Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for breaking.jpgA Congress Daily article this morning (subscription only) entitled, “House Dems close to abortion deal,” begins:

Democrats are close to finalizing an abortion compromise that would hopefully draw enough moderate anti-abortion Democrats to mitigate a threat from Rep. Bart Stupak, D-MI, to block the bill from coming to the floor….

Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-CT, has been working on the abortion compromise with Rep. Brad Ellsworth, D-IN. At a Caucus meeting Monday night, Ellsworth circulated revised language to strengthen the outline drafted by Rep. Lois Capps, D-CA, without writing into law the Hyde Amendment’s prohibition on using federal funds for abortion. Rep. Baron Hill, D-IN, said the language assuaged his concerns about abortion in the bill. “It makes it clear that no federal dollars can be used for abortion,” Hill said….

First hint: DeLauro is a flaming pro-abort.
The National Right to Life Committee has obtained the text of what it believes to be the Ellsworth Amendment, and the changes it makes in the abortion-related provisions of the bill are strictly cosmetic.
According to the NRLC, If that language is added to HR 3962:

(1) the new federal government insurance program, the “public option,” would still be explicitly authorized to pay for all elective abortions by language on page 110 of the bill; and
(2) the federal premium subsidies (“affordability credits”) could still be used to purchase private health plans that cover elective abortion.

Per NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson: “The pro-abortion House Democratic leadership is using Ellsworth’s phony language to undercut the real pro-life amendment, which is the amendment proposed by Reps. Bart Stupak and Joe Pitts (R-PA). The Ellsworth language is the legislative equivalent of putting pancake makeup on a cancer, rather than performing lifesaving surgery.”
Brad Ellsworth, healthcare, abortion, Stupak, Pitts.jpgAction: Until now Ellsworth was had a good pro-life record. Call his DC office to convey dismay (202-225-4636) as well as his Evansville (812- 465-6484) and Terre Haute offices (812- 232-0523).
Most importantly, encourage pro-lifers in IN’s 8th Congressional District to do the same.
Also call your congressperson and tell him or her pro-lifers will accept nothing less than adoption of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment.

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