I cannot even keep up with all the articles and news shows reporting on BornAliveTruth.org, Barack Obama’s opposition to the IL Born Alive Infants Protection Act, our Gianna ad, and Obama’s anti-Gianna ad.
Here are some:

  • Glenn Beck radio interview with author David Freddoso on Obama and Born Alive
  • Huffington Post, “Obama ad: McCain camp sleazy, extreme on abortion”
  • Associated Press, “Obama responds to criticism of his abortion votes” (carried by 113 news outlets)
  • A September 18 Fox News segment featuring a Planned Parenthood spokesperson debating Americans United for Life’s Charmaine Yoest on which presidential candidate will win the day on the abortion issue. In the segment, Charmaine mentioned Obama’s opposition to Born Alive and gave BornAliveTruth.org’s website address:
  • New Mexico Daily Lobo, “Obama not right for America”
  • Wall Street Journal, “Outside groups air ads on abortion issue”
  • Washington Times, “New Obama ad links McCain to pro-life 527”
  • Washington Times, letter to the editor, “In defense of babies left to die”
  • Lexington Herald-Leader, syndicated column by Mona Charen, “Vote shows Obama an abortion extremist”
  • Newsday, “On the trail”
  • Townhall.com, “Obama Keeps Distorting ‘Born Alive’ Vote”
    gianna obama.jpg

  • Townhall.com, “If it was up to Obama, this woman would be dead”
  • WorldNetDaily.com, “Obama ad goes to war with abortion survivor”
  • WebCommentary, “Professor Kmiec can’t make Obama voteworthy”
  • Catholic News Agency, “Obama campaign attacks political ad featuring abortion survivor Gianna Jessen”
    Beliefnet.com, “Obama lies in his abortion campaign ad”

  • A segment in Fox News Morning News Washington on a classroom discussion of the presidential campaign ad wars, including a look at BornAliveTruth.org’s Gianna ad:
  • National Review Online, “Does Obama support infanticide?”
  • Right Pundits, “Obama naked: abortion lies”
  • Medical News Today, Antiabortion group releases ad criticizing Obama”
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