Waiting for Obama’s apology
UPDATE, 9/27, 12p: Statement from NRLC: “NRLC has suspended the posting of the web ad because very late on September 26, an objection was received from an attorney with the Christian Broadcasting Network, asserting that the use of a brief clip from a broadcast CBN interview, showing Barack Obama saying that NRLC was “lying,” infringed upon a CBN copyright. NRLC has taken this objection under advisement and, after further research by our attorneys, we will have more to say about the matter.”
National Right to Life just posted this on YouTube:
Here is the August 16 interview wherein Barack Obama expressed indignation at the charge he voted against the identical Born Alive bill as state senator that passed overwhelmingly on the federal level…
And here is the August 18 nevermind by the Obama campaign.
But NRLC is right. There has as yet been no apology by Obama for his slander, and moreso, no personal mea culpa for his vote.

You Tube is the least expensive way to post something on the web and get a lot of exposure, but I hope that before the election rolls around this video can be shown on national TV. I’m sure there are some groups, or combination of groups that can but a spot or two.
National-wide exposure of this issue could devestate the Obama campaign.
I agree with Obama…it IS ridiculous. Unfortunately, it’s also true.
There won’t be any apology or mea culpa. That would be above his pay grade.
Barack Obama is not man enough to apologize.
Jill’s delusional obsession with and stalking of Obama makes Glenn Close’s character in “Fatal Attraction” look well-adjusted by contrast.
Obama didn’t vote for the bills Jill wanted him to vote for 6 years ago. The bills passed three to five years ago, so his votes had no impact. No one other than the the rabid Obama haters on this site care about this non-issue. Get a grip!
If Jill’s obsession is “delusional” then I think we should all seek that state. The problem is, she is not delusional to get the truth out about a person who cannot be trusted to do the right thing–unless it is self-serving and he has the most to benefit. The truth is something Obama is totally unfamiliar with and, as to his claims to be a Christian, that is just over the top. No one who believes that a child is a gift from God would believe in abortion. I would go so far as to say that Obama’s parleying abortion into a non-restrictive, codified, “right” a demonic obsession. He fancies himself a hero by prostituting himself with extreme feminists whom he has courted because he enjoys the power it gives him going into this election. He is only a legend in his own eyes. You’ve heard the phrase–“the bigger they are, the harder they fall”. The phrase particularly applies here.
PPC said: “Obama didn’t vote for the bills Jill wanted him to vote for 6 years ago. The bills passed three to five years ago, so his votes had no impact”
Wrong. Those votes had the impact of causing Obama to lie through his teeth about them, didn’t they? They must have been important enough to “The One” for him to lie so flagrantly, PPC.
When someone want to be the President, and actually stands a chance of making it, ALL HIS VOTES on ALL SUBJECTS are IMPORTANT.
Only someone who WANTS TO FORGET those votes would say they were a “non-issue”… and someone who is ashamed of them would LIE ABOUT THEM.
Obama will not apologize. I’ve never heard him apologize to anyone and I’m sure with his many statements there have to have been a few lies in there.
EXACTLY WHICH PART of the bill would have undermined Roe v. Wade???? Has Mr. Obama ever answered that question???
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
Yep, that’s you you’re taqlking about.
Here’s an interesting article about Biden lying about a tax increase from McCain.
From the article:
“So, as Biden explained, someone who makes $40,000 and gets $12,000 in health insurance benefits would end up paying income taxes on $52,000. But what Biden didn’t say was that McCain also proposes to give the insured a new tax break in exchange — a $2,500 tax credit for individuals and a $5,000 tax credit for families.”
“An analysis of McCain’s plan by the Tax Policy Center estimated that McCain’s plan would increase the federal deficit by $1.3 trillion over 10 years, mainly because it would lead to less tax revenue coming in. The same group says Obama’s plan would increase the deficit by $1.6 trillion over the same period.”
My Opinion – this is nothing against the very real issues which most Americans face at this point (whether they know it or not).
I try to almost never criticize Jill directly – it’s “her house” and she is cute and I like her and she gives us interesting topics to discuss and et cetera et cetera.
The Obama/McCain debate has begun, and I don’t expect much “real” stuff to emerge from it. Maybe McCain will be said to have “won” the debate, and maybe Obama will get the nod of the collective head, media and otherwise.
Tell you what – I’ve always liked John – he’s certainly a guy who has always spoken his mind, despite the sometime infuration of “conservatives.”
My wife and I both have said in the past, like 2004, that without certain objections we’d vote for Johnny McC.
Thus far in the debate, both candidates are acting like “things can be solved” without “more pain” than Americans are willing to endure, all in all, and sad to say – that is false.
More proof of what unadulterated scum Obama really is.
Can the man EVER be interviewed or speak without stuttering and stammering when he’s pressed with the tough questions??????
Why is the first video no longer available?
You know, my dad was an old guy. He fought in a war, went through the Depression, raised a successful family, taught me faith, and was married to my mom for almost 60 years. Some times I listened to him and sometimes I didn’t. It’s those times that when I didn’t listen that hurt me the most. It’s just plain stupidity to ignore someone who loves you telling you that you should or shouldn’t do something.
America, we have to get this right. We have to stop believing the lies of the slick and the Powerpoint crowd.
Basic principles, no matter if they are displayed on a blackboard or a laptop don’t change. There is a God in heaven who expects us and the people that lead us to live in integrity no matter the cost. If we do this God will always give a good outcome. It’s the principle of reaping what you sow.
At this time in our history, I want a person leading this country who’s been there, who’s seen the agony of war, who’s borne the difficulties of prison, who’s experienced the rough and tumble of Washington.
I think McCain had Obama for lunch tonight and what you saw was the difference between the misuse of intelligence usually called foolishness and the correct application of intelligence usually called wisdom. There’s only one way to get wisdom and that is to live. While Obama is a good package, that’s all he is. He project naivete and inexperience. He’s willing to say what people want to hear and that is plain and simple, a demonstration of his immaturity.
If we have learn anything from this financial crisis it’s this. It’s time to get back to good old fashioned values of living within our means as indiviudals, as familes and as a nation.
Obama’s wants to make the government a savior for us all when it was never intended for that. There is only one Savior and Uncle Sam he ain’t.
Obama just presents too much of a risk to this country. I say we send him back to school for a while.
*standing ovation for HM* Hear, hear!
Well said, HisMan.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Doug @ 8;14,
Thus far in the debate, both candidates are acting like “things can be solved” without “more pain” than Americans are willing to endure, all in all, and sad to say – that is false.
I didn’t get that impression from either of the candidates.
I love how the leftists who are claiming that Obama won the debate are essentially saying that John McCain’s many years of experience are a liability. I guess that means Sarah Palin is more qualified than Joe Biden, then.
I’ll give you some credit, you stuck to your lines from 10 days of debate prep from your team of advisors. we’ll my friend, being president is not a college class..you have to make decisions, you won’t be able to take both sides of every issue..Obama, can I ask you a question, every job you’ve had has been spent running for the next job. When do you actually work?
Henry Kissinger says that Obama is wrong and McCain is right:
“Henry Kissinger believes Barack Obama misstated his views on diplomacy with US adversaries and is not happy about being mischaracterized. He says: “Senator McCain is right. I would not recommend the next President of the United States engage in talks with Iran at the Presidential level. My views on this issue are entirely compatible with the views of my friend Senator John McCain. We do not agree on everything, but we do agree that any negotiations with Iran must be geared to reality.””
But who cares Kissinger is just some old guy experience is bad Obama is good because he has no experience and knows nothing LOLOLOLOLZ vote Obama
Why do I get the error message, “We’re sorry, this video is no longer available”? At another place, I got the message, “This video has been removed by the user.”
(as an aside, McCain is ‘Pro-Choice’ as well.)
Abortion is never a good thing. What I do not understand / agree with, is: How can one person (feel that they have a right to tell another person what they can/cannot do with their body?
Where is the proof that life begins at conception?
If a fetus is aborted early (first trimester) in pregnancy, it (yes, it) would not be able to sustain life.
(There is Potential for life, and there are living cells…)
That said, Birth Control is way under-used!
Another option is Adoption.
I can understand- a rape victim not wanting to carry a pregnancy to term.
Too many females have sex (maybe Bristol is a recent example?) without considering the consequences. That too disrespects Life- in that it does not regard the miracle of a human being….
Parenting is a huge, and life long responsibility. To simply ‘procreate’ without living up to the emotional and financial responsibility seems pretty reckless to me.
I just don’t understand how ‘Christian’ people can be so judgmental- when that is not a Christian value…..
I’m not a Christian, Donna, so I have no qualms with judging anyone. You seem to be new, so the jury’s still out, but so far, to me, you’re looking like a misinformed dolt.
1.) McCain is not pro-choice.
2.) I personally do not care what any woman does with HER body. The problem comes from a woman hiring a doctor to destroy the body she carries in pregnancy. THAT is the body I am concerned with perserving (after that of its mother of course).
3.) Where is the proof that life begins at conception? I was conceived, and am alive. My kids are alive, now that they’ve been conceived. No living creature is alive now without having first been conceived. Life is the natural progression of conception. This isn’t difficult to understand.
4.) Yes, an early pre-term fetus cannot sustain life…ON ITS OWN. I bet you in your current form of life can’t sustain life alone in outer space, either. A fish can’t live on land, but most people would say you’re crazy if you claimed it wasn’t alive because of this fact.
5.) “There are living cells…” I hate to break this to you, lady, but YOU are nothing but a collection of living cells. What point were you trying to make?
6.) The birth control, adoption, and rape paragraph was really the most coherent thing you said. The sex thing too, but if you’re trying to prop that up as an excuse for abortion, I’d have to disagree with that bit.
7.) The “Bristol” thing is way out of line. She’s been with her fiance for awhile now (yeah, they’ve been planning on getting married), and as much as I appreciate the cheap shot, she’s a bad example for your point.
8.) Pro-life does not equal Christian.
You get a C-. You can do better than this! See me after class.
Obama may not support your agenda, but where was McCain’s flag pin? What kind of patriot forgets his allegiance to his country?Vietnam was 40 years ago. What has he done for us lately? Hopping in bed with lobbyists doesn’t help me. I don’t know about you.
he would’ve put one on, but he can’t raise his arm that high because he sacrificed such mobility for our country so that a snotty little @$$ like you could be free.
McCain is definitely not pro abortion. That would be his opponent, Obama.
And I get so sick of these arguments that we have no business telling women what they can do with their bodies.
I totally agree when it comes to cosmetic surgery and things that only affect THEM. But as the above poster stated, it ends when it comes to another life inside them, and a totally innocent and helpless one as well.
As for “potential for life” or “a bunch of cells” at conception….. remember at that moment the sex of the baby, eye color, and many other things are determined right at that moment. It’s the beginning of a new life.
(as an aside, McCain is ‘Pro-Choice’ as well.)
Abortion is never a good thing. What I do not understand / agree with, is: How can one person (feel that they have a right to tell another person what they can/cannot do with their body?
Where is the proof that life begins at conception?
If a fetus is aborted early (first trimester) in pregnancy, it (yes, it) would not be able to sustain life.
(There is Potential for life, and there are living cells…)
That said, Birth Control is way under-used!
Another option is Adoption.
I can understand- a rape victim not wanting to carry a pregnancy to term.
Too many females have sex (maybe Bristol is a recent example?) without considering the consequences. That too disrespects Life- in that it does not regard the miracle of a human being….
Parenting is a huge, and life long responsibility. To simply ‘procreate’ without living up to the emotional and financial responsibility seems pretty reckless to me.
I just don’t understand how ‘Christian’ people can be so judgmental- when that is not a Christian value…..
Posted by: Donna at September 27, 2008 12:41 AM
When is the last time the government said you can’t kill another human being using your body i.e., your hands, your feet, etc.?
When is the last time the government said you can’t drive drunk with yout body?
When is the last time the government said you can’t put certain drugs into your body?
And a few last questions Donna. You think that any conception is an accident? Do you believe God is the creator of all life, i.e., the source of all conceptions? Does God know what He’s doing? Does God make mistakes? Is abortion playing God and rebelling towards the intent of His will?
I’d like to hear his apology for this too…
Too many females have sex (maybe Bristol is a recent example?) without considering the consequences. That too disrespects Life- in that it does not regard the miracle of a human being….
Parenting is a huge, and life long responsibility. To simply ‘procreate’ without living up to the emotional and financial responsibility seems pretty reckless to me.
Maybe Bristol was heavily pressured by her bf to have sex. We just don’t know.
After all, what IS the message we send young people through our culture today, Donna?
In our fashion, our movies, our TV, the lives of our entertainment stars – HAVE SEX!
I think we can hardly BLAME young people, if us adults can’t get it right.
Just saw this story about this father of 9 who abandoned his kids.
I think the state should help this man with his situation – maybe someone can offer him a job and others help him get on his feet again.
Can’t you just hear the rabid liberals on this one: “why didn’t they use BC? Why did they have so many children… blah, blah blah….”
Sorry about the off-topic! I just felt sad when I saw this.
BTW anon @ 6:55 was me!
Where is the proof that life begins at conception?
If a fetus is aborted early (first trimester) in pregnancy, it (yes, it) would not be able to sustain life.
(There is Potential for life, and there are living cells…)
EXCUSE ME! What planet have you been living on the last few years?
We KNOW that once conception occurs, there is a totally new human being developing – the child has complete, different DNA from its parents.
Secondly by your second statement, newborn babies are not life since they are not able to sustain life independently, nor would the very elderly, or the comatose etc.
None of us is truly independent beings on this planet, we all must rely on someone. If there was no food in the supermarket tomorrow Donna, would you be able to raise your own? Would you even know how? You are defining people by their function Donna.
“Thus far in the debate, both candidates are acting like “things can be solved” without “more pain” than Americans are willing to endure, all in all, and sad to say – that is false.”
Janet: I didn’t get that impression from either of the candidates.
Janet, maybe I didn’t say that very well…. Both guys are going along as if something can really be done to “get back on track” for the long-term, something that is politically possible and which would be palatable to the American public, and I think that is patently false.
Silly little Donna. Why is it proaborts think they know all?
Her post is full of the same old, tired, un-informed, proabort drivel.
It would be laughable, if not for the dead babies that are the result of such murdereous beliefs.
(There is Potential for life, and there are living cells…)
huh? I BEG you to re-read that last sentence and if you could possibly grasp how ridiculous it sounds. Yes, there are living cells which means it IS ALIVE, no, NOT potentially ALIVE, it IS ALIVE. Something can’t be potentially alive and then be LIVING. Simple biology there, dear.
That too disrespects Life- in that it does not regard the miracle of a human being….
errr, I thought they were potential human beings? Sheesh, how do you keep track of all these contradicting thoughts inside your head?
answer, mommaLiz:
not very well.
Christian Broadcasting Network….
Remember when they owned the “Family Channel?”
Some of our most liberal universities were founded to be Christian seminaries.
Some of our most liberal universities were founded to be Christian seminaries.
Posted by: Arlen Williams at September 27, 2008 12:00 PM
that’s called “progress.”
mk @ 6:45,
Good video link. I think I need a flow chart to keep track of
Obama’s friends and acquaintances. Crazy!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Patricia @ 7:01,
The man in the FoxNews story must be beside himself. I couldn’t imagine having to leave 9 children with strangers.
Obama just presents too much of a risk to this country. I say we send him back to school for a while.
Posted by: HisMan at September 26, 2008 10:05 PM
Ditto. My impression of “O” at the debate last night was that he seemed like a kid right out of college. A bit wet behind the ears. I think McCain was very strong and confident – leadership material all the way!
What happened to the video? (It no longer plays.) Did YouTube yank it or did NRLC just take it down?
Hal @ 1:05 PM
Progress towards hell is nothing to be proud about.
On the debate – a slight plus for Obama, but nothing changed there. On to the next one…
I think McCain was very strong and confident – leadership material all the way!
Posted by: Janet at September 27, 2008 5:45 PM
Oh puke.
Hal, Did you see this video that mk posted about Obama’s connections to the current economic crisis? Does it mean anything to you?
Janet, I cannot vote in good conscience for a man like McCain:
No presidential nominee of either party in the last century has seemed so willing to endanger the country’s security as McCain in his reckless choice of a running mate.–Carl Bernstein
Can we now admit the obvious? Sarah Palin is utterly unqualified to be vice president. She is a feisty, charismatic politician who has done some good things in Alaska. But she has never spent a day thinking about any important national or international issue, and this is a hell of a time to start…
In these times, for John McCain to have chosen this person to be his running mate is fundamentally irresponsible. McCain says that he always puts country first. In this important case, it is simply not true.–Fareed Zakaria
I appreciate your comments. Let’s take the abortion issue off the table. Still, in good conscience, I can’t vote for Obama
Did you watch the video clip? I’ve never cared for Obama, but it sealed the deal for me when I realized how Obama’s life is so deeply intertwined with people responsible for the economic crisis we are in. What they did was bad business and the bad legislation started in the Clinton era.
Do you remember how Hillary Clinton said “it takes a village to raise a child.”
Well now it’s taking a whole country to bail out the economy which they helped create. I think it would be best to keep the Dems out of power for a while. Let’s let McCain handle getting out of the war. I’m afraid with Obama in power we’ll have a World War III.
I’m picking a Presidential candidate first. Let’s look at Palin in her debate this week. I’m hoping she will shine.
I’ve never cared for Obama, but it sealed the deal for me when I realized how Obama’s life is so deeply intertwined with people responsible for the economic crisis we are in. What they did was bad business and the bad legislation started in the Clinton era.
Janet, Phil Gramm is co-chairman of McCain’s campaign, and there is no Democrat anywhere nearly as responsible for our “mess” than him. It’s certainly arguable that he did more harm than all Democrats put together.
Really? I’ll have to do some fact-checking. Do you have any sources to back that up?
It is the Democrats that are responsible for this particular mess. They did not want lending regulated,in 2004 they were ignoring the corruption present in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, they were warned by Republicans and our President. They were buying future votes by allowing their constituents to secure loans, knowing that they couldn’t afford to pay them back but they didn’t care. They are despicable. Not all Republicans are perfect, that is true, but this economic mess is the Democrats’.
Do you have any sources to back that up?
Janet, it’s public record – if the provisions that Gramm got made into law in 2000 have been changed, it’s only very recently. I’ve seen the problem from his legislation put at a cost of fromm $62 trillion to $78 trillion, dwarfing the bailout, Fannie and Freddie, AIG, etc.
The main deal was Gramm tucking a 262 page addition into an omnibus spending bill late in 2000. It was called “The Commodity Futures Modernization Act” but it went well beyond the futures arena. Gramm declared that the act would keep the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from being in the business of regulating new financial products called “swaps” (we now know them as credit default swaps – a huge part of the problem we’re now having). He said it would “protect financial institutions from overregulation.” Well there ya go, Phil, you got what you wanted….. Gramm had gotten millions from friends in the financial services industry during his years in Congress, so perhaps no surprise.
Gramm’s insertion contained things that had been wanted by Enron, for example, things that exempted energy trading from gov’t regulation. Enron was rather “in the family” for Gramm since his wife was formerly CFTC chairwoman, and she’d gotten Enron’s energy futures contracts exempted from gov’t regulation. Later, she was on Enron’s board.
Now that “swaps” would be unregulated, and now that a bank could also be an insurer, hedge fund, etc., (or vice-versa), a $62 trillion market in swaps blossomed, almost four times the size of the whole US stock market. And, due to Gramm’s swap-related provisions in the bill, this enormous market would be unregulated – there was no surety that the insurers had the required assets to cover the risks they were guaranteeing.
Not all Republicans are perfect, that is true, but this economic mess is the Democrats’.
Not at all, Eileen. Even without arguing about what the Democrats have done or not done, the influence of Phil Gramm alone (McCain’s campaign co-chairman) is where much more of the “mess” has come from.
I’m not so sure about that Doug. I haven’t heard it anywhere. If the Democrats are blaming anyone, it’s the Pres. and the Republicans in general.
Eileen, they’re talking about mortgages and Bush Jr’s policies, not about the much greater problem of default credit swaps.
Granted that the Democrats are not blameless here – and there are problems in the hundreds of billions of Dollars. Yet with Gramm’s deal we are talking about many tens of trillions of Dollars.