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  • FactCheck.org has called out President Obama’s fabrications about whether public funds would pay for abortions under current health care reform measures. Some excerpts:

    As for other types of abortions, the Capps Amendment leaves it to the secretary of Health and Human Services to decide whether or not they will be covered. It says, “Nothing in this Act shall be construed as preventing the public health insurance option from providing” abortion services that would not be legal for Medicaid coverage……

    As for other types of abortions, the Capps amendment leaves it to the secretary of Health and Human Services to decide whether or not they will be covered. It says, “Nothing in this Act shall be construed as preventing the public health insurance option from providing” abortion services that would not be legal for Medicaid coverage.

  • An editorial in yesterday’s Washington Times also focused on Obama’s misleading statements on abortion and health care reform legislation.
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  • National Right to Life has set up a web page to inform the public about Congressman Tim Ryan and his abandoning of the pro-life movement.
    NRLC’s Legislative Director Douglas Johnson has also left some comments at a guest post by Congressman Ryan at Dan Gilgoff’s God & Country blog where Ryan falsely claims the Capps Amendment “prohibit(s) public funds from paying for abortions.”
  • The China Daily reports that a young pregnant woman committed suicide by jumping off a bridge after the father wouldn’t accept responsibility for the child and asked her to have an abortion.
  • Ann at Feministing notes an Alan Guttmacher Institute report which found the FDA’s approval of the abortion drug RU-486 (also known as mifepristone) hasn’t done much to increase the number of abortion providers, much to her dismay.
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