Obamacare architect: Abortion is “positive selection”
But that’s not the worst of the latest revelations. Gruber has also written extensively on his view that the abortion of “marginal children” is a “social good.” In a “scholarly” paper he co-authored titled, Abortion Legalization and Child Living Circumstances: Who is the “Marginal Child?”, he concluded that “the legalization of abortion saved the government over $14 billion in welfare payments through 1994,” referring to abortion of poor children as “positive selection.”
That’s sick.
But is it any wonder now that in a bill written by the man with these twisted views on abortion, who bragged about the “tortured way” the bill was written, would include a plethora of deceptive funding mechanisms for abortion.
~ Matthew Clark exposing the disingenuous architect of Obamacare, Jonathan “stupidity of the American voter” Gruber (pictured), American Center for Law and Justice, December 12

The typical elitist.
Some things never change.
They all think like that. Gruber is not unusual.
Most elitists know about the rule which tells them not to talk like that.
He considers himself as a “liberal”, yet a true liberal would never differentiate between people and consider “marginal children” as less worthy to life than others.
There are not many “true liberals” in America — and if you want to find some, you’ll have to look to some unlikely places, such as TEA Party rallies.
The folks who style themselves as political “liberals” are, in reality, Elitist Totalitarian Dictators. They think the electorate are stupid, they think they know better than us about how we ought to live our lives, and they feel justified in ruling over us because of their superior opinions.
I was a “marginal” child and definitely a drain on society. I am not the happiest person as an adult but I am productive, I have a job, I have amazing kids who are seriously geniuses and are going to save the world (that’s my completely unbiased opinion lol). I don’t think that killing me would have been a net benefit if we’re looking at it from a purely rational, no moral point of view. My kids will make the world a better place even if I was a drain.
“Positive selection”? Our health care system is constructed by Social Darwinists and eugenicists, no hyperbole.