Life Links 11-22-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Herman Cain has signed Susan B. Anthony List’s Pro-Life Presidential Leadership Pledge.
- CNN has an article on a clinical trial using fetal stem cellsfrom an aborted child in an attempt to treat ALS:
In an operation than lasted about four hours, [the patient] received five injections into the cervical, or neck, area of his spinal cord, each delivering 100,000 cells. The cells came from Maryland-based biotech company Neuralstem, which is funding this clinical trial and devised a procedure to grow millions and millions of motor neuron cells from the donated spinal cord tissue of an 8-week-old aborted fetus.
- In the UK, updated figures from the Department of Health show that Britain is spending much more than they originally thought on abortion: Campaigners say the new calculations provide more reason to stop the organisations that offer counselling to pregnant women also performing terminations, which are now estimated to cost £680 each [$1064 USD], on the grounds that it represents a conflict of interest.
They are calling for spending watchdogs to investigate why Parliament was “misled” over the scale of the “abortion industry”….
Under the updated figures, taxpayers spent £118m on abortions in 2010 [$184M USD], of which £75m [$117M] went to private clinics and just £44m [$69M]to NHS bodies.
The total number of terminations carried out in England rises from 136,000 to 173,000 and the cost of each one from £660 to £680 [$1033 to $1064] under the revised figures.

“…the donated spinal cord tissue of an eight week old aborted fetus….”
Right. Like the poor fetus (baby) “donated” it’s own spinal cord tissue.
I wonder what the patient will think, (if and when he is healed) , knowing that an innocent baby was murdered and his/her spinal cord tissue was harvested for this procedure.
The end doesn’t justify the means.
This is just sick.
“At this point the goal is still to establish that injecting stem cells is safe for the patient, won’t cause more damage to the patient, and won’t lead to the patient reject the cells.” It sure wasn’t safe for the 8-week-old baby in the womb! I would not want to be that man ….
I agree, this is sick. My conscience would forever bother me if I were this man.
Great article on the UK abortion industry, when I’ve debated tons of pro-legal-abortionists who scoff at my use of the term “abortion industry” and act as though abortionists to their work for free, live on ramen, and perform abortions out of nothing more than the kindness of their hearts. Abortion is big money. My mom used to work for an OB/GYN who did abortions. They are BIG money.
Yeah, Xalisae, I know! Like the big money involved in circumcision too. The parent/s pay to have the “tissue removed” and then the “doc” gets paid when s/he sells it off to the labs which then develop cosmetics, vaccines, and the biggest waste, ESC “treatments”. It’s disgusting the amount of profits made from the brutalities done to our youngest children. Cripple me today, I’d rather pay someone to change my diapers the rest of my life then pay someone to inject the remains of a murdered child into me! I don’t care what “promise”s they made >:(
There was an amazing article in last week’s Time Magazine about the misdiagnosis of persistent vegetative states. Was that mentioned here already? It was somewhat chilling in its implications. I’ll try to find it online.