received the funniest hate mail ever. Had to share. I’ve cleaned up the misspellings…
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You pro-life hypocrites better stop your ads attacking Obama….
You people and your attack ads is one the the main reasons this country is bitterly divided. Maybe they ought to change the Consitution and rename the United States of America the Divided States of America.
Since you people are attacking Obama it is your fault a lot of TV stations this fall cancelled their local newscasts this fall. Maybe someone should cancel you….

Since you people are attacking Obama its your fault there is National and International news on local newscasts.
SInce you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the Bengals have lost every game this season so far.
Since you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault I lose my money like a vacum cleaner when I go to the Casino sometimes.
SInce you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the airlines are now charging for food and extra bags and cutting flights.
Since you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the airline system in the United States is getting bad.
Since you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault Delta Airlines is going to merge with Northwest Airlines and make a bad airline system with high prices in this country even worst.
Since you’re attacking Obama it’s your fault the Adventura Spa Palace Resort is an all adult resort.

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Since you hypocrites are attacking Obama maybe someone should give you a Karate or KUNG FU kick you will never forget.
SInce you people are attacking Obama and are hypcrites someone should confront you people on the Jerry Springer Show on National TV in front of 300 million people.
Why don’t you take your attack ads and shove them up your butt. Why don’t you people
go pick on or attack somebody your own size. The reason you people never attack or pick on anyone your own size is because you are wimps and afraid to face the music.
One of the reasons you people are attacking Obama is because he is the first African American president nonimee in the name of pro-life and you racist bigots can’t handle the truth.
Why don’t you people mind your own business? You people think you own Obama by attacking him. You people don’t and never will own Obama. Obama is a person not a piece of property you think you can get away with attacking.
One of these days the truth is going to come out about you hypocrites and that’s a promise. I think hypocrites are nothing but a bunch of backstabbers and traitors. I think hypocrites out to all be rounded up and shipped to GItmo and locked up there for in indefinite period of time without a lawyer.
I think all of you hypocrites belong in a mental Insitution. Maybe when you people get old you will get Alzheimers and be confined to a wheelchair and become a total vegatable.
One of these days you hypocrites are going to get a taste of your own medicine. You hypocrites are going to get what you deserve. What goes around comes around. Do unto others as they would do onto you.
Barack Obama is going to be our next president whether you bunks like it or not and that’s a promise. I wish you people will have a bad day. When Obama is elected the next Presidnet and you hypocrites have a day in the dumps, I am going to enjoy every second of it and will see who has the last laugh.


Maybe someone should cast a spell on you people. Maybe someone should make a voodo doll out of you people. You people think you are better than everybody else. You people are a bunch of no good jive a**es.
Just remeber when Obama is our next president of this Grand United States of America and you people have a day in the dumps, it is going to feel really good!!!! and thats a promise.
You better be ready to have a bad day because Obama’s on his way.

[“Oh, snap” stationery courtesy of]

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