Jivin J’s Life Links 7-13-09
by JivinJ
But by now, nearly 6 months in, the bottom line for Barack Obama is clear. After making a few polite noises about finding “common ground” with pro-lifers, his administration has shown zero interest in doing so. Instead, the Obama agenda is to weave government-backed abortion into the fabric of American life and make it a far more integral part of domestic and foreign policy than ever before….
Clearly, if Obama’s preferred health reform becomes law, abortion will be defined as a “health benefit” automatically provided to every American family. The Hyde Amendment, which for more than 30 years has banned federal funding for almost all abortions and has enjoyed overwhelming congressional support, will become all but irrelevant once abortion on demand is defined as a universal “health benefit.”
At my request, he (“an abortion specialist”) scheduled an abortion in Wichita for the following Tuesday. “Think about it for the next few days before you decide,” he said. Then he turned to Michael. “What do you think about all this?”
“Me? Oh, Jesus … a lot of different things,” Michael answered. “I’ve seen Alice in the throes of this terrible unhappiness, and I don’t recognize her. I’ve been politically in favor of choice, but uncommitted on the personal side — it’s been an abstraction. But now that this is suddenly so real, all I can think is that there’s a baby. Our baby. My baby. And I can’t stand the thought of this baby being aborted. So If Alice has an abortion, I won’t go to Wichita with her. And I might not be here when she gets back. I’ll have my own unbearable sorrow about losing this baby, about endorsing this decision. But I don’t want Alice to kill herself. So she should do what she needs to do.”
The conservative opposition Popular Party asks why a girl who cannot legally buy alcohol can have an abortion without asking her parents. “The inconsistency is crushing,” lawmaker Sandra Moneo wrote in the newspaper El Pais.
“No father or mother can understand the idea of a minor going through that trauma without the advice, support and opinion of her parents,” Moneo said.
Zapatero’s camp counters by noting that 16-year-old Spaniards can choose to have open-heart surgery or chemotherapy without parental consent, but not an abortion.
Tempers have flared on both sides. Conservatives were enraged when Bibiana Aido, the minister of equality, suggested abortion was no bigger an issue than breast enlargement.
[Photo attribution: lifecharity.org.uk]

The would be late term aborter has another article about her story here:
I read that Alice Eve Cohen article and she ended with this line:
“It took the wisdom of our child, confident in her parents’ love, to clarify this truth — that exercising freedom of choice is nothing to be ashamed of.”
Question for you, Ms. Cohen. If you had gone through and killed your precious baby, would you be singing that same tune?
You felt suicidal during that desperate time…you think you would have felt less suicidal had you paid a trip to Wichita and come back minus a baby?
You gave your daughter credit for “wisdom”. Explain how clarified your basic truth would have been without her sage advice?
I suppose one doesn’t have to be ashamed of an abortion they never had.
How can a child be ‘confident in her parent’s love’ when one of those parents was considering KILLING her? Sad.
Note that there was no psychiatric workup for a suicidal woman — just an abortion referral. It seems that once a pregnant woman faces any obstacle, she’s no longer entitled to medical care, just “choice”.
And I don’t think the child is confident of her parents’ love. Of her FATHER’S love, yes. But she can figure that to even question Mom’s “right to choose” would be to lose Mom’s love. What child could risk that?
I posted a link to a different (more disgusting) article this woman wrote about her would be abortion, but it got lost in moderation. Could a mod get it out, please?