? lol…. I can hardly wait to hear you list of accomplishments…and please refrain from grubering on us while you are listing them.
Ex-GOP: A top GOP candidate for 2016 (Bush) has come out saying the GOP needs to pass an amnesty bill and get something done.
Boehner wouldn’t bring an immigration bill up for a vote – a bill that sat there for like a year and a half.
Mary –
A pardon is forever. This action is in effect for now – somebody else could change it later.
I know you are mad about it – but it’s really more impolite than anything.
And again, if you are really mad about it, you should call some GOP representatives. How long do you think is appropriate for them to sit around and do something? At some point, that party of no needs to show up and do something. We do pay them.
Did you see the report on Behghazi that came out and debunked most of the theories you’ve thrown around her for quite some time?
Anyway – list of accomplishments – have you seen the number of months of growth? How about unemployment rate from shortly after he took office to now? Millions more insured – that nice. Bin Laden is gone. Auto industry is not – I think you party wanted us all to be driving German cars at this point. Gaddafi is out of power – that’s good. Fuel efficiency programs have boosted mpg, and oil exploration gains have helped drive America to energy independence.
Oh, and he just did something the GOP sat around and did nothing about for years – he did something about illegal immigrants.
Oh yeah – Medicare solvency was pushed out for years. Increase in health care costs are lower than they have been in years. Elimination of pre-existing condition discrimination was a nice bonus. Insurance companies now having to spend 80% of payments on care is great. Finance reform and oversight will help prevent another financial crash. Getting China to promise to curb emissions – that was pretty cool.
Doesn’t matter. It does not give Obama the right to act on his own.
“Anyway – list of accomplishments – have you seen the number of months of growth? How about unemployment rate from shortly after he took office to now?”
Ex-RINO, that wasn’t very nice. I asked you politely not to Gruber all over us…
According to the US Bureau of labor statistics the percentage of Americans in the workforce in January 2008 (when Obama was inaugurated) was 66.2% and the latest data for October of 2014 is that 62.8% of Americans are in the workforce. That is 92 million people without a job, 3.4 % more people without a job today compared to when Obama took office….
Later…like two years? In the meantime a lot can happen. Obama can veto any Republican bill, we can have more border surges. He can again be “forced” to act unconstitutionally.
Oh yes, a lot can happen in two years.
And the percentage of people in the workforce has been steadily declining throughout Obama’s entire presidency and is at it’s lowest point today. And that tops your list of “accomplishments”…
“Medicare solvency was pushed out for years”
By shrinking the amount that the government will pay for services and shrinking the number of doctors and hospitals willing and able to provide care to Medicare patients at the reduced payment schedules. What happened to “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”? But that is as much an accomplishment for Gruber as Obama.
“Getting China to promise to curb emissions – that was pretty cool.”
Ugh, you do realize that was a non-binding agreement with no teeth in it don’t you? And getting Iran to stop their nuclear proliferation when we unilaterally dropped the sanctions. And the whole “reset button” thing with Russia was pretty cool too. Ugh…. what a disaster.
Can anyone say it better than Judge Jeanine??
Mary, she sums it up pretty well.
Seconds 23-30 are so damning. How can anybody see that and call Obama anything short of a liar.
A lot of comments to work through – will just take each one, working down the list.
Truth – there are certainly downsides to the recovery. The stats you used only tell partial stories though. The number of folks in the job market is affected by a lot of things – if more people retire then come into the job market, that affects it – overall demographics affect it.
We’ve had 56 months straight of job growth, and unemployment rate has almost been cut in half. That is impressive, even though there are many areas the economy needs to get better.
Mary –
You say he can again act unconstitutionally.
I laid out some pretty strong reasoning, straight from SCOTUS, that what he did was constitutional. You might disagree with it, but that doesn’t mean you can lie about it.
K – not as many comments as I thought after reading through – so I hit the ones at me.
I think a summation of this.
The GOP sat around and whined about immigration, but did nothing. Obama did something, did something within his power, and while it was impolite, at some point, somebody had to act.
I don’t think Obama has been progressive enough, or gone far enough – he’s compromised way too much with the right, and didn’t accomplish as much because of that. With all that being said, he’s been the best economic president we’ve had since Clinton and Reagan.
Everybody knows you are grubering them with those “unemployment” numbers that quit counting the long term unemployed as even being a part of the unemployment statistics. That is why I use the number of employed as a more reliable statistic and job growth has been anemic. Can’t even keep up with the kids getting out of college with degrees. And since Obama had been inaugurated there has been a decline in the percentage of people with jobs.
Let me ask you something. If the GOP controlled congress passes an immigration bill and Obama signs it then who should get credit for passing the bill?
“K – not as many comments as I thought after reading through – so I hit the ones at me.”
That’s your selective post reading disorder kicking in again. I just posted a comment to you two minutes ago…in case you missed it.
I’d be interested if you presented somebody who said that job statistic is more important.
From Hartung (Forbes) “Labor participation is affected much less by short-term job creation, and much more by long-term demographic trends. As this chart from the BLS shows, as the Baby Boomers entered the workforce and societal acceptance of women working changed, labor participation grew.
“Now that ‘Boomers’ are retiring we are seeing the percentage of those seeking employment decline. This has nothing to do with job availability, and everything to do with a highly predictable aging demographic.”
Congress technically passed the bill, President signed it – they both really get credit for it – bipartisan legislation.
Should have read:
“In the 59 months on record since Obama has been inaugurated there has been a STEADY month after month decline in the percentage of people with jobs.”
“Congress technically passed the bill”
That is correct, it would be the GOP controlled congress that passes the bill so they would get credit for passing the immigration reform law and if Obama signed it then he would get credit for signing it.
And if the congress passes an immigration reform bill and Obama vetoes it, then who is responsible for blocking immigration reform?
Shorter Ex-RINO:
“Man, this Kool-Aid tastes great!”
Congress passes immigration reform?
So you are unable to effectively demonstrate anything to counter the information provided by Ex-GOP too xalisae.
Obama’s detractors are so deeply awash in their Kool-Aid all they can do is splutter “OBAMA DID..!” in the vain hope the rest of us will be sucked in.
“So you are unable to effectively demonstrate anything to counter the information provided by Ex-GOP”
You must have the same selective post reading disorder that Ex-RINO has. Maybe you could respond to my 7:49pm counter to Ex-RINOs China comment on his list of Obama accomplishments.
“And if the congress passes an immigration reform bill and Obama vetoes it, then who is responsible for blocking immigration reform?”
Ex-RINO, always the weasel…lol back atcha. When you grow a pair and are able to answer the question just let us know.
You must have the same selective post reading disorder that Ex-RINO has. – I think you’re getting a bit ahead of yourself.
Maybe you could respond to my 7:49pm counter to Ex-RINOs China comment on his list of Obama accomplishments. – certainly truthseeker. EX-GOP is right and you are wrong.
Reality, Which of the Obama accomplishments I listed to Ex-RINO at 9:47 are you proudest of?
1)Getting China to sign a non-binding promise to curb emissions.
2)Getting Iran to agree to stop their nuclear proliferation when we unilaterally dropped the sanctions.
3) The whole “reset button” thing with Russia. Technically you gotta give Hillary some credit for this one too.
Or maybe you thought Obama was showing his diplomatic prowess when he backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Eqypt?
9:47pm ?
Sorry, not 9:47, it was 7:49…pm
Hi Mary great posts.
Hi xalisae it is great to see you back. I pray you and yours are doing well.
Mary your posts at are right on. BHO is baiting the GOP because he is enraged with the voters. He is daring the GOP to impeach him to rile up his pro-abort, anti-religious liberty, anti-family, pro-victimization, race-bating, America-dishonoring radical base. I pray the GOP will not take the bait. Obama, Gruber and Hillary really believe the American voters are “stupid”, I pray they will prove them wrong in 2016. The three of them are not at all sorry for what Gruber said they agree with him but they are only sorry he was caught saying it on tape.
Take a look at an excellent article by Star Parker on her Urban Cure website, her take regarding Obama and immigration.
May God help our nation and this world. Christians continue to pray. Our abortion lover-in-chief is on a collision course and like Mary said he has a “my way or the highway” mindset. He reminds me of the abusive lover who tells the battered woman “if I cannot have you, no one else can” and he proceeds to destroy her and anyone in his way. (If you have had friends or family members who have been in abusive relationships you know where I am coming from). He plans to shred not only the unborn but the Constitution as well as he “fundamentally transforms America”. If you have spiritual insight join in prayer that our nation will not be destroyed. I am not a doom-sayer but there are senators, governors, representatives, and legal scholars who are expressing grave concern about where this nation is headed.
May God help us.
Jill Stanek can speak of the mindset and vindictiveness of our current POTUS.
Cute article from Urban Culture.
I’d think it made a little sense if it didn’t seem to ignore the fact that a bill was passed, and then the house sat on it for a year and a half because the tea party house crazies were fighting with the actual conservative leaders, so they couldn’t get enough consensus to do anything.
If I’m driving a couple of kids around, looking for dinner, and they keep fighting and can’t figure out what to do- don’t blame me when I just pick a spot. Just because Obama actually does something – and does something lawful, doesn’t give the right for people to ignore the large facts in the case.
Your three part question to me is based on less than accurate statements truthseeker.
Doesn’t matter. It does not justify Obama’s action.
Does “22 times” have any significance to you??
I 100% agree that Obama said he could not create his own immigration law.
So I’ll ask you straight out – do you believe that Obama created his own immigration law?
Please EGV,
Review the post with the 22 quotes. Also the Judge Jeanine video.
He states he isn’t “emperor”. His job is to execute the laws that are PASSED. Tell me when Congress passed a law suspending deportation for 5 million people. Oh, and he also said he just can’t suspend deportations. There are laws on the books.
I think he issued an imperial decree usurping deportation laws. Something he said he couldn’t do.
I read through the quotes – didn’t see any he had violated.
I’ll ask a second time – do you believe that Obama created his own immigration law?
What wasn’t violated?
I’ll tell you a second time, I think he issued an imperial decree usurping deportation laws.
Mary –
He didn’t create his own law – plain and simple.
Let’s ask in fairness how you’ve reacted to past situations.
When Romney was running for President, and was talking about suspension of Obamacare – did you and GOPers freak out of the abuse of power? What were your views on those plans?
Romney didn’t need to. Obama had already suspended Obamacare for 5 million people so that he could get re-elected.
Did Obama sign an executive order yet stating that if you like your plan then you can keep your plan. Period.
I know he didn’t create a new law, he usurped the laws passed by congress, in violation of his oath of office and the Constitution.
Hi ts,
So much for our climate deal with the Chinese:
You two are grasping at straws at this point.
You know 100% that if Romney would have won, you would have taken no issue with the executive orders he would have taken – no issue.
Executive orders are one thing. Violating the oath of office and the Constitution are quite another.
BTW, did you see Dick Morris’ video that I posted? Looks like Obama should have done a little checking on his namesake law before violating the Constitution. Dick even points out that President Clinton would have exercised far better judgment than this. So he’s hardly being partisan.
Oh what a tangled web we weave….
you and your kind are out to destroy this country with dirty politics. Partisan corruption and division is all you know.
But did you seriously list China agreeing to curb carbon emission and the jobless rate as Obama’s greatest accomplishments….I asked you politely to quit grubering on us with twisted data like the unemployment numbers that quit counting the long term unemployed. Let me repeat it for your benefit:
“The percentage of people in the workforce has been steadily declining throughout Obama’s entire presidency on a monthly basis and is at it’s lowest point today.”
It is incredible that Ex-RINO even listed that China emissions thing as one of Obama’s great accomplishments. But what else could he list?
Even if we agree that Obama has the discretion on prosecutorial powers (deportation) but correct me if I am wrong but doesn’t his executive order break the law by granting green cards and social security numbers to the people that are here illegally?
truth –
You can’t see the forest through the trees. You are mixing stats.
The economy has added jobs for 55 or so straight months – crazy numbers. The employment rate depends on lots of factors – I posted that earlier. If a wife gets a big raise and her husband decides to stay home, the stat you are relying on counts that as a negative. If people retire early, that’s a negative.
The economy has added jobs month after month after month. Even the biggest Obama-hater should be able to acknowledge that this is a good thing.
You right wingers need to agree if health care reform is a big deal or not (I’m referring to your post to Mary about no accomplishments).
If you are going to freak out about it, it suggests that it is a huge accomplishment. One you might not like, but something that was done that impacted a lot of people.
If you are saying it isn’t something big – isn’t an accomplishment, then you should never post about it because it wouldn’t be a big deal. Make up your mind on it please.
truth –
I don’t see why green cards of social security would matter – it all depends on benefits and what the declaration of those documents mean.
Again, if a law wasn’t created – if it was simply about how something was to be enforced, by my understanding, that is permissible.
“Again, if a law wasn’t created – if it was simply about how something was to be enforced, by my understanding, that is permissible.”
Ex-RINO, illegal immigrants are not allowed to enroll in Medicare. Obama’s executive order grants them things, that is not an enforcement matter. Illegal immigrants are NOT eligible for green cards or social security or Medicare. And granting these things to them is not an an enforcement matter and it violates our current immigration laws. If you were honest then you would quit grubering all over this site and admit that.
Ex-RINO, we agree that Obamacare impacts almost everybody. IMO in a negative way. Do you know that a business can hire the five million illegals Obama granted green cards to and the Obamacare mandate does not apply to businesses that hire them so they can save $3k per employee because they are considered illegal and are not be eligible for public benefits. But he still granted them Medicare eligibility and social security eligibility in violation of the law. He is lawless. You suck and so does your president.
Obamacare tries to stave off the bankruptcy of Medicare at great sacrifice by ‘fixing’ reimbursement rates paid to doctors and hospitals. These reduced payment schedules have the effect of shrinking the number of doctors and hospitals willing and able to provide care to Medicare patients.
Why would Obama uses an executive order to add five million illegals to the Medicare roles when it is obviously expediting the insolvency of Medicare? Because he never really give a rats ass if somebody on Medicare loses their doctor because the reduced payment schedules. The current DemocRAT party is statist and they shamelessly uses government handouts to create a dependent class of voters.
Secure the borders and then pass a law that fixes the process that brings in the immigrants who are trying to come here legally. Then pass a law that lays out criteria and a path for the illegal immigrants to register and become citizens of the US
That’s two personal attacks now. Apologize or I’m moving on from this thread.
Nothing like getting it straight from the horse’s mouth….
Ex-RINO, I didn’t mean it as a personal attack, I just couldn’t find a word other than ‘sucks’ to describe your shamelessness
Mary, Chuck Schumer is a moron and like most DemocRATs he says whatever is to his political advantage at the time.
Ex-RINO, I would also look for an excuse to quit taking such a hammering if I were a mouthpiece for Obama.
When I said you and Obama suck, don’t think personal attack, think the sucking sound the giveaways make on the tax dollars of the working class.
You have called me a phony and said that I suck. Now you seem to be trying to just explain it away. We can have civil discourse. Withholding comment on two threads at this point.
I will give you five names and you tell me which ones suck and which ones are phony…
Lois Lerner
Jonathan Gruber
Eric Holder
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Unsubscribing to this thread.
If I were getting hammered the way you are and I found it futile to support such shameless, lawless division of the American people then I would unsubscribe too. What amazes me is that people even try.
I guess I shouldn’t be so amazed though considering these are the same people that support Planned Parenthood, the largest abortuary chain in the US.