Pro-life news brief 2-5-13
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- The Ottawa Citizen reports that Norman Barwin, a leading abortion advocate in Canada, has had his medical license revoked for 2 months for medical misconduct after he admitted to inseminating 3 women with the incorrect sperm. Barwin has also agreed to end his fertility practice. Before settling lawsuits, the families believed Barwin may have used his own sperm:
As part of his plea bargain, Barwin agreed that he inseminated three women with the wrong sperm, but according to his lawyer Karen Hamway, he was unsure how the errors happened….
“There must have been some type of human error,” she said, as Barwin’s victims listened from the back of the small hearing room. “He cannot explain how the error occurred.”…
He is past-president of the Canadian Fertility Society, the Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada and Planned Parenthood Ottawa.