Press release from Lila Rose and Live Action Films just out:
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New hidden-camera footage from Tucson, AZ, implicates a 3rd Planned Parenthood clinic in a multi-state child abuse scandal. In the video, UCLA student Lila Rose and her friend Jackie Stollar enter a Tucson PP clinic where Rose tells the nurse that Stollar, posing as a 15-year-old, is pregnant by her 27-year-old boyfriend. The nurse disregards the age difference and even cautions Stollar not to bring her “boyfriend” before the judicial hearing required in AZ to waive parental consent for an abortion….

See video on page 2.

This negligence is punishable under AZ law.
“Is he not a minor?” the PP nurse, who identifies herself as Araceli, asks. When Rose says, “He’s 27,” the nurse urges the girls not to bring him to the hearing: “I wouldn’t take him with me, no. I mean: don’t take him.”
The video is the 3rd released in a national undercover probe called the “Mona Lisa Project.” The project, conducted by the student-led CA nonprofit Live Action, records on video PP employees as they respond to statutory rape. Rather than reporting the rape – as the law requires – PP clinics hide the identity of the statutory rapist and offer secret abortions.
In the past 2 months, the Mona Lisa Project has exposed similar cases at two PP clinics in IN. In response, both clinics either fired or suspended employees, and state prosecutors launched investigations into PP of IN. [Read stories here and here.]
“These videos demonstrate that PP, the nation’s largest abortion provider, is entrenched in an organization-wide policy of circumventing state law and concealing the sexual abuse of young girls,” said Live Action’s president, Lila Rose.
This is not the first time PP of AZ has failed to report sexual abuse. In 2002, an AZ judge found the abortion provider negligent for failing to report the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl by her 23-year-old foster brother, who brought her to a Phoenix-area clinic for an abortion in 1998. After PP kept silent about the abuse, the sexual relationship continued and led to a second abortion 6 months later.
While noting that today AZ Attorney General Terry Goddard is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at an event sponsored by PP, Rose urges AZ prosecutors to follow the lead of IN state authorities and investigate the full extent of PP’s sexual abuse cover-up.

Good job on the timing of the video’s release. And while all 3 videos have been well-produced, this one is superiorly produced.

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