Jemima Kirke’s abortion story still won’t change abortion laws
The viewer’s sympathies are rightly with Kirke, who is earnest and direct in what she relates. Yet, at the fear of sounding callous, my immediate reaction to her account was to shrug my shoulders and sigh, “So what?” To be clear, it wasn’t her story I was dismissing, but the tenor of debate it perpetuated.
Here was another woman — a famous one, a mother, no less — telling a thoughtful story about all the good reasons she had an abortion.
~ Emily Shire, who is very, very concerned about the need to change current abortion laws, and isn’t convinced that sharing abortion stories like actress Jemima Kirke’s (pictured) will accomplish that, The Daily Beast, April 14
Emily is lost in her echo-chamber.
She feels like she is entitled to easy abortion access, even if an overwhelming majority of Americans disagree. So she wants whatever god the Progressives pray to (Obama, I suppose) to dictate new laws in her favor. Immediately. Without working toward persuading Americans to her side.
Now, I tend to agree with Emily’s conclusion: Abortion tales from famous actresses do not persuade Americans to make easy access to abortions. Most of us recoil in disgust at the thought of a young girl who kills her child, refusing to let her own mother (the child’s grandmother) know or help — most likely because grandmother would try to save the child’s life. We would do the same thing.
We are not persuaded to donate our tax dollars to pay for this. We are persuaded to move our tax dollars toward ending it.
Grandmothers often actually assist in coercing an abortion. I know of more than one instance in which this was personally related. One case, the woman passed out in the waiting room with her Mother, the next thing she knew she was waking up in stirrups on heavy medication.
The other one involved the grandparents kicking their pregnant daughter out of their home and off of their health insurance because she would not abort their grandchild.
These are just your average people. These are people you go to church with doing this. Abortion is TOO easy to access. I have met more than one woman who has had an abortion and has said this… “They make it TOO easy.” It almost feels like an obligation, and there’s no shortage of women telling other women that they are too… whatever… immature, under employed, old, young, you name it… to have a kid. The abortion mindset is just the voice of the sad. I’m not sure why you would want to make that more accessible. It’s a choice of despair, not one made out of joy or hope.
I think the fact their are several picts of the acctress pregnant on the web, that these are points of pride to her, is how she hopes to override the sence of loss she inevetiably feels knowing one of her kids is missing. It’s hard to admit that your decision was so heavily influenced by others, because another part of that is placing blame.
You don’t want to blame your best friend or brother or lover for being involved in not being the support beam you hoped they would be when you told them they were pregnant, and they didn’t think you could do it… or thought that supporting “choice” was smart. It was easy. Sometimes friends are jelous. It opens a can of worms. Children are power, and there’s alot to be said about that.
Some people don’t want to blame their church, because take this blog for instance. I read one person after another saying women are killing the kids. But there are others involved here. The women are hosting the kid, albeit, but others are making the “choice,” as well.
In the church, when we don’t provide resources outside of “choice”, considering this is a one out of three epidemic affecting pretty much all of us, we decide in favor of choice.
It’s our responsibility too. We should be making choices more available as they make “choice” more available. That is our responsibility. To make churches true sanctuaries, for women and babies. Premie babies in the womb, are babies too!
Yay, babies! :)
SHOOTI just watched her PSA… I went to RISD. It always hits home. RISD did have a big problem with mysogynistic teachers hitting on the students, and before my time there, they had a problem with suicides on campus. Not a great place to send your daughters. V. liberal and sexist, and young women there don’t get confidence from the experience, but these ideas that sex is freedom… not real.
This is good. i am glad they are talking about it.
To be clear, its not stigma that stops a woman mid-sentence when she shares her abortion story. I have listened to women telling me about their lives, having no idea that they ever had an abortion, and then suddenly they stop, and choke-and you sit there and tell them “it’s okay,” and listen, and wait for them to continue.
And the next thing you know… their telling you their abortion story. And it always, to me, seamed like their life story, would some how build up to that moment in time, if that makes sence. It isn’t like this peripheral thing. You don’t just have an abortion, it has you really.
You try to make it, like this thing, that just happened, but it always sneaks up on you. The reason isn’t shame, necessarily, its more of a recounting of what was lost in the fire, and if there is shame as well, its because, well, you had a hand in it. You could have stopped it, if you had gotten there in time, mentally and emotionally speaking, to stop it from taking place. But so often these women just seam to have checked out, and by that time, it really does take a hero… like the people you see outside of the clinics, or in the churches, or in the help centers, to stop them, and redirect that speeding train of emotion and fear.
Shame is always there, but the main thing, I think that makes us cry is that our children are gone.
The only way they can stop a woman from sharing THAT part of the experience, is by supressing the pain, and that is why hardcore pro-aborts maintain the STIGMA THEMSELVES. HELLO! LOL-your awesome for getting women to share about this, because… women have been suppressed from sharing about their feelings the whole time. People not caring is why they have abortions at least 1/2 the time. If more people cared, abortion would be seen as not only totally unnecessary, but a crime agains the mother more than anyone… people would be asking, “Why on earth would a woman have an abortion!?” Because seriousely, why do women have abortion? “I wouldn’t want to bring a child into this world”(a world that hates women and children/DOESN’T CARE) and the worst part is that we say we care until we’re blue int he face… look at hollary Clinton-saying she cares, so she should be president.
A. No she doesn’t care, kissing babies is the oldest trick in the book for politicians.
B. IF she cared, which SHE CLEARLY DOESN’T she would be providing outside resources, and supporting MOTHERHOOD, NOT ABORTION to women in crisis and to the abortion-at-risk, and by resources, I don’t mean birth control, hella, uh, no–I’m calling out diapers here.
Having a baby is every girls dream, it’s only until that is CRUSHED that we feel irresponsible and selfish for having it to begin with…even immature, childish and like a dumb naive girl. That’s when we start submitting to despair, and the abortion mentality, which is a MINDSET that kills women and kids… not just the mother, but the environment and society at large.
We need to get these programs in the churches, so women, mothers, families, and fathers can start living the gospel of life mindset and go from there. And where does the gospel of life mindset begin? In the womb, with the Nativity. It’s not just a Catholic thing. ,Jesus was a baby before he was a preacher. The moment of conception came first, and we need to start there as well, no just doggin’ on the mother all the time. Listen… she’s had enough of that. Start picking on the man for once, geese-like the guys in the church, talk about placing blame. How about some dudes holding signs or wearing t-shirts of those pictures of the babies aborted, you could wear them into the church? How much of a man can you be? Can you be the kind of man who would hold one of those in Church?
Does God approve of graphic images in the church? Heckyeah-dudes–He ALREADY DID WITH His OWN SON. If you don’t like the cross your in the WRONG religion, bro.
If you don’t want to do that, just ask your pastor to provide some brochures of support for women, because 1/3 will be finding themselves in crisis, so you know it will not be a waste.
Amen CoA.US.
Black is really not her color, and the big patch of red lipstick is also too much for her.
Thanx Pradxs, sniff ;_)