UPDATE, 9/27, 12p: Statement from NRLC: “NRLC has suspended the posting of the web ad because very late on September 26, an objection was received from an attorney with the Christian Broadcasting Network, asserting that the use of a brief clip from a broadcast CBN interview, showing Barack Obama saying that NRLC was “lying,” infringed upon a CBN copyright. NRLC has taken this objection under advisement and, after further research by our attorneys, we will have more to say about the matter.”
National Right to Life just posted this on YouTube:

Here is the August 16 interview wherein Barack Obama expressed indignation at the charge he voted against the identical Born Alive bill as state senator that passed overwhelmingly on the federal level…

And here is the August 18 nevermind by the Obama campaign.
But NRLC is right. There has as yet been no apology by Obama for his slander, and moreso, no personal mea culpa for his vote.

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