KS Supreme Court leak?
Jury selection began yesterday for the long delayed trial of Wichita, KS, late-term abortionist George Tiller, accused of getting nonobjective 2nd opinions from business associate Dr. Ann Kristin Neuhaus.
The charges, though far less than they should have been, vindicate relentlessly maligned Phill Kline – again, who got the evidence.
Meanwhile Kline is being punished – again. Recall the words of rabid pro-abort, Sebelius-picked, KS Supreme Court Justice Carol Beier (former National Women’s Law Center attorney), who strangely wrote Kline deserved “sanction by this court” when handing down a verdict clearing him of complaints filed by Planned Parenthood. She was really, really mad about that, as I previously indicated.
Beier got what she wanted when the Supreme court-appointed Disciplinary Board for Attorneys notified Kline and 2 subordinates in February regarding complaints of ethics violations, as yet unnamed.
This is where it gets interesting. Two reporters got tips about the secret ethics complaint, John Hanna of the Associated Press, and Ron Sylvester of the Wichita Eagle. Here’s his story…
The Disciplinary Board previously wrote it was immune to open records requests, i.e., fishing expeditions. Click to enlarge…
So somehow Hanna and Sylvester got wind and called the Disciplinary Board’s office about the same time specifically requesting a copy of the complaint letter, as sleuth reporter KS Meadowlark found.
The timing of the leak is also important, coming 1 day after an announcement Kline had been cleared of yet another charge and 1 day before the White House announced it had picked Sebelius to head HHS.
Am working on connecting dots between Hanna and his source, but Sylvester has some interesting links.
Sylvester’s wife is pro-abort attorney Gaye Tibbets, and Gaye is friends with Kline nemesis Beier. There they are, pictured right together at the 2004 KS Women Attorneys Association conference.
Did Beier tip Tibbets who tipped Sylvester? This certainly merits investigation. Whoever leaked the information violated the law.
Here are more names you should know.

Is it beginning to make more sense why this supposedly objective journalist repeatedly writes spurious articles against Kline?
When you see who is Twitter friends with who, and add that together with all the aforementioned, also recalling Kline investigated KS/Mid-MO PP, you begin to understand more the incestuous relationship in KS between the abortion industry, the courts, and journalists. Click to enlarge…

And, of course, Ron Sylvester follows all the aforementioned on Twitter.
Again, the KS Supreme Court should announce an investigation of itself to determine who leaked information to the press intended to damage the careers and reputations of Phill Kline and 2 other attorneys prosecuting the PP/Tiller cases.

The “abortion mafia” in Kansas has very deep roots in government. This is just the tip of the dirty iceberg.
I’m heading to Kansas tomorrow for my Grandfather’s funeral. I have always been very saddened when I enter into that city because of the dark cloud of abortion that surrounds it.
I’m very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.
Thank you. He was a really good man and a really strong Christian so I know (as well as you can know anyone) that he is now with God.
Good lord. No one violated any laws, even if they did share the information. From the Disciplinary Board’s website (here http://www.kscourts.org/rules-procedures-forms/attorney-discipline/complaints.asp ):
Complaints are investigated by local bar associations or the Disciplinary Administrator’s staff, who may seek further information. Many complaints are resolved or dismissed after preliminary investigation.
The Review Committee
Once the investigation is complete, a review committee consisting of three lawyers is assigned to study the complaint and investigative report. The committee may then dismiss the complaint if it is found to be without merit.
If the review committee finds probable cause to believe the lawyer has violated the disciplinary rules the matter becomes public and all records and proceedings are open to anyone.
Note that once probable cause is found, the complaint and matter become public information. Gee, that took me a whole 10 seconds to find with a Google search.
Sorry to tell you Penny Dreadful but you need to re-read Jill’s post. Looks like nobody to this day still knows what the trumped up ethic charges are against Kline. “If the review committee finds probable cause to believe the lawyer has violated the disciplinary rules the matter becomes public and all records and proceeding are open to anyone”…..There is no way those reporters just HAPPEN to call up and ask “hey, any letters go out to Kline or his lawyers about pending ethical charges this week?”. This is a punishment from the abortion industry straight to Kline courtesy of the Supremes and the Kansas Press. At least we know the open connection now. Thanks Jill!
Was there a point somewhere in there Andrea?
I did read Jill’s post. Even if it was the Chief Justice spilling the details of the letter over a party line with members of Planned Parenthood and the Associated Press, my response is the same…so what?
The Kansas Disciplinary Board says that the proceedings are public after a finding of probable cause. There’s no indication in Jill’s post or elsewhere that information was shared prior to the finding. Mountains, molehills, etc.
Penny, Andrea is right. No complaint has been filed. There has been no finding of probable cause.
And to connect the dots for Penny if there has been no finding of probable cause, this is just a smear campaign.
From the AP article that Jill linked to:
“The letter said a review committee for the Kansas Board for the Discipline of Attorneys found probable cause to believe Kline and his former deputies had violated rules of professional conduct. It was signed by Disciplinary Administrator Stanton Hazlett.”
So…tell me again about how there has been no finding of probable cause?
I think that you all are confusing the filing of a complaint by an individual with the filing of a formal complaint by the review committee.
There has been a complaint filed. That’s what triggered the investigation. Now that probable cause has been found, it is up to the review committee to either privately admonish the attorneys in question, or to file a formal complaint before the Hearing Panel.
Tiller trial opens today to abortionist fatigue
Per the LA Times: For activists on both sides of the debate over legalized abortion, the criminal trial of Dr. George Tiller, which begins Monday in a Wichita courtroom, is an oddly unfulfilling culmination of a struggle that has wrenched…
Well done Penny. I hate it when people blog when they are uneducated with the truth, because their own personal views blind them from proper research. Oh, and I find no dark cloud in the clean sky over Wichita, KS.