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  • Stephen Drake of Not Dead Yet points out that even Art Caplan is fearful that Hollywood’s Jack Kevorkian biopic won’t tell the true story. Drake also argues that Kevorkian might have been the best thing for the assisted suicide movement because he allowed them to appear moderate.
  • Hindu.com and IndianExpress.com have the story of a young girl named Pramita Aich who had a Stage IV neuroblastoma which was successfully treated with the help of an adult stem cell transplant – her own bone marrow.
  • According to Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), Judge Sotomayor claimed to him that she had never thought about whether the unborn have rights, reports One News Now….

    I wonder if liberals will have as hard of time believing this as they do Justice Clarence Thomas’ claim that he couldn’t recall discussing Roe v. Wade while in law school.

  • The Chicago Tribune has an article on a blogger who created a blog (currently taken down) that fictionalized an account of giving birth to a terminally ill child:

    By Sunday night, when “April’s Mom” claimed to have given birth to her “miracle baby” – blogging that April Rose had survived a home birth only to die hours later – her web site had nearly a million hits.
    There was only one problem with the unfolding tragedy: None of it was true….
    By Monday, outraged followers on dozens of Christian parenting web sites unmasked “April’s Mom” as a hoaxer, and hundreds more vented their anger…
    Beushausen said she really did lose a son shortly after birth in 2005. She started her blog in March to help deal with that loss and to express her strong anti-abortion views, she said….
    “I’ve always liked writing. It was addictive to find out I had a voice that people wanted to hear,” Beushausen said.
    “Soon I was getting 100k hits a week, and it just got out of hand,” she said. “I didn’t know how to stop. … One lie led to another.”

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