Interesting observations from pro-abort Washington Post columnist Robert McCartney on January 24:
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I went to the March for Life rally Friday on the Mall expecting to write about its irrelevance. Isn’t it quaint, I thought, that these abortion protesters show up each year on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, even though the decision still stands after 37 years. What’s more, with a Democrat in the White House likely to appoint justices who support abortion rights, surely the Supreme Court isn’t going to overturn Roe in the foreseeable future.
How wrong I was. The antiabortion movement feels it’s gaining strength, even if it’s not yet ready to predict ultimate triumph, and Roe supporters (including me) are justifiably nervous….

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I was especially struck by the large number of young people among the tens of thousands at the march. It suggests that the battle over abortion will endure for a long time to come.
“We are the pro-life generation,” said signs carried by the crowd, about half its members appearing to be younger than 30. There were numerous large groups of teenagers, many bused in by Roman Catholic schools and youth groups….

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Also contributing to the confidence among abortion opponents are some recent political and judicial events. In the House version of the health-care reform bill before Congress, conservatives succeeded in inserting a remarkably strong antiabortion provision. And in November, antiabortion Republican candidates won governor’s races in VA and NJ.
And although he still lacks the 5 votes needed to scrap Roe, which established a constitutional right to abortion in 1973, Chief Justice John Roberts warned explicitly in a Supreme Court decision Thursday that there was no “inexorable command” that the court must preserve past rulings….
Activists who support abortion rights conceded that there’s less energy among young people on their side of the debate.

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“Unfortunately, I feel my generation is a little complacent,” said Amanda Pelletier, 20, co-director of the abortion rights group at American University. “It just doesn’t seem to be a very hip issue.”
Erin Matson, action vice president for the National Organization for Women, said that the current political climate is “terrifically hostile” to abortion rights and that her group hopes to organize a national march similar to a huge rally for NOW’s side of the issue in 2004.
Matson criticized President Obama and Democrats in Congress for having “put forth the most punitive proposed restrictions on abortion in my lifetime.” She referred to the provision in the House bill sponsored by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), which would prevent women who receive federal insurance subsidies from buying insurance that pays for abortions.

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Matson and Pelletier were among fewer than 100 abortion-rights supporters who demonstrated in front of the Supreme Court on the anniversary of Roe.
Young people in the March for Life said they thought they were more opposed to abortion than people in their parents’ generation because they had more information about the issue, in part because of their education….
“I’ve seen the pain that abortion causes women,” said Michelle Fabian, youth minister of St. Catherine of Siena Church in Lancaster County, PA. She said her mother still “can’t listen to a vacuum cleaner without shuddering” because it reminds her of the equipment used when she had an abortion before Fabian was born.
When feelings run that raw, this issue could stir controversy for 37 years more.

Despite his observations, McCartney closed his column still not getting it. Pro-lifers have no intention of letting abortion on demand merely “stir controversy” another 37 years. We intend to make it illegal.
Furthermore, McCartney doesn’t understand abortion on demand will always “stir controversy.” Abortion kills children. It is not an issue that will die down and become part of the American framework over the course of time. Pro-aborts freely admit they thought Roe v. Wade would settle it. Clearly, it didn’t, nor has the passage of time made abortion any more acceptable. Time does not quell evil. Time works oppositely. Evil is always ultimately defeated.
[HT: reader Jay; photos via DCist]

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