Joy Behar: Abortion isn’t bad; it’s profiting from abortion that’s bad
Abby Johnson, the Bryan, TX, Planned Parenthood director who quit a few weeks ago because she saw an abortion on ultrasound and also felt pressured to sell abortions, came up on The View November 2.
Pro-abort co-host Joy Behar had a problem not with abortion but that the abortion industry might profit from it. Hello? I really wonder how these people can be so ignorant. Joy is apparently unaware Planned Parenthood of America has grossed $1 billion 2 years running.
Barbara Walters was careful to defend PP. More ignorance. I grow so tired of it.
There was more to the segment not shown in this clip. Read it at Newsbusters.
[HT: Stephanie R.]
You couldn’t pay me to watch the view. With the exception of Elizabeth, they are all far left liberals. And Elizabeth often takes a beating on that show. Why she is on there is beyond me, except I suppose they want to show some “fairness.”
Sherri Shepherd tells her story, which IS Planned Parenthood’s standard of practice. That is a positive thing. Unfortunately Walters doesn’t even HEAR it. Oh well, “there’s bad clinics and good clinics.” A 17 year old girl, in a frightening situation, was being pressured into a “choice” that would effect her the rest of her life. And all her buddy Walters can say is, well there’s some bad clinics???
As for Joy, there’s little I can say without compromising myself as a Christian.
I’m speechless at people’s ignorance and out right stupidity. And to actually think millions and millions of Americans waste their valuable time everyday to then go and watch/listen to the opinions of these people who are not ashamed to loudly proclaim their stupidity and ignorance across the air. What are people thinking?
Since Walters is so surprised that Planned Parenthood would “push abortions”, maybe she should, as a reporter, do some research and report her findings. I think she would be surpised at a lot of her findings and so would the rest of the country. Unfortunately the corruption at Planned Parenthood is incredibly under-reported.
Who actually watches this junk? Most of the women I know are either employed in paying positions or taking care of their families.
My mother-in-law watches this junk. She loves the View. I don’t wish to waste my time listening to bitter old women rant and rave and bash every value I hold dear.
And the point that abortion “may not hit” some women that have them doesn’t mean that the child is any less tortured, any less dead and the deed any less final.
For being such a woman of the world Walters sure is naive. At her age I’d expect more wisdom, not just a dolled up goof.
Can someone explain to me (I live in Canada where PP does not have the same agenda as in the US – abortions here are funded by tax dollars so PP would make no money from them) how come PP is always asking for money, yet their books show a huge profit every year?
Well, that’s 3 minutes I’ll never get back.
Bryan Texas is a high poverty, high minority city. It doesn’t surprise me at all to hear about their eugenicists in the news.
I am just glad she quit.
Joy is a total ingnoramous. If she did her homework she would find out the the whole abortion movement was fueled by drs. who knew they could make large amounts of profit by marketing abortions. Killing for a profit is what it is.
Shame on Babs. Also proves herself to be an ignoramous.
why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye?
oh Ellis….blah blah blah. Here we go again quoting scripture in the hopes it will get moral people to shut up about immoral behavior.
If I was off having abortions or selling abortions I could see where I’d have no room to talk. But since I am not connected with the abortion industry why can’t I point out its evilness and the evilness of people who support it? Why can’t anyone? We have abortion on demand for the very reason that people don’t want to point out specks in other’s eyes such as “Well, I would never have an abortion but its not my right to take that away from anyone else.” If more people spoke out and said “ENOUGH of this bloodshed of children!” abortion would cease to exist.
People are too comfortable to turn their head away and pretend sin doesn’t exist instead of speaking up even if its unpopular.
1. Barbara Walters, when was the last time YOU went to a PP clinic for “family planning services”???? Do you have a LIST of these “good clinics” so we can find them?
2. It’s actually becoming AMUSING to see the lib fems squirming at the hideousness of the abortion industry.
3. HOORAY for the HONESTY about how black women are treated by PP–& for the UNCOMFORTABLE discussion of the ultrasound image of the “fetus”/baby!!!
I was glad to see the story about the way that woman was sold an abortion- it’s so typical of the way abortion clinics work. I’ve heard that same story over and over. They never counsel you or try to change your mind about abortion- they are there to sell you abortions. That’s what it’s all about.
The fact that Joy Behar is outraged about people making money off abortions, when she’s perfectly fine with abortions, is really confusing to me.
Amen, Sydney.
The fact that Joy Behar is outraged about people making money off abortions, when she’s perfectly fine with abortions, is really confusing to me.
Posted by: bethany at November 5, 2009 7:01 AM
Good question. Well, it’s her job to make conversation, and she probably needs her job….. Maybe we should have a letter-writing campaign to her to encourage more conversation.
I haven’t read the above posts, cause I’m in a time crunch…but…if abortion isn’t bad, why would profiting from it be bad??? TOTAL NONSENSE!!!
why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye?
Posted by: Ellis at November 4, 2009 9:46 PM
The plank in our own eyes is the pittance we actually do in the average day to stop the gruesome killing of our children, our nieces and nephews, our grandchildren, and our neighbors’ children and grandchildren and nieces and nephews.
Until the genocide ceases, we cannot claim a clear conscience on the matter of abortion. Therefore, Ellis, you are right. We must look at the planks in our own eyes. Why did I spend hours today around the house when I could have been sidewalk counseling at Planned Parenthood? Why did I not call or write to my Senator today? Why did I not donate of my time or money to a Crisis Pregnancy Center today?
You’re right. We should be doing MORE to stop the genocide. I should be, and you should be. And until babies are protected, we can none of us in good conscience waste our time. Thank you for reminding me.
I just want to throw up.
Very true MaryRose!