Gianna Jessen on Hannity and Colmes
Last night Gianna Jessen was interviewed on Hannity and Colmes and did a FABULOUS job. Alan’s arguments were pathetic.

Last night Gianna Jessen was interviewed on Hannity and Colmes and did a FABULOUS job. Alan’s arguments were pathetic.
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Alan Colmes should learn that it’s just not manly to pick on girls especially those with cerebral palsy.
Let it not go unnoticed that Gianna is a Christian and do not think his treatment of Gianna goes unnoticed by the Father of Lights.
Alan, I suggest you ask for forgiveness for your treatment of this very special and indestructible child of God.
Alan is always ridiculous. They should replace him with Bill Maher.
HisMan, it’s a show dedicated to showing contrasting viewpoints. If Miss Gianna can’t take the fire, she should get out of the kitchen.
That being said, I think she did fine and Alan did not do ANYTHING out of line.
Hal, YES. Maher would be so much better…
Bill Maher? You’re kidding, right?
Bill Maher is among the most-extreme voices on the secular Left. It’s okay for him to be a nut, because he’s a comedian. Still, when he goes for laugh lines with a “Mommy & Me Home Pregnancy Test” (tagline: “So easy a fundamentalist Christian could do it!”) … it’s hard to see anything other than contempt and hatred in Bill Maher. Making him a commentator on Fox (or any other network) would require us to take his opinions seriously. That would be a bad idea.
Wait, I get it! If we give Maher a wider audience, then his vicious contempt and poisonous rhetoric will move Americans even farther to the Right! I like it!
Forget about Hillary. Obama should dump Biden for Maher. Obama/Maher in 2008! ;)
“Alan Colmes should learn that it’s just not manly to pick on girls especially those with cerebral palsy.”
That’s the liberal way. They moved I guess from picking on 17 year-old pregnant girls (Palin’s daughter) to girls with cerebral palsy.
Alan Colmes was probably picked to represent the liberals on Fox because he is so unattractive and so “mentally challenged”. And he demonstrated both of those qualities in that exchange with Gianna.
She was stunning. :D
when are they going to get rid of alan and just give hannity the floor all to himself. i am tired of this fair and balanced stuff…i want sean!
Actually, I have to say that I would rather see Rich Lowry on Hannity and Colmes! (Sorry, Sean!)
I don’t know who Lowry is, but after seeing Sean’s interview with Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, it became apparent that when push comes to shove, Sean is mush more liberal than he lets on. So I can only assume I agree with you.
Bobby – Rich Lowry is an editor at National Review – here’s a decent piece of his:
You might be famaliar with the topic…
Ah yes, I have heard the kids discuss that topic before… thanks Chris.
Bobby, Rich Lowry has substituted for Sean and is a regular Fox News contributor. He offers a well-informed, intelligent viewpoint and never gets “snarky” (a Tony Snow-ism — God rest his soul!)
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Alan’s arguments might very well have been correct. Technically, one could very well say that Obama does not support infanticide.
HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean that Obama is in any way correct in what he did.
Call it whatever you will, he voted against a bill that had absolutely nothing to do with Roe v Wade or even abortion for that matter.
He was wrong. It is a grave mark of irresponsibility for him to be the Democratic candidate in this election. He doesn’t even know how to be pro-choice! Let alone on being merely against our side like most other Democrats…
Alan’s arguments might very well have been correct. Technically, one could very well say that Obama does not support infanticide.
HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean that Obama is in any way correct in what he did.
Call it whatever you will, he voted against a bill that had absolutely nothing to do with Roe v Wade or even abortion for that matter.
He was wrong. It is a grave mark of irresponsibility for him to be the Democratic candidate in this election. He doesn’t even know how to be pro-choice! Let alone on being merely against our side like most other Democrats…
MORE on Gianna Jessen…
Also, Bill Maher is a libertarian, no?
What’s worng with being a libertarian?
Well, the show is supposed to be the conservative view vs. the liberal view, so I think all SFL is saying is that it wouldn’t fit the current theme of the show. But I suppose a conservative vs. libertarian show might be neat. It’s just that there are fewer (did I use that correctly? or is it less?) libertarians here than liberals, although here in the Northeast they seem to be dead even…
This is a sad day for me…
…I realized I may have to cut down on aspartame :(
I’ve been having weird muscle spasms lately. Like my jaw would shift occasionally. And when I randomly am having like my hand sitting there it would just move. And it’s not a seizure. I think it might be the massive quantities of aspartame I congest daily.
What will I do without my diet sodas :((
I hope you feel better.
As you may know, my son has epilepsy. He’s not suppose to drink diet soda as well.
How about ice coffee?
Colmes was pathetic and any real liberal should be sick watching him. He just refuses to believe that what Obama wanted to do by not giving aid and care to people like Gianna is infanticide. Does Obama have to actually go to the hospital and put a pillow over the baby’s face for Colmes to agree that he believes in infanticide?
Compare and contrast what Jill did when she discovered the baby and the bill Obama spoke and voted against.
I feel substituting milk or real sugar for fake sugar may work on some ends but on others (mainly me being fat) it might fail.
Ice coffee is delicious though.
Just curious, is he not supposed to drink diet soda b/c of the aspartame or the caffeine?
ok after watching this video my conclusion: Alan Colmes is a bonafide jacka$$
First he was incredibly disrespectful to this young woman and she was very nice to him – too nice in fact.
You lost Alan and it was done badly, very badly.
Your arguments don’t hold water (but then what’s new eh?) They are the old prochoice arguments.
You guys want to replace Alan Colmes with Bill Maher? That’s like replacing Sean Hannity with Eric Rudolph.
I’d leave Obama and gram Gianna out of a burning nuilding if I had the “choice”. Cause Gianna would live a life of love and care for others. Obama would live a life of pandering and hypocrisy; he is a scumbag. Opposing the Born Alive Infant Act is supporting infanticide. And it is common knowledge that the law Alan quoted that gave infants protection was NOT enforceable. Sure it had passed, but so did the Parental Notification of Abortion Act in Illinois but it is not enforceable. Alan has talked about this long enough where he should get his facts straight. He used the same fales argument back on August 20th. That is a gross misrepresentation of the truth. There is such a 1975 law. However, there was a condent decree entered into in 1993 called that “Herbst-O’Malley” consent decree which restrained and prevented the enforcement of that very law.
Colmes, try the truth if you can handle it.
Here is a link:
And why is anyone so surprised with Alan’s remarks and questions? He’s just parroting back the same TIRED old lines that the pro aborts have used for years, and refuse to recognize that aborted babies are HUMAN…dead OR alive.
GOD FORBID any of them admit that leaving a living, breathing, OUT OF THE WOMB BABY to die as the result of a failed abortion IS infanticide.
Jackass indeed.
Good job Gianna! I heard you on the radio and watched the show. I was jumping out of my seat with your every word. Thank you for your witness.
PIP, I did a lot of research on aspartame when my brother had spasms from it. It actually does have many very negative effects (such as blindness, seizures, migraines, ulcers, depression, lymphomia, etc) on the body and I’m glad to hear that you will be limiting your use…
Here is an article about diet drinks and weight gain- it explains why diet drinks don’t necessarily help you lose weight in the first place:
I don’t think you have anything to fear by switching to sugar sodas… they are not going to make you gain any extra weight. :-) I would, however (if it were me) reduce the amount of sodas altogether that you drink, for your health’s sake.
You guys want to replace Alan Colmes with Bill Maher? That’s like replacing Sean Hannity with Eric Rudolph.
Posted by: John Lewandowski at September 16, 2008 9:05 PM
Colmes is a very ineffective spokesman for the “liberal” view. Maher would be better (even if not technically a liberal) or Keith Olbermann, or Rachal Maddow. Anyone who could really expose Hannity’s bs. Hey, how about Frankin if he doesn’t win his Senate race? that would be a fun show to watch.
Bethany, 9:23am
You’re so right, aspartame is dangerous. I’ve personally had serious neurological effects from it and discourage its use by any and everyone.
I always check labels and if it gives a warning concerning “phenoketonurics” (sp?) I know it has aspartame and I won’t touch it.
One should go to a natural food store to obtain the safer natural sweeteners. I use xyltiol. Its especially safe, even for my husband who is diabetic.
Hal, all of those people you want to replace Colmes are on-the-fringe extremists, hence my comparing them with the terrorist Eric Rudolph. If you think they are good representatives of mainstream liberal thought, then that is further evidence that America is screwed.
Alan claims that the existing Illinois laws were just fine to provide care for born-alive abortions. In that case and by that logic, I’d think all the laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals are just fine as well.
It sure works great in our great state of Illinois, where more people have been killed by guns in the last few months than American soldiers have been in Iraq!
Makes me wonder how many born-alives are still not being protected.
Hal: Oh yes, please please DO put Olbermann on instead. PLEASE. It’d’ve been great to have seen him in this particular segment.
I’ve never seen anyone with a cob problem like Olbermann.
Rasqual, What’s a “cob problem?”
John L, all the people I mentioned are much closer to the “liberals” I know than Colmes is. I enjoy all of them, and wish they had more exposure. My friends and family love watching Bill Maher, Olberman, reading Frankin, etc. From my vantage point, these guys are mainstream liberals. We think “America is screwed” if people like McCain, Bush, Runsfeld, Cheney, and Palin have power any longer.
I have no idea either…
Doyle: That you would refer to alan colmes as “mentally challenged” in regards to his interview with somone who markets herself on the basis of her physical challenges as part and parcel of her media identity is telling. Either her disability is a non-issue that can be made fun of or she is a tool using her disability for political purposes or you are being boorish in light of what is supposed to be a serious discussion.
Disability should never be made fun of!! Gianna Jessen has cerebral palsy due to a saline abortion that she survived. Them’s the facts, Yo. That you would make fun of her is telling.
Hal: What’s a “cob problem?”
I think it’s like when you have corn, you know, and there are those ears of corn, you know, and then when it gets ripe you can take all the kernels off the cob, and then there’s the saying about having what’s left of the ear of corn up the final stage of one’s alimentary canal.