Stanek on Palin in WSJ
Wall Street Journal, August 29:
… Others on the right say it’s sexist to suggest a woman can’t raise a family and work – or seek high political office, or serve as commander in chief, if the need arises. “She’s more the example of the modern woman than the Gloria Steinems of days past,” said Jill Stanek, a conservative blogger popular with the pro-life community. “She can handle it.”

My goodness Jill, the WSJ should have known better than to give you the last word!
So Palin is “extreme” on her prolife views.
Ho, ho, ho,ho, surely they jest.
They want to talk about extremes, let’s pull out some audio and state records and yeah, we’ll talk extremes.
Jill, I see you as sharing the target with Gov. Palin. Stay strong.
It is not just the right that says it’s sexist, the left (especially the HRC supporters) are knotted up like pretzels over Sarah. Some are insulted, some are insulted that women are insulted and the smart ones know that McCain has used the politics of identity, something the left is so good at, against the Obama campaign. Things are spinning out of control.
The Democrats are in an uproar because only a leftist, abortion supporting woman deserves to be elected president or VP. It’s not fair! It’s not fair! But Sarah has shown a woman doesn’t need the okay from Steinem to pursue higher office. They know if Palin takes the oath of office in January it will be evidence that this country is not pro-choice.
Yes! She Can! Yes! She Can!
I am so happy and excited. I hope you will attend the RNC and blog from there. Thanks for representing us so well at the DNC.
Hey, maybe they could make up some of those little cans like they had at the Democrat National Orgy, but instead of condoms and bottle openers and snide puzzle books, they could put in baby pacifiers, Good Night Moon, and some cool office supplies. The “Yes! She CAN”
it was reckless pick, but Don
Sarah is an inspiration and she will bring a breath of refreshment to Washington.
Your right RDBuffalo. Ad she can shoot one, too!
Yes She Can would be right if Sarah had Obama’s accomplishments. For Sarah the chant should be:
Yes She Has! Yes She Has!
When you’ve never done anything of consequence, all you can do is say you can.
Good point Zee ; )
Excellent point Zee ; ) The cans at the RNC would be fun though. A REAL woman’s survival kit.
I’d seen Sarah Palin as my dream candidate — the person I hoped but never dared actually believe McCain would pick.
I heard the news on talk radio when I started up my car after work, and I hollered and whooped and cheered the whole way home. I couldn’t get there fast enough to get in and proclaim my joy to my daughter and to dance a little dance in the living room.
I was away from the ‘net overnight, but I’m ready now to get in touch and find out how I can volunteer and how soon I can get a McCain/Palin sign for my front window and a bumper sticker for my car.
This looked like it was going to be another campaign where I ended up voting for somebody I had no enthusiasm for because at least he wasn’t the slavering abortion-fanatic. Sarah Palin?
“Madame Vice President” sounds pretty good!
left-wing smear merchants at the Daily Kos say Palin’s new baby is not hers but her daughters:
Nothing would make me happier than to see MSNBC or even better, the Obama campaign, bring up that story. That would be worth about 10 points in the polls.
Bring it on!
Even if it were true, that would only support her pro-life stance. Oh, I went there!
The only thing I see wrong with the McCain/Palin ticket is that it ought to be the Palin/McCain ticket!
Sarah Barracuda for President!! :D
Why not. Obama “lies” constantly.
He’s going to end our reliance on middle east oil.
Nice…except that’s not where we get our oil.
He’s helped the South Side of Chicago…great. Except the poor folk live on the west side.
He’s didn’t sign the bill cuz it was different than the federal one…uh huh.
So it wouldn’t surprise me if he jumps on this one too…
Why not. Obama “lies” constantly.
He’s going to end our reliance on middle east oil.
Nice…except that’s not where we get our oil.
He could always call Sarah for some sage advice. Oh, never mind.
Well, MK, now the latest is that Baby Trig is not hers, but actually her oldest daughter’s baby.
Desperation knows no bounds…
How is that the Democrats could not get behind Hillary as the first woman to get nominated to be president? In fact, they wouldn’t even get behind her getting a shot at VP. On the other hand, the Republican party is getting all energized for a woman being a part of the presidential ticket. The same sleazebag Democratic males that want abortion rights front and center of the Democratic platform don’t give a rats ass about women. For the so called “men” in the Democratic party it’s all about keeping women down and useful as sex toys.
He’s helped the South Side of Chicago…great. Except the poor folk live on the west side.
Such a good point. They sure could have used Obama’s support. Campaigning for President doesn’t leave much time for the real work, you know?
I wish Sarah Palin luck. GOD BLESS YOU!
Just because her oldest daughter was holding the youngest child doesn’t mean she’s the mom. Who is making up such lies?
Though taken completely by surprise, MSM has already published that Palin opposes abortion even in the case of rape, and would force a woman to bear her rapist’s child.
I can’t wait until the Hillary (and all other) voters hear about this, and learn that Palin is a stealth candidate selected for her extremist anti-woman,anti-choice, anti-gay, and pro- creationist views.
When voters realize they could have a woman who wants a Taliban-like theocracy in American one beat of a 72-year-old heart away from the presidency, McCain and Palin will lose in a landslide.
LTL, do you support abortion for any reason throughout all 9 months of pregnancy? If not, what reasons do you support or oppose?
When voters realize they could have a woman who wants a Taliban-like theocracy in American one beat of a 72-year-old heart away from the presidency, McCain and Palin will lose in a landslide.
Posted by: LTL at August 30, 2008 5:28 PM
Uhhhh. What does LTL stand for..LivesToLie.
As governor Sarah vetoed a bill that would have denied health benefits to same-sex couples.
Remind me again about the Taliban theocracy we lived under before 1973.
I think team Hillary has had her fill of anti-woman people in the Democratic party. A lot of her backers are probably looking to vote for a woman on a presidential ticket. And leave it to you tall Sarah Palin anti-woman just cause you don’t think it is natural for a woman to want to protect babies… You need help.
TS That one Palin vote was an anomaly in an otherwise consistent anti-gay agenda, including voting against gay marriage and gay partner benefits. Since nearly all “pro-lifers” hate gays, I find it curious you are disputing Palin’s anti-gay record.
Zee before 1961, states could outlaw contraception as well as abortion, and women and Blacks were discriminated against. You may want to return to 1955, but most people today would view that era as Taliban-like oppression
typo correction:
And leave it to you to call Sarah Palin anti-woman just cause you don’t think it is natural for a woman to want to protect babies… You need help.
Jill, I find it amusing that you are more interested in trying to discredit me than in trying to respond on Palin. You agree that a victim of rape should be compelled to bear her rapist’s child. Say it proudly, like Palin!
Like most Americans, I support abortion rights through the first trimester. Like most Americans I oppose late-term abortions, except for compelling health-related reasons. Like most Americans, I have no problem with parental notification, with a judicial bypass.
The polls have shown a remarkable consistency in the majority position for decades. You have made no progress in implementing your agenda, as John McCain is about to find out when Palin is exposed as an anti-choice extremist.
TS That one Palin vote was an anomaly in an otherwise consistent anti-gay agenda, including voting against gay marriage and gay partner benefits. Since nearly all “pro-lifers” hate gays, I find it curious you are disputing Palin’s anti-gay record.
Posted by: LTL at August 30, 2008 6:16 PM
LTL, The fact that you try to equate pro-life with hate is absurd. You can try and twist things with your mind but the buck stopped at her desk as governor and chose compassion with a strole of her pen, even though she has idealogical differences. That is what makes her so exception. A politician that rises above political agenda. Why? Because she believes in compassion for all, including children in the womb.
Like most Americans, I support abortion rights through the first trimester. Like most Americans I oppose late-term abortions, except for compelling health-related reasons. Like most Americans, I have no problem with parental notification, with a judicial bypass.
Posted by: LTL at August 30, 2008 6:33 PM
Then like most Americans you must consider Obama’s position and voting record on abortion to be that of a sociopathic killer right?
“You have made no progress in implementing your agenda…”
Before you go patting yourself on the back, LTL, may I remind you of Big Abortion pulling out their hair with the Partial Birth Abortion Act?
That not one, but TWO conservative judges have been placed in the Supreme Court? (closer to compromising Roe, remember?)
That it was either NOW or NARAL that gave the US a final grade of “dismal D” for women’s reproductive rights?
Progress? Of course not.
at work today checking out the msm rags on the rack at the library
they are calling Palin the “gun-toting mom”
it’s nasty here……
left-wing smear merchants at the Daily Kos say Palin’s new baby is not hers but her daughters
I’d respect her more if this were true, not less.
I can’t stand the term “rapist’s baby.” A friend of mine was raped, got pregnant and had a son. His name is Daniel. He is her son.
“Like most Americans I oppose late-term abortions
More Obama bias in the MSM:
Campbell Brown Suddenly Concerned Over ‘Lack of Experience’
I mentioned on the other thread that Angelina Jolie’s adopted Ethiopian daughter is a “rapist’s child”. I see only a strikingly beautiful child who is loved and cherished, a child who’s mother loved her enough to give her a better life. She is every bit the innocent victim her mother was.
This “concern” about qualifications is as laughable as it is hypocritical.
Hillary’s qualifications to run for president were what? Spending eight years in the White House tolerating a philandering husband and winning a senate seat thanks to the name Clinton, and putting up with a philandering husband.
I have yet to have any Obama supporter list his qualifications for the the presidency, they’ll only whine about ‘racism” if you oppose him.
You will find this “concern” is reserved for conservative Republicans. Remember Dan Quayle? The media persecuted that man. Yet they never uttered a word about Democrat Jesse Jackson running for president even though the man had never been elected dogcatcher.
So WHAT if it is her daughter’s baby?
That just shows what a great mom AND great grandma she is.
That’s what my mom would have done if I wasn’t ready to be a mom to my daughter. She tells me that all the time that even if I chose adoption, she would have been adopting Gabriella.
What’s the difference anyway? It just shows this woman’s level of commitment to doing the right thing, which uhhhh is what we NEED in a leader. Duh.
A President to lead us during wartime:
Carla, how did your friend feel about the fact that she COULD have had an abortion? How would she have felt about the government deciding for her?
FIRST my friend had to get counseling to deal with the trauma of the rape itself. She needed help to cope with being a victim of rape.
She was prolife before the rape and that did not change. She is so grateful that she has her beautiful son.
What people don’t seem to understand is that an abortion doesn’t somehow erase a rape. Doesn’t make the situation somehow Better or More Bearable.
I also have a friend that was raped, became pregnant and had an abortion. She regrets it.
Here’s a thought….talk to women that have been raped and become pregnant, chosen to have the baby or chosen abortion. Let’s hear from them.
“I can’t stand the term “rapist’s baby.” A friend of mine was raped, got pregnant and had a son. His name is Daniel. He is her son.”
Yes, I hate that too. It’s akin to the thought of ancient times, when people believed that only the father contributed a “homunculus” to the mother, and the mother was nothing more than “fertile ground” in which the baby grew. In the 21st century, don’t we know that a child is as much (if not more) a child of its mother than of its father?
Furthermore, in what other situation do we punish someone for the crime of their father?
I feel confident that Trig is Palin’s own baby. However, if it were her daughter’s baby, that would be OK with me too. What’s wrong with a mother trying to protect her daughter from the stares and judgment of an intolerant public who would just say that she should have aborted the baby? (Of course, that same intolant public says the same thing about Palin herself – I’ve already seen hateful comments about how she gave birth to a “mongoloid” [seriously, who even uses that word anymore???] child that she should have aborted….) SICK.
Campbell Brown needs to get a clue! And Duhaime did very well – especially this:
“Campbell, I mean, that’s, I think, one of the problems with the Democrat Party and maybe with big media, that you think only smart people come out of maybe New York, L.A., Chicago.”
That is exactly (one of the many) problems with the DEMOCRAT party. It will not play well in my part of the world, which is a part of the world which is very important to this – and every – election. I’ve also seen lots of comments like “she went to the University of Idaho or Iowa or someplace, NOT HARVARD Law SCHOOL!” Can you say ELITE, EFFETE SNOB! For years we’ve heard cries about Bush and Yalies in the Skull and Bones club…. now, somebody who didn’t go to Ivy League is not qualified?? I am floored by the inanity and the hypocrisy!
Just can’t stop saying how happy I am about Sarah Palin…… :D :D :D
“You agree that a victim of rape should be compelled to bear her rapist’s child.”
I think pro-life people simply believe that unborn human life is entitled to protection from destruction.
Whether a person should be entitled to the same protections as other persons in the case that their paternity varies, is a slave-holder’s concern. A child of slaves was also a slave. By your logic, a child of a rapist is grist for the abortion mill.
The notion that what one deserves — in this case, protection or death — is determined by paternity, is frightfully insane.
How’s it feel to share the same attitudes as slave-holders?
Oh — and on Palin?
Heh heh.
A reform ticket, with a pro-life “real person” on the team?
Suggestion, all you Illinois folks: just educate America about Illinois, Obama’s seed bed. That’s all it’ll really take. Read the many fine analyses of Obama’s political rise through the Illinois machine, and pass these links along. Tell folks you know, “no, you really don’t understand. Illinois really IS that way. We’re not making this up.”
There are a lot of fine Democrats out there who have a solid conscience, who, if they could overcome their disbelief upon hearing of the egg that hatched Obama, would vote for “anyone but Obama” in a heartbeat.
What Illinois politics is really like is one thing you won’t hear Democrats touting much this year. They’d far prefer to keep it under wraps.
Truthseeker 6:37.
Anyone with the slightest knowledge of pro-lifers knows that many of them move between anti-abortion and anti-gay mode without a hitch.
For example Bob Enyart, who Jill constantly touts on this website, with two posts promoting him below, advocates the murder of all gays. He is known for gleefully reading the obituaries of those who he decided are gay and died of AIDS on his radio show.
Enyart’s cohorts spend about the same amount of time picketing against gay rights as abortion clinics, and his “truth truck” has a complete set of anti-gay posters, and changes rapidly from anti-abortion to anti-gay. Overall, I would say there is a 90% correspondence between being anti-abortion and anti-gay.
6:43 Obama has the same moderate position on abortion as most Americans, and given Palin’s extremism, they will vote for Obama.
What I found most funny out of this debacle is that ridiculous hack Sean Hannity. I bet someone $10 that within the first 3 minutes of his show, having been reprogrammed by Karl Rove, Hannity would announce that foreign policy experience meant nothing, and that Palin was qualified.
Of course I won the bet. I didn’t tell the loser I would have made the bet if the time frame for Hannity’s “change of mind” had been 30 seconds, not 3 minutes. And I still would have won.
Faux News gushing over Palin after screaming about lack of experince of Obama every 15 seconds for months clearly shows what a fraud it is- a puppet spouting talking points for the Republican Party. What a joke Faux and Hannity are.
McCain’s campaign advsiors are admitting McCain wanted Lieberman, but “Maverick” was intimidated by the far right, who own him now.
Rasqual, please make a big sign that says “No Rape Exception!” and carry it at RTL demonstrations. (Unless you’re ashamed of your position).
LTL at August 31, 2008 9:45 AM,
The fact that you try to equate pro-life with hate is absurd. Your bigotry and prejudice show in your attempt to insinuate that pro-life = gay hate. You can try and twist things with your mind but the buck stopped at Sarah’s desk as governor and chose compassion with a stroke of her pen, even though she has idealogical differences. If she had the hate that you supppose she did then why did she veto the bill? Sarah is that exceptional politician that rises above political agenda. Why? Because she believes in compassion for all, including children in the womb.
Obama has the same moderate position on abortion as most Americans, and given Palin’s extremism, they will vote for Obama.
Posted by: LTL at August 31, 2008 9:45 AM
Ha HA HA HA Ha Ha Ha…..
What world do you live in? Have you ever heard of Baracks enthusiastic support and the way he and Michelle held fundraisers to try and get funding to fight to keep partial-birth-abortion legal? Is that what you call the same moderate postion as most Americans? He also stood on the extreme radical baby-killing fringe in his refusal to pass legisation that would stop hospitals and abortion clinics from killing babies that were born alive under bitched abortions. How can you suggest that view is held in mainstream America, when the “identical” law had been passed unanimously prior to his vote against? Helloooooo? Stop drinking the kool-aid now and come back to the reality of mainstream America where everybody knows Obama’s views on abortion are radical and his views on the value of unborn childrfen are non-existent because they are “above his pay grade”.
Okay. so you’ve got a kid with Down’s Syndrome who needs constant support. And you leave to go run for office… 4000 miles away. For any parent – regardless of gender to do that – how pro-family can they be when they sacrifice time with their children (at their most vulnerable stage, and in the hour of their medical need) in order to run for office halfway across the continent. Joe Biden came home for his children eveyday. Palin abandons hers for months without a thought.
Did Sarah call you herself and tell you all of this?
You seem to have the inside scoop about the daily goings on of the Palin household.
Describe the medical need of Trig.
Define vulnerable.
Define abandon.
Um. Trig does have a Daddy you know.
Yo La @ 2:17,
Okay. so you’ve got a kid with Down’s Syndrome who needs constant support. And you leave to go run for office… 4000 miles away. For any parent – regardless of gender to do that – how pro-family can they be when they sacrifice time with their children (at their most vulnerable stage, and in the hour of their medical need) in order to run for office halfway across the continent. Joe Biden came home for his children eveyday. Palin abandons hers for months without a thought.
What a ridiculous statement. The children haven’t been orphaned. Their Father is at home. If Sarah Palin were a pro-choice Democrat, she’d be called an American Hero.
Hi Carla! I see you already mentioned the Daddy! I should have refreshed the screen before posting!
I wish Sarah Palin would have used her 30 minutes of fame, and said, “No, Mr, Cain, I will not be your vice president. I could never be the vice president for a man who advocates killing some innocent children: even while professing that life begins at conception.
Hi Janet!! :)
Joe Biden was sworn into the senate at the hospital bed of his hurt sons. His wife and daughter had just died in a car accident. He was hailed as a hero. But the liberal, sexist men wants to look down at Sarah Palin because she has a 5 month old baby. SHe takes the baby on the road with her. It shows John McCain camp is baby friendly and cares about young mothers. Hope more business places will be family friendly.
The real sexist are the liberal men in the Democratic Party and the media. Lets hear them discuss Sarah Palin on her record and not her gender
Yo La T,
While you’re concerned about the lack of profamily values of the Palins, it might help to get Michelle Obama’s take on all this:
From the September issue of Ladies’ Home Journal:
LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL: There’s been a lot of discussion about the fact that it would be harder for a woman with young children to run for president, to be in the White House, because the woman herself-as well as the electorate-would worry about who is raising the kids. Do you feel, Mrs. Obama, that this is a problem?
MICHELLE: No, no, because I think it’s a unit that raises a child. As far as I’m concerned, in this couple, Barack is the person who has the skill, the inclination, the desire, the ability to be in politics. I have no desire. So that’s a good thing, in my view, since someone has to be focusing on the kids-and that’s me.
But it could easily be him. There’s no reason why the nurturing has to come from Mom-it just has to be there…And if mom is president, that’s cool as long as Dad or someone is going to their baseball games, is listening to their stories and their issues. There’s got to be someone in a kid’s life who makes them feel central.
To conclude: if Mrs. Obama feels it’s okay, then who are we to question?
BTW, this interview was BEFORE Palin came in and yelled, “Surprise!”
You just can’t win with the liberals.
If Sarah Palin didn’t have a DS child, she would be the typical hypocritical PL person with all beautiful perfect children who preaches against abortion.
She lives up to her PL convictions and gives birth to her DS child so now there’s “concern” that she’s neglectful of her special needs child.
Maybe those so “concerned” about mothers with special needs children they can volunteer their time helping such a mother.
Don’t feminists argue a child has a father as well as a mother? Fine. So does Palin’s DS child.
This blog is getting so one-sided these days. All the pro-life haters are looking like deer in the headlights. Especially those like SoMG who like to brag about baby killing just to piss in the face of pro-lifers. Too much fun
LTL said:
“Though taken completely by surprise, MSM has already published that Palin opposes abortion even in the case of rape, and would force a woman to bear her rapist’s child.
I can’t wait until the Hillary (and all other) voters hear about this, and learn that Palin is a stealth candidate selected for her extremist anti-woman,anti-choice, anti-gay, and pro- creationist views.”
Describing a woman as “anti-choice” with reference to abortion is like calling someone anti-murder.
What is so bad about pro-creationist views exactly? I’m not a Creationist myself, but I cannot see the problem with it in politics.
What makes you think she is “anti-woman”?
And why do you say she is anti-gay? Is it because she is opposed to “gay marriage”? I’m opposed to it too, but I’m not anti-gay. Do you only think in slogans?
Re rape: Why should babies conceived through rape be sentenced to death for their father’s crime? The baby is the mother’s baby too.
Campbell Brown needs to get a clue! And Duhaime did very well – especially this:
“Campbell, I mean, that’s, I think, one of the problems with the Democrat Party and maybe with big media, that you think only smart people come out of maybe New York, L.A., Chicago.”
That is exactly (one of the many) problems with the DEMOCRAT party. It will not play well in my part of the world, which is a part of the world which is very important to this – and every – election. I’ve also seen lots of comments like “she went to the University of Idaho or Iowa or someplace, NOT HARVARD Law SCHOOL!” Can you say ELITE, EFFETE SNOB! For years we’ve heard cries about Bush and Yalies in the Skull and Bones club…. now, somebody who didn’t go to Ivy League is not qualified?? I am floored by the inanity and the hypocrisy!
Posted by: Sue at August 31, 2008 8:29 AM
I agree with you. From what I hear through the grapevine, Iowans who have always been staunch Democrats will be voting for McCain this November, even though their early caucus supported Obamalama. Go Iowa!
Jasper’s QuoTD,
“They’re only having sex when I’m dead.”
~ Actor Jerry McConnell joking on Entertainment Tonight about the impending birth of twin daughters with wife and model Rebecca Romijn, as quoted by People magazine, August 22.
Poor guy, he won’t have the joy of seeing his grandchildren.
This is good news for the McCain campaign:
Thanks for the awesome news! John Coale, a Clinton supporter going to the McCain camp, with apparently more Democrats to follow! Yahoo!